Show wot Kot icea reaches PEACHES 0 NIO xio NS J r kill will WILL tak tat take la in exchange for the above wheat L fur bashel bushel apply earit 43 at G 11 WALLACE 17 b h ward information wanted lutner LUTHER 1 L thomas thomasf Is in this this territory or or IP rec ive this elsewhere he will conter confer a favor by addressing a letter ietter to sami saim ADAIR washington Washing tOni agton ca cai cas UT MOLASSES 3 MILL AND BOILERS bollers r MC so v ss I 1 I 9 ATER MS MODERATE xe 4 inquire e of y H t 51 2 i A elso eart EisO east tempie temple street v NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS PAYEES 1113 territorial county and city taxes tags are re now due T JL and parable payable all persons lwe twe resin are requested to Settle their taxes at an early day dy and thereby save eave payment can be made at my office at the tha oa ca mondays monday rhu Ihu and saturdays ot or each week T BURTON burron 4 fr asses or and collector siut 1 tit s COOPERS convention CON VE wr r 10 IN rii ril ene THE 11 in COOPER P this ctr city reap inform the rubble that hat in 0 OP of Jn ceased bf pro ilece ilice thy th y bare have been to increase the or for their wares the following flues fines flu ea n u bud saw or ats its ta eq avalen have been adopted in assembled assem blei 40 gallon barren barrels s 3 fj 6 00 36 30 t f 1 M 5 5 00 20 to 25 fy 1 4 50 10 to 15 4 00 5 to 8 3 00 washtub medium size 4 50 churna iron hoops 5 00 pelia pelis 2 50 butter tubs 4 00 b 44 3 00 50 b 2 50 OTHER ARTICLES I 1 int lit x proportion pro PaO PORTION 48 tf G 0 D B E to inform hia bla numerous f friends ard and custom v W era that he lie will receive ina in tew lew di A ay 0 TIME pi ta TRAIN Z A IN INAN ts costal assortment 0 1 IW rt aruo drugs sand and medicines WINES AND etc 1 l i which will be fon for forss fotss sa atte OLD Wone one ona door be bel low h a old adnas St Mett ALSO A A well wali selected LINE OF DF 0 sr STAPLE 4 falit Go T thu shu conijn dry goods 4 vs alaa alak ea zes zer X ES S y croc te il r lehe lehm lale ar wi aro are 1 7 l az 3 wig wis v boots niia mild shoes 11 hats its and caps etc efm etc etc yf S which will wiil vf opened at the tho a CS r bf HOOPER elfriedge ELDREDGE two doors doers below iha iba telegraph office aali atil hozt FIRE firl PROOF STORES on the comer come ct of rast nast and aad cirit flonie tempie temple streets US ae 0 40 af tnt n C ca A WOOL WOOLI WOOL woon lyoO LII BRING RING your lai lal lal lai la i years wool at oncey onee ones that it ma my ie be eliher carded or carded lind and spun before th thia ihla ige ife aro wo wool wooi 01 comes tn in the grease had better belter be sent separate t i rate to be mixed at the factory at the raie rate of I 1 pound of clean grease to front 6 to 10 8 pounds of wool ito 1 to js 6 is thought best beat ak one oni dath of the rolls or IG 23 23 cents a apo pound rind tind for carding card ing and ene uce ne third ol 01 the yarn for tor or carding and spinning 28 tl tous xoung YOUNG NG WO 01 eard CARD ING carding machine on vity olis creek near my residence mr Is now in operation please tend end the grease se prate separate from the coollie wool wooi tee toe e waxed at the Fac factory torro at the rate of I 1 pound of clean grease to from irom 6 to 8 pounds of wool I 1 to 6 being thought bea bert 23 t i HEBER C KIMBALL DAVID JDAVID 0 caloe CALDE 11 X GENT all kinds ot of a nd d siusi murd muri A a cal ate Mer chandle plano piano fortell i abinet organs orens and goltara selected by competent aal person sand warranted to give satisfaction all instruments delivered at wyoming nebra nebraska kay kai outwitting outfitting out fitting place this feasor season at kanuf achurra prices and always oaf orf hand band the very best qually of vio leoncello len ien cello ceilo and buttar fittings fity ings 28 tt W P F dermit 31 D ald AID AND rii S aci ajl all OFFIC eind Bind residence ill doors boath ot of 1 1 itt tt X C factory oryo j flaw 3 persons knowing themselves indebted to me fot for berv borr ices icet abd conr al r invited to bettle settle attia attie id ml in 17 r A NOTICE it jolita JOHN B FOSTER roster tipa tira istl ward aaril MB M informs hia his friends and nl patr pathor gue que that teabe be haa has rented rooms in it MR AMR G D watus WATTS haf 0 in tha th 20 d varl itri VT rd rl where be will cantlope cont cant inne tope to 10 M cloth apons a izirer rie ile neis