Show MINUTES of a conference held in st george nour noer uh ath ah and ath 1864 U FRIDAY nov 4 ag 4 7 lof lot 10 a m 1 j meeting I 1 eting opened by singing prayer by bishop D W me arthur singing prest snow made a few preliminary prell preil mnary remarks prest henry harriman spoke in a very edifying manner encouraging the saints to increased faithfulness benediction by bishop II 11 gyring ayring fi IT p in singing prayer by elder eider wm crosby singing elder asa calkin spoke on the necessity of governing the temper and of being humble elder john showed that we should not be united in any of the practices of wickedness but that in all things pertaining to righteousness ahm th saints should be perfectly united preste preste snow gave an account of tile the recent festival given to the members of zions camp in G S L city he s spoke ow of the labors of the first Pre presidency and twelve ili in trying to unite tile the deop people c on oil temporal matters and their success this year together with the great good which will result from such union singing benediction by bishop 2961 lt ga gardner r d n e r Y SA SATURDAY 10 a 3 in singing prayer by bishop A P winsor singing elder jesse jessen N smith lately returned from a mission to scandinavia scandinavia expressed his gratification at be being ng present and gave ave a short account of his liis riis mission sion slon and of f the earnest desire of the saints abroad to gather home to utah elder win wm H dame gave an interesting account of the seo sef settlement of iron county and contrasted the present flourishing condition of the country between here hero and great salt lake city with the sterility which characterized it when vilen lie he passed over it at the first settlement of that county bishop joshua T willis spoke on the necessity of the existence of unity among all tile the saints considered that we could sustain ourselves in this southern mission by wisely economically and directing our labors recommended that we raise obrown wheat and thought tb that at if we did so we could produce more cotton than we now do the clerk read a circular from mr wm win H hardy addressed to the ithe citi zena zens 8 inviting trade with C call cali 13 bomm fia vici the colorado river biver ahlai ahl abi aul gi T 1 l ing a list of prices of articles he will furnish at hardys landing on tile the colorado among others flour 10 per ibs lbs bacon lacon per pound bound general merchandize merchandise dize at a small advance on sail francisco prices transportation to or from san F franeisco francisco ran elseo cisco to hardys landing from 3 to 4 cents ber pound the foregoing rates will of course be understood as payable in coin after singing prest harriman dismissed the meeting by prayer rpm in singing prayer by bishop lunt singing 1 I 1 bishop A P winsor NV insor spoke on the tl temporal condit condition loa ioA of the people engaged I 1 in tile tiie southern mission giving some practical advice ili in regard to properly tilling the ground elder silas S gi smith ith spoke encouragingly of tile the future of st george and of the gratitude due to god for the safe r retreat clie he has provided for us in t the tho elle eile valleys of the mountains 11 elder J AL whitmore expressed ills his satisfaction with his home in the south and that he intended to be obedient to the counsel of those over him he spoke of the advantages of union in ift carrying on any work especially so with us in the kingdom of god tile the clerk read the tile list of names of those called at the october conference in ili great salt lake city ci ty to assist the tile southern nils Alis mission sion slon k prest snow made some remarks on the proceeding of the october conference he also aiso spoke upon the propriety and necessity of making settlements on op the colorado an and id rio virgen preparatory tor to bringing our immigration that way he further spoke upon tile the feces ity of adopting measures to sustain ourselves in our mission he alluded to tile the fact that a convention of experienced men from the settlements in washington and kane counties was at present in session in this place devising means to this end to promote concert con eon eert cert of action and a uniformity of prices for our pro ducksin exchange for grain etc choir san han sang bang bend bene benediction diction by elder geo A burgon v SUNDAY 10 a in singing prayer by elder eiden elder eiden cioca hosea hosca stout singing bishop 11 1 1 lunt addressed the conference upon the temporal interests of this mission the secretary of the convention assembled ili in this city to establish prices for cotton molasses etc read the in min utes of tile the proceedings of the convention and the resolutions adopted by them giving the follow following i ng prices cotton per pound molasses 4 per gallon preserves 0 6 per gallon tobacco 3 per jound found pound the foregoing prices to b be goI gol gold or its equivalent equivalents 7 prest snow spoke at considerable length upon the action of the convention urging unity in regard to our prices and exhorting the tile brethren to eat what corn and vegetables they tiley have and stay at home and sow what seed wheat they have instead of going north at present to trade singing by the choir benediction by bishop robt gardner 2 p in singing Sing singing prayer by elder charles smith int singing ning n ing sacrament administered elder jacob hamblin addressed the conference in an encouraging manner exhorting to diligence and obedience to the counsels of tile the priesthood t elder F B woolley made some remarks upon the benefits bene fits lits to be derived from meeting together in conferences and other religious assemblages and spoke on the temporal interests oi of this mission the general authorities author ties of the church were unanimously sustained by the tile vote of tile conference the following local authorities were unanimously sustained erastus Snow President of the south ern mission hosea stout president of the high council john marius ensign walter E dodge albert P tyler lys lysander inder dayton james G bleak F B woolley david H cannon danli daull danl dinic arthur john 0 angus bur burgess ass members of the high council win wm fawcett president of high priests quorum win wm P me president of mass quorum of seventies 4 miner G prest of elders eiders quorum ft tile the bishops and presidents of branches laboring in the southern mission I 1 on together with the tile presidents td of or the tile lesser prie priesthood strood remain as th they ey NN ere era and were un unanimously ani sustained elder snow proposed that a few men be jq selected gelep ted tomake further ri on pil tile the colorado t and ascertain the best bat abul route for a 1 road nolo froat P head of navigation on that biyer and recommended that they enter without delay on their labors and report in about three or four weeks the selection consists of elders jacob hamblin james al whitmore angus M cannon and david H cannon conference adjourned till 10 a m on the first friday in may 1865 benediction by president E snow JAMES rames G BLEAK clerk |