Show u cy by mer geo oco A shuh delivered vit vii tle the rabey taber nale salt lake loae e wy ofay 19 1867 vt I 1 I 1 REPORTED BY W LIVANS 1 I 1 i up propitious as ax the morning has beenke are assembled here for the purpose of receiving instruction it is a pleasure tome to me to meet with the saints I 1 feel the spirit that prompts them in the discharge of their duties and the response which comes from the congre to the speaker inspired by the 9 atlon aaion cirit iriton of the lord is mutually calculated eg to instruct and encourage us in the discharge of our several duties since conference I 1 have visited the settlements south to some extent accompanying compa nying president young on his journey I 1 3 have been much gratified ratified th atthe saints are lir progressing tessing and add that the teachings divent given at conference are aria being generally carried out although the setti settlements were then than but buti thinly represented in consequence of 0 the almost ampa impassable state of the roads the word world however r lias bas gone one forth and the feeling is implanted implant d in the thet breasts of the saints td make new new efforts arial endeavors ta th duties of their calling and to cultivate that spirit is necessary to enable us to fand aind and ta attain that position in iv the earth which god designs his kingdom 0 to occupy in the last days 1 1 1 I 1 must say that in traveling elfing tb through the country arid aud and looking at things as they naturally exist I 1 I 1 could but wah wonder that any anybody bad y on the karth earth artir could colm envy us the privilege of df living alt art in these mountain deserts desor tg ou our brethren in the ca cotton country have ler led to struggle against matui matil natural ral rai difficulties toa great extent and have oVer overcome comi them oni only J by maln main strength arld and a continued e exercise ie I e of that strength is 19 necessary to keep what whai they gain gag it is true that some of the settlements or oi towns are are loca located in position where they can obtain their waters for irrigation from springs ibis however is in a limited quantity the city eity of st george receives ats its water frodl from a number of bf springs which seem to tb be increasing 0 1 in 1 n quantity but if the tho eity city should be enlarged as anticipated ige the water will have to be brought from a it distance at a i ve very ry great expense 1 the ta bit eit city eity r lots iti lik ih washington ashington IV I 1 vand and To kerville are water watered dd by means of springs but the farming lands in washington Washing ton toh and st george are watered from the rio Eio virgen and santa clara rivers these streams are subject to floods the soil on their banks are so friable and uncertain that whenever a flood coches comes the dams dains that are placed plated in these st streams reanis to aid aia al ailin in taking out the me water vater are easily washed a away aalthe rani tani the cotton and ahil grain rain iraln fields ft can be irrigated only at a vast annual expense it meems seems a Us tasko con contend nd wit elein elements ent 4 and nd to a accomplish acom ish that ama it which 1 is s re required u ir ed 0 fil d I 1 jsnr M ery very well satisfied that hd oilier her ber pe people would ouid attempt q mpr ay y esdle loca joca c a a long loog time ime to come were we not occupying them the settlements already made are like oases ant inthe I 1 e desert debert they are made by 15 irrigation atlon aaion and the industry qt the saints ani ari dare kept flou C by the constanc constant application of jaba lahd tins T at glo geo repel with almost 0 it eidal yo aery set e ment in the territory aswell ns asto to those in the cotton country lap rau all lau the tile irrigation that is carried on whether aether it jit gefrom be tron large or ru sized streams is done at tit considerable expense and when wilen eiting the floco come com through the theli leit eit elting ino ing of the sudden ra rains insor inson or waterspout the fhe c canals nals are ate filled up and the works torn away which imposes mooses constant and continued abor on the hands bands of the saints the tho result Is is thatchat that whatever agricultural improvement is made is held hold by main maln strength now I 1 regard MI this s as peculiarly e cull euil arly fa vora bleto to the latter day da saints because they are possessing what nobody else elbe in the world would have bave you know when we lived on the rich fat lands of the mississippi and missouri valley our fields and improvements were coveted our enemies gath gathered bred around 6 us and attempted to drive ns us away avay arid ultimately succeeded and tind they robbed us ti of our inheritances which were worth millions of dollars when we located here we located on a ap t was wag not mot likely tb be bb desirable to an anybody else any further than air labor made it so the country in the gouth south southern rh part af of this territory is singularly constructed and embraces a variety of climates within a very few miles for instance when we reached parowan it ivas iras was cold the season was backward the bloom on the peach trees was wag scarcely visible we went on to cedar gedar eighteen miles miles farther and there was wasa a very slight change we then