nels Is now no w well provided wit wilh h gooda goodine new w wide arid aril narrow arms and nud na every other fua lua needed for the abe manufacture ot of good cloth jeans lin ineys shawls scotch plaids liden linen etc etc lia iia promises to elve give entire to those who may entrot him with iber wk work sa KB Us will take WOOL er or ROLLS BOLLS to manufacture on snares 23 tl f AUSTIN auttin M U CLARK W KERR MILTON E olad CLAB ir CLA C 0 1 Q M al 41 KT am 0 ES ML w CS at greag great salt lako lake city DEALERS IN COI col cozy colm GOLD DUST y anaf not EXCHANGE f MONET rece RECEIVED iVED ON DEPOSIT i C correspond or respond ra with ili lri N ea boll t an B bank a n k new york tork ba charlt a rk I 1 noo co leavenworth clark ce 7 denver denbei it rj refer by permission to 10 bak B blk buk ak ot of commerce Commet ce e new rork tork drexel moo loo co 29 tt BEN i HOLLADAY il W L I 1 I 1 A J L S 9 Y new york G S I 1 L city HOLLADAY 11 ALSE ya B BA A N TV r 16 17 ali ta L jl pj 1 la 11 tt R T sa 0 1 AT THE OFFICE OF THE STAGE LINE LIKE lri III G 0 S L L CITY nill WILL vill PJ Y THE HIG HIGHEST HE S T lutes JUTES RA TE S FOR fon F 0 R goed DUST AND AN D eoin COIN ida lia i GOLD DUST purchased for tor coin or cur rency GOLD or CURRENCY CURRENCY DRAFTS jod pod od on newyork New Nw York san sari francisco civco clico cal virginia city idaho idabo denver city colorado atchison hison kanas ean kan as portland oregon victoria british columbia Colu moia mola REVENUE STAMPS and POSTAGE CURRENCY for sale govens purchased par pur chased 8 32 nt tit X P JUST RECEIVED BY fy SW S W S goob grobes v i sa FIRST riest trall TRAIN sk A AD AND CHOICE STOCK OP OF DRUGS MEDICINES W S GODBE rut iut I ut xit temple streel streu micral r 11 ri C cral ral ab t i r i b r NOTICE 41 subscriber i bas has as forty A arre aire dres of god rod BOO land two alles THE milea aboyo abote mill ull on Jordin jordan twenty acres acrea meadow and twenty plow lands wila wita a house honse which he het wiil will aall sell cheap chei nur fur stock or cash osh 49 tit tt E IV VAN ron r eor FOR OR salm salte GOOD HOUSE and loir lor la in farmington davis A county hait halt a block east ol 01 the court house por for nf n P at W S godbeh store city 19 4 JAME JAMB S lir LIN I 1 I 1 commission MERCHANT BATTERY STREET SN FRANCISCO calle CALIF CA california ORNZA f sight drafts on salt laki late city utah terri territory tory 64 66 austin nevada territory particular ATTENTION GIVEN alven TO pur pun PUR fun CHASES FOR otari sa tt tf A balland einset dorl doll OR SALE at the TITHING OFFICE and at WIL iob FOB mam llam LIAM shop nill nili ward five dollars i a gillony in coln cola or its equivalent la in cu tency heber REBER 0 kluball KIMBALL gnipp 0 T 9 A bibin NO 9 10 R 9 CHEAP toh TOR hla CAR I 1 BY E B 5 liSS arcaldi alid and sena seea SEE a 24 tt WEAVING IN TIIE THE goth WARD NOTICE OP REMOVAL i HAVE removed my business operations to that new I 1 houe noue one block enst east abad and two north of the lime limo klin eliu elin where I 1 esi asi prepared to weave waive all kinds of cloth th that t can be made nude in tte the territory I 1 will win work wool and flax flax on shares into JEANS KERSEYS SHEETS BLANKETS FLUSHED STRIPES BALMORAL SKIRTS RAISED SPOTS DIAPERS ETC ETC to 0 pip produce a tn p erbor article of cloth I 1 holders of large largo quantities of wool and land flax would do we U to 16 apply early the people who w would 0 id be independent must ie be seft beit belf sustain ingi if it we would be seif telf sustaining we must encourage the development of home manufactures I 1 24 tf J JAMES anres mcgille iye IlE F CHISLETT curr CURK have just received and are arc now opening one of the m moat ost COMPLETE STOCKS MUMS OT or merchandise al ME RC HAND ISE lse EVER BROUGHT TO UTAH busl c 70 MI CS 4 C ad LB are arbot of the very BEST eval eual QUALITY att ATY have been selected to meet the wants of the people and will be sod sold at OUR S STOCK TOCK EMBRACES I 1 GROCERIES dye stuffs cutlery hardware STAPLE AND FANCY fandy DRY GOODS ladies and misses HATS and SHAKERS plain and fancy HAIR NETS and and a splendid lot ot of GENTS YOUTHS and CHILDREN 3 HATS alsop albo also a large magnificent stock of welts boots A nagos 33 aos gos oos which tor for style variety and quality cannot be excelled in the territory we proud would call special attention to our URGE EXCELLENT STOCK OF