Show FOREIGN NEWS lit rl IA A nire fire eli ell engine ine lne i i r uie tio tie russian covern mont ment hu i heen been i beet manu manul I 1 db ly a london loudon firm and 61 size bize s eize tz larger falan than the tho angine alu h the gold and birst first money at the tho contest in sU olland holland jt it throw w a ll jet et of irater orator one oue and a half indies in diameter diameter sih sik fees feel high and to a distance of feet events are assuming a more and more afflicting appearance in this country auntry cpu tile tiie poles incorporated among ablong ciz lic th pus rusian russian s I 1 troops cantoned in tile the provinces provinces Wr bordering dering on tho the volga are arc said to have formed a plot piot unction with a secret society called the intention is teburn burnall to all ali the villages and towns of thle the provinces ace acci of the tho authorities bave have radan radau and samara but tho the town of Sim brisk and all the tho villages rolind around have fallen a drey to tile the flames ilk i I 1 1 1 t P or f jiin alip ji ip i i 0 n ca h L th ili ill i ein zin rn k all ali i pinc picc pi id hc w C tiu tin h liu rt s vt 0 f t tre I 1 e t town 0 v 1 itei itel 1 ei e i ants or of chauk co aek allm aels auk alls have ha c boen boon nent sent into uto i dle die the town tom tov n A comm inquiry i prided over by an aide de camp ot of the emperor orr i i v ra i open 0 the b nili nill i i r t i i u 1 vl ii rk iett eite t 1 l uth nth to t T md ind deprived tle in oi shi ji lter iter ater those disorders are not to he be wholly attributed t to tl the poles the i are above ai alldre I 1 1 I U to the peasants who are employing this nit ii a n mi thein rhin rh in olve lve ive it their thor ii t rc tbt ovla ovia maht baht h ibe ime t t u UA u runia rumia and alid r is E the emperor and empress of russia ari an ived at mulhouse the of oct and soon af ar i K lldon oll oil thair wiit wilt M vi visit sit lit to the tiie south i fi in t dunion I 1 union i U following analysis of the state stati ot 01 t htiu tie lie catholic church in fiance france there thero tilt tiit at ate aie ale C lix six ix cardinals afif teen ten archa ciol 1101 ti eliop ol itty nine cinc bishops oil hundred ind dmd nifty fifty elvo ft hix six ss hundred and sixty s canons canous three tapu wani nani three hundred and ninety eight vurn vura urit tem ten i twenty six sis thousand six ats imn hilli did dred and th ahr h ty er erv rora orthe odthe church t tn ten n thousand priests ets thirty thousand seminaries enit unit narles ind nd fifty thousand thou sand saud monks S SIAM slam I 1 ani an english newspaper new now is about bein being started at bangkok to be published published publish eg weekly and to le edited by ferge fergusson Fer fen gusson gussom lon ion I 1 connected conn ted with ith alth the singapore pie 4 the subscription price is to be b 4 I 1 bangkok ii is divided b by a variety of schisms sms tile the revenues of slam siam are sadil to amount toi twi sum equal to per annum TIIE THE MW NEW zeana ZEALA war WAE A large number of the hostile chiefs chie chio have laid down their arms and submitted unconditionally to the tho imperial authority thoi tho rity ity gen gon cameron camerom says 1 I herewith enclose the terms of ponce peace which lideh were granted to them and with i hi bieh bich eli cli the they all expressed themselves 9 sat rat a t fled ailed cd are now at an end ih bi this thid part odthe colony and there is ril rii rilon on to hope th tha the liberal accorded accordi d to the of f taur taut aull a aia ai aua i aa a may h in i aiice tice other I 1 tribes to mie their ons ona JAPAN dated froni sroni rora yokohama give gine nothing of interest drori yeddo I 1 the tee Tycoon ls is pr et leally a ministry A bold aud and dastardly attempt has been made it at lile ilic murder odthe tycoon scoon by poison something transpired transpire tran spir which zave save 01 ilc ile warning of the faai a gorou plot ciol upon a cert cent certain still bem ili iii I 1 tendered to 11 his lin majesty some p arty party wa as compel lef lei ni to partake oi of it who im fell lul to the ground in creat asony the tile removal remo romo al of aadal from tho tilo office of recent Regent I 1 ia announced rev B R Hii Itai mlton nilton chaplain to her fors forn at shan shanghai 1 1 was seiz belz cd ed aittia with a tit N v hilst bathini r 9 at tit tyl mi t and diel died at L uie oie ore use the tho sli sll ore one tho tiring hi airo 0 the american Lm errean stevin st estmer ier MO monitor 1 aitor hy by the tim Japa japanese nese neso junks eilts effta cilta 4 grat grit comm nt DE f tile the articles artiel le oc 01 tile the danl Dani danish ty of peace are imbie lied tile the porton of the thu danish det de t which folis foils upon the cities ellies am teto irto ir 4 to of reas daler dalee 4 albil ab IL denmark birin i herse 1 i t t the captured einman tinman 6 oman man sh sch 1 v th ith their cargoes wherever v liere r th L 1 1 11 U r V llave have not been bee bet u al kii ili r idy ily old sold s I 1 11 I 1 nl 1 l 1 denmark unk anler i al akob s to compensate the owners F france frasce R C E tr r trient i between the french aryn oid rid A N no rab insurgents in algeria A erla eria on tiie tile gath t ii alid alili jach of septell iber ibur ru v suited bulted in arabs bein being killed and wounded and over fre french clr cli fiol eold lers diera CRET CREAT BRITAIN no adail addil additional tion al news from calcutta bad reached Engi ingland and ind the london aji th ping Gaz gazette ette etee of the ath says saya great anxiety exists among the shipping interest respecting the fato fate of the fleet of merchantmen merchantman merchant men mentioned in the telegrams to have been driven ashore and damaged by the great gale in lit india it is calculated that the value of the ships and alid cargoes is at least from to sterling the greater part of which belong Liverpool tA to merchants the english admiralty publish tho the following I 1 iv by telegraph from paris we hear til that at the straits of are open the having havin been been boen forced by sixteen eil ell ships of war after three days fl fighting ight rig hig 1 all the batteries have been destroyed desti oyed and sixty im I and anti afi t 0 ir r 4 1 I i ol 01 i tk rk 1 hh ot llie lire i u 11 tt 11 1 11 1 t 1 nn rin the thi rv r tilt tiit nl hil I 1 no ii lae ial bave have been beca killed the Ji ralea have lae asked tor for peace |