went on to Ka narra I 1 a settlement thirteen miles farther there was w I 1 a ayery very slight change but the season was as not near so forward as in salt lako lak cit city between and To kerville a distance of twenty three miles we pass over aser fes feg of low ridges ridge general generl ay ay iy denominated the black hid ridges about twelve miles of this road have been worked through gli rocks tocks at a very areat ireat greal great expense amditis and it is still very rough gh the winds and rains together have havo so blown biown and washed the boil from among the rocksie that it isa hard adad to travel thera there is 19 nothing bw onit it however howe vei vel but bup a few patches of sand band to hinder a team from haglid hauling considerable of a load when we had lild crossed this road an and d reached To kerVille it was to see the tho change hlll ifil in vegetation the tile town was perfectly green the apricots were from one thi fhi third to one half rown the peaches peache sr were a ha large as au lleti and the crapes all ali set and the stems formed and like ilke mid summery this was in fir the short shor some twenty three miles the little e balt bettor 0 laud upon which the settlements along agoti the southern border borden of the territory blessed with this thih climate are located locate was so narrow and alid that it was really believed bellev edby by those iho who first explored it that it was scarcely capable 0 population at all eve every ry year op more and nidre more its capabilities and the people coplea are ara r bc coming more healthy anu contented t d as prosperity smiles upon cupoli them and attends their labors I 1 I 1 have passed through the regj regi onto the south gouth of gue gur riu gettler settlements lits a great many times and I 1 have apen thankful for foi theties the desert ert that I 1 had bad to go over As many of you know it is manymules many miles from one spring or froni front ond one place plate where dt Is possible to obtain water to another there are water stations stat ions ionE i by springs or little mountain str syr streams eams but they go dry and it luis itis is generally fifteen miles nilles and sometimes twenty ty or thirty between each nothing grows there except excepts sage bage and an d a 9 little grass ras ra S and tind whence when we get to the southern tord borderi erlof of the territory we find thorns aud and thistles whistles es ardd arid the cactus which grows to altree alfree a free sq seven beven or gekht eight feet high and so thorny that no one ne can get near it I 1 was struck with the good condition of the cattle as 1 I passed through the country I 1 could not see what they got to eat 1 they would stand and watch the cactus it looked so nice and green but buit woe tl to the animals that th at touched it the earth in this tills region I 1 is forti fortified nned fled with thistle sufficiently to justify the prediction to adam when hen ben casic arde lii iii I 1 rt t horns iorns lorns hd thistles whistles es shall shail ft t brin g a 11 i 0 i tf IT P f A 0 rt lorta 0 f oth e I 1 cu etiva le ed by tie tte te I 1 brethren breth rep is a and nd sw cul cui cultivation avati i leem geem nto thang considerably in washington I an and S st george they have been greatly inconvenienced venie geed need in n consequence of mineral b being ein eln g in I 1 n the soil yon much of this mineral 1 land d is isi being reclaimed anether mr and ther pros speet sor 1 for of f f fruit fruitage u are very verv 1 1 odd I 1 10 ape lil lii vines 11 e s ra t 6 I 1 three or fotia eg agg ag the extent and breadth of soil forthe for fur the planting of vineyards and fak fai fal abundance of other fruit which tha climate is I 1 3 more mom particularly adapted than this upper region of tho tuo basin balin are being greatly increased to look at these thebe 4 little ittle spots one would think thinh that all the land susceptible of cultivation naas was now how occupied and ands that there was no room for more batby but by continued labor and expense additional land jand may be bo id reclaimed claimed the darm darn constructed four years ago for the irrigation of the farms near washington situated four miles mile above the town has been washed utby the floods the result will be to extent disastrous to the cotton crop crops and but little probably will be planted the fact is however that as soon as the people are abie able to do it they can dig canals onea omea cir clr side of the narrows where this dam has bus been located and thus procure a permanent supply tf of w water e tt tile i 1 proposed q canals anais will wil hilbring i bring under range of arrik irrigation sever bever several al thou thousand saud sand more acres of land y which by being carefully una and properly cultivated wiil will make room for many more gett settlers lers notwithstanding the mans many av ny difficulties with which the ebal have to eon ton contend tend we found them progressing and feeling well and warmhearted warm hearted most of them were sent there as missionaries and sacrificed good homes and competence in his this part of the country tb go and assist in n building up that mis mission masslon slon sion aud and we feel in A relation to them that they are arb really the choice children of israel th the er town bf bif st george