Show invers INVENTORY toby TORY OP OF AN A IND IDIA idla A VILLAGE an account was telegraphed of th bu burning burgling riling of the Chey cheyenne enne enno camp thirty miles milers from fort lamed larned kansas on the ahe of april in retaliation for recent out oui outrages rages the scene is described in a letter to the tile st louls louis written on the same day this morning gen hancock ordered the chey Ohey cheyenne onne and sioux lodges to be burned helas he was compelled to io adopt this course because after the delivery of oflus hi s speech to the fifteen ch chiefs lefi left they went vent and burnt three stations on the smoky hill route routt and scalded scalped ped disembowelled disembowel led and burnt three men employed at fossil creek sta pta station tion ran off several mules and horses on tha and gave gaye a good scare generally to fo the traders according to custara Cu stars official lepor report t to gen hancock the station hands arch ure leaving for america and tha the r ranc hemen are barricading barric barri cading adv adl ing lein their ranches and preparing for foi a desperate resistance Ata at a council of if war held heid it was deemed advisable to t retaliate ret allate immediately by burning th the e f indian village the following is a true I 1 list of the goods burnt this morning lodges 92 buffalo robes horn saddles travesties bead mats axes kettles 77 frying pans tin cups so 30 whet stones paint 98 water wafer kegs 7 ovens 41 grubbing horns 23 coffee m mills ils lis lariat ropes 1129 chairs chaira par fleeks flecks t 15 curry combs 67 coffee pots 46 hoes hoea 81 flicking nicking i irons horn 4 27 crow crowbars barsi 73 I 1 brass kettles 17 ha bammer hammer miner Q 8 stew pans I 1 1 IS 15 drawing knives kives 25 spades 4 sey ecy scythes thes 8 files 19 bridie bridle 8 pitchforks forks 15 tea kettles 90 00 spoons 15 L nives knives 10 pick axe axes elsword 1 sword 1 bayonet I 1 united states mall mail mai mat bag 74 stone mallets 1 lance 33 I 1 wooden spoons door mats 48 raw i hide ropes 22 meat ineat stones ithe the whole iq i supposed to amount to no less than an irretrievable lois loss to the indian tribes and Sioux bioux atwill it will require aire three thousand buffaloes buffAlo eq ito to be killed to procure rough hides to reconstruct their wig iiams warms warns the whole outfit af pf an all anti entire re wigwam costs costa on an n avera average loo they maa six different s stacks of f the effects taken from the village eve everything grything was promiscuously thrown in anzi andare pre are set st to them all in the same game moment the dry i poles of the wi wigwams bams caught fire like tinder and as the fire spread out the sight approached sublimity the forked i flames leaped into the air aar eddying and whirling about and making the whole sky black with smoke A terrible warning to tile the revengeful fiends wilo fresn fresti from fh the council the dla diabolical action on oti the lr route ides idea rabes and aud lodges into seething masses of blackish fatty sub st arices with the whit white e he viti fiti yiti lightning speed the fire i 41 an ini in enormous waves all around the huge bon 1 tires tired made roade out of the indian vill village a e the p prairie rairie ee seen seea ernell ael aei turned into luto a su surging aging lake flake of fire r abbou not nom rot moni ig f I 1 6 9 C t eions are that a t they will io are a report portent until december rt |