GLASSWARE ohina CHINA and ima QUEEN r WARE which embraces and des desirable article bittl clank ah li to a iw GOODS NEW GOODS goodsm so E R wish to call the attention al ot ol the citizens ot of wa thia w territory to our I 1 kov yov AT am stock of goods just re received calved comprising everything usually la to this market which ich we shall bhail sell at uniform low prices our stock consists la in part bartol of a iao tino ioe Select lon lou of 1 4 STAPLE DRY GOODS HARDWARE BOOTS AND SHOES GRO C ai g S QUEEN PAINTS OILS DYE PYE STUFFS nalls nails GLASS TOBACCO 1 SPADES SHOVELS GRAIN AND GRASS SCYTHES r STOVES hollowware HOLLOW WARE I 1 4 T I 1 ac ac m li elt elf I 1 KIMBALL LAWRENCE e 13 BI M uti DURELL RELL WM B HUGHES boise city idaho san Francisco dl B do byj al 4 BUD n kella della olla ulla CO cop WHOLESALE RETAIL DEALERS I 1 I 1 lit n i at dry goods groceries liquors boots f elot CIol ikin liin provisions aili aill anil outfits generall generally t 1 dl BOISE KOISE CITY IDAHO TERRITORY in fi 6 th ely g general bustness business business B 8 U UD ir t co w wili will ili ill pay particular attention to sales ot of Consign consignment ments et of the production products ot utah it required on CoMMissi commission OH in such cases caseb libera libena L wll wil wiit the ibe demada fildo on add and we solicit per tans sach such articles artl cles cies to this market to give us a call 41 t persons persona from irom utah desiring BACK freight nth as will pay a profit uca guch uch aa as tear teay COFFEE SUGARS ac 0 it j wildo wilt do weil wol to examIne our stock to E makenz akin sep as owing to tha the tact fact act that one member ot of our flim firm r ses sides at san francisco we are able to buy bay on better terms and therefore can give better bar bargains bargagna gains gaina than any house in these mount maunt mountains m ains or valleys bise balse city olty idaho march 10 1864 27 am MILLINERY GOODS OF THE MOST SUPERIOR QUALITY AT rilus one block north of union square mar war country people are respectfully invited to give her ft a ca a I 1 39 am produce raees TAKES JOHN F kinney KINKEY X MT onney ORNEY LAW AND yi genen GENER af COLLECTOR WILL makke make collections in any part of 0 europe and la in any cy locality in the loyal states on reasonable terms and nl promptly remit proceeds ne he will also ailo act as agent and attorney in the si sale ct of rel rei estate ans and in the settlement sett fett lement ot estates la in per pei onalu rutih bie BIB interested 9 WILLIAM clayn CLAYT mV eq oi of hait bait fit git like city allt ill prepare the necessary powers of attorney and forwark to me into at washington city joun JOHN F kinner olty city aug 1 1863 J t AM AN paying 50 cents n ts a po and la in cash and for lor good clean raw cotton 23 lt tt brigham TOUNG WEAVING WEAVING I 1 NOTICE or OF remover REMo rAJ zai IT kte tte removed my ray business to that building in n tia tio b ligh in 12 b h wardy ward lately occupied by mr Il inkley hinkley black smith emigration treet street eat east of eist bist te tempha pa streek street where I 1 am aai prepare prepared tl to 10 weave all kinds of cloth cioth and will guir cuir rantee to turn out as good aa an article as 1 made ID in any auy part of the territory orye oryo I 1 will work worx wool or flax on hares shares into JEANS jeany BLANKETS ora or superior perlor aa cloth tor tot ovelt OVER COATS I 1 also aiso exe ange cloth f or wool wooi or rolls I 1 will sell tell yards of 0 cloth for produce those abo wish irael to b nde Ude It pendent dependent sho should u id encourage home manufacture come oo 00 with orders and I 1 will fcc accommodate yon you A tew few good wanted 41 tf EDWA enward edward RD rou HOLT PREPARE TO MOUNT E be befu beff veave leave to ann inn ance to our car friends that we a W ly prepared to furnish saddle saddie less bridles Brid leb leg harness no eel sterk belts scabbards and anil whatever comes comei ia in our un lin OB on the thor abor shorten test notice and neat neatest esit style work II 11 j ranat FAUST D W jones JOKES second south bouth temple streets street one door 0 sulk sull 45 tf t of faustos ant St stables bits bles 1 vy MARTIAL marcial MUSIC I 1 E BEESLEY zda opening to tech teach the th WS af alt JL who wish ish ta clearw lear wiit wilt present at the ui council bone eone OB on monday Bren brunings ings kt at 6 allu tc lock jock 49 at drw |