is being built up magnificently many of the houses are of first class character character their improvements are permanent and their gardens gardena and vire hiie 1 yards are being cultivated in n a very vety tasteful manner and Us its present appe appearance seems to indicate that at no distant day it will be one of the most de delightful ilg 14 taul 8 spots in n creation 1 the rh people who were sent bent on that hat mis mission slon sion haver remained lix the cow coo country are those wha who are willing willingto to do what is required of them and determined to fulfill fulfil the laws lawa anid arid commandments ments of god gou there are many who thought the countr country V could hot not be bb reclaimed reclaimed and I 1 abandoned it who are scattered along the road toad between here and there arnd arid bame are vow now going baek aa back to makow taalke la beginning the bufi biti building idin loin g af ftc the cotton factory by bv president mit wit young at washington has also the saints it is a good building has excellent machinery is ca capable pable of m aking making considerable yarn and is calculated to promote the growth of bf dott cotton oil oli and to 6 rd derider der dez the permanent we vve dil did not vi visit sit kane kand county but understood that the settlers there had suffered red considerably fram arm floods in iv the IM bib virgen destra destroying ying the jhb the dams dawa and washing away fields and orchard orchards ards aids mandof the saints from rane kane coun county ay iy attended conference at st gedrge 6 hild and in the instructions that were wehe given lyen I 1 will say eay hay that so go far as adjan concerned eer lied I 1 was not annoyed during the able journey by being dr even en required 1 by gallantry or common gu courtesy t esy to take tea er or conlee connee the bi brethren ethren of the party abse observed the word of wisdom in this respect and wh wherever trever we wen went t we found the feeling to to do the same amid ge genearl nearl hearl huion hulon among the aa peo 46 some of bf the brethren who wbk had F iong long on been in the habit of chewing ka to bacco found it unpleasant but as a eriq general thing they were reflecting oil on the thi subject and were disposed in hi good ralth faith and with determination ti td ido do right president and hla his ma hia brethren were recel received ived at ave every ry place with de rations s of joy gratitude and plea sure pure the meetings were crow erow crowded ded and every building and bowery we assembled in seemed io fo be too small it was astonishing where so sd many people came from we realized that our ettie ettle merits were increasing and that our institutions were favorable tb to the increase of population still there is room for tor more for all werd were busy and had more thail than they could do and there are yet many ways in which labor cabbe can be ad id employed jn in building towns ans cities school esra esma ii aking 1 I 1 ci i V ith thi till lew jle of the subject p cari can nil nii but t express my thanks thail s for 0 all alb he e drawbacks peculiar to agur lo 10 location atlon here the mountains bernet berFet perpetual ual snows the deserts deserts the barren sage plains the sand hicls h ilis ills the mansions mineral in the soil and the uncertainty of the climate for they help to isolate and ard ah el tenus from afif our e enemies for for some cause from the time wo we commenced I 1 P miri mirl ett the principles of the gospel I 1 of christu Is t hasteen has been the fixed determination 0 efow f our enemies to destroy ua us and they have sought esery every occasion against ua us wherever we have lived behave been law abeling still we have been subjected to the power powen pwen of crat erat have shave robbed us of our inheritances and havet driven us from place to place pince but here while we have to contend with the sand rebuild our dams and to irrigate every ec parti cleof vegetation talat we raise for our sustenance we are nolon no longer subject to their molestation like the fabled fox in the brambles I 1 rejoice at these difficulties zhe she fox had been chased by the dogs and alid he escaped to the brambles he found himself in a rather thorny position but consoled himself with the reflection that though the thorns tore his skin a little th they ej kept off the dogs so it 1 is with us these mountain mountains s g and nd deserts with their changeable el mafi lafi andali and tho the e great d difficulty fal and immele immense labor necessary ec essary for us to endure anu ani perform p in order to sustain ustain fc 0 ourselves keep off those who would rob and deprive ns us of the comforts of life and every manof mon man of reflection who passes through this country is sart saat apt ta say tinis country adjust is just fit for t the e mormons cormons Mor mons nka nobody else wants to live in it to bo be surd sure suro men might come into your garden and partake of your strawberries and other fruits and seeing what a nice litt lepot you had made with twenty years of labor they might bay say had we not better rob them offilus of this fills or cannot we lay some plan to rob them of this there was a person of this kind over in blk bli nevada who presented a bul bill to congress to rob the latter day saints of their eri erl |