Show 0 ti r TO A ALL 11 ry 11 C 0 K N C lra ira 11 ti 13 D M OWING 0 WING to the unsettled otate state ot of ironer AFFAIRS we shall shail all penona persons having havins accounts with la tw to settle bettle tha iha same bame tametha the FIRST OF MONTH LAWRENCE sait salt lake late cy fly feb yeb feb 3 24 NOTICE BA droke BROKE roes roee into my ray lot let on or about the a speckled eifer KirER three years olds old oid with wide spread bonef branded I 1 ier yer or J on the lett left hip the cne oxner Is requested to 10 etch fetch her away and pay the bili 1111 32 2 THOMAS FENTON aa 61 ward Is practical P A C T I 1 C A L 3 E av EL E R WILLIAM JONES h to tor hia bla friends and the the j haa bag commenced la in the above on the east eart rifle ot of main ula street ono door south bouth of the nee zee hive hire match mateu factory rie Fit tory all ali neatly executed LLOYDS NEW EW MAP liar OP OF 1862 1062 or tiie THE cne UNITED STATES TEE THE 8 AND aid NEW HEW BRUNSWICK MAPS mars ever in intha the world IT tee TEB I 1 rice in color colored edy edg 1 10 I 1 0 each in cash cist or orone one bushel of wheat one ot of corel corn cne one rn and a hit half of oatt ait oit 4 lb be ct oct butters batter or 4 lbs ibs of it tallo tallow maps mapa mounted on linen with rollar boilers roll roi lers tr nicely varnished tarnished with rings ringa ready foy for up antl anil aped to keep for a generation arg are ra 5 00 ah in caslib ewh er or five tive times the tho amount of 0 gran grain ac as specified above many mamy U 7 families have a I 1 ready reasy supplied and these those who wile haye hare not can obtain them at geo oia ous oi oie a block muck east esst elt elu of i the ae anse Anee robly ll 11 ilo llo boope 23 32 23 3 leih ward uyi MEI aai mii V Q mab HE highest mark market e t pice piles will be paid pil fer fsr good 1 brit on your youn aa r nid to it Is blacksmith BLACK blace shop min uin sin streets street cr or to jonn JOHN M bollwinkel 31 3 be second cond home house wet wet of 0 neward REWARD 63 T osep oston on the th antt between Sess Sei forb lorb settlement gand land ll 11 and salt balt sil sit lake lle city a gold chel chei ohel ring HING wita with boid bold abuid kd stone tone and aind hair inserted Ineer ted inide inside whoever has hi found the same lime and will leave lerp it wilh with it A guir qu lr barter will rec ive lve Iye the abote above reward J SLADE 32 1 11 selon settlement delinquent territorial terri TEnni TOniAL TAXES ils lis citizens cil cit liens of great salt lk like county who have not yet let settled their taxes are requested to do to so a looper delay la to these thebe matters must emit be tt ends ende with ath additional cost the assessor and collector sincerely hope this thiis friendly rf endly hint him will be regarded retarded by those who are and J an vent the he necessity nt ci eslay of advertising names and anu property pro porty party erdich will also incur addition additional ex pene penne n RT T BURTON 32 it assessor Asse saor isor and collector Coll eUri eurl ettor G S I 1 L co SOW CLEAN SEED SIEVES steves and riddles bre ire kept on lins lina for tor it saie sale for cab cash or grall at the BASKET manufactory manu nanu 7 FACTORY ean east incle street 32 1 SMITH PEARCE THE BOOKS aile ARE STILL V ose OKE bushel of wheat one and anil a half of oats oils orone and a quitter of barley darley at the 5 sore sure t re in 8 3 L city olty will yet par ono one rears ter subscript ti tion on to that popular and useful illustrated pir radical THE AMERICAN agriculturist to accommodate several tor for three bushel of 0 wheat dellver td a as above I 1 will supply tor for oae oa rear year THE scientific AMERICAN I 1 have been ben informed the westher weather Is 1 unfavorable nar far the delivery of grain from distant settle nien ulen if it proper documents from parties are sent tent to me rne with witti the aames of I 1 I 1 will do the beet best I 1 can till fill the rods roda arg are ra good rood bishops and slid presidents ct of bass if ir the peo pla are to increase la in thy iby thy mast must real resl rge 1 l 31 1 HENRY 17 NAISBITT TO tire THE STATES i VY aa 1 I 1 ax ROODS aej ai kcf I 1 any do cil r tion lion ans and freighted to this city altron on reable ty ly to the ab I 1 design leaving fi far the bt in march ext apply at ath lious or denwood ys storo stor tor o R G S nolty JIMES jlmes NEEDHAM NS ednan EDnAM MS M 12 S 3 ah ward aril NOTICE J IF TF any ny cne ene cn knew the ilia whre bou rou tou of a civo fl year alil j brown steer branded ari all combined on left hin hip crop and two fitts flits in right ear par and upper halt bait crep crop la to lefts lefi left v I 1 11 I 1 bf bo res rei rewarded yarded by giving riving the ito information to SM 2210 22 10 A hatch natch lebi uhl str STRAY AY I 1 nate HAVE in ray nay a dark dirk brindle oy wih arith white belly bellr ana nl hort short tail tall branded with a aroi cros on lt the e len led birris horn alij alid A P cut tui in the tie sume sums THOMAS ATKIN AT KIN 33 32 1 city olty on OIZ THAT whir WHIP I 1 rf I 1 the arron who picked up the r turnip which dropped acra a blele near the ward rooms robinson Roo noo inson on evenings evening the gintant In tant rill brans brin fame fam to W S godliep God lies liEg deug drug drug stare start maln miln st ie dball be tee rewarded with a good dose ot of or anything else elie he be may ray desire 32 22 1 TAKEN UP lup BT y the th bub sub briber living oa on indian creek rix six ix ml in leei leht north of Ilea liea baver naver very verg bravet braver co dec 20 one light iron gray eray lo 10 bo be about eight year years 0 d branded brini led 8 8 on the left tet hip no other mrk marks perceived also alto one on bright by hore nore sTir pities e to be cleyear tive five yearb years old two smail email white pelt spew la in hia hla forehead tore fore had no othe marks p owner cn can have the above by provine pro erty nd a 32 11 JAMES E U NOTICE V aur AVE into my inclosure on an the lah int mr one red TITO CALP calf no brands branda visit ie irh one red ted helfer HEIFER white face no brands branda visible one red HEIFER v hito hlf str str in and three white feet one r d and white bull bail calf with white while stripe strips nn on face no bracell visible owner are rr quested to come and prove pr perty pay charges and lake late them aawar appy to JOUN JOHN ANDREW 32 10 1 council irona south bouth end ath ward PUBLISH ST IT nan DAW TO TELL IT TO YOUR NEIGHBORS THAT MAT I 1 cam CAN AND ND WILL SELL sele THE CHEAPEST fa fl arl ld it THE tue WHOLE TERRITORY zi I 1 IP F rou you da do not blIT it lt 0 count ibm h two pa sor lor 6 5 cents cerite from foar roar to five fire Uund kundrad rad BB mn B m B n ary bly sly ay iy sold tor for twenty alte fire cont I 1 will mii mil fr for CENTS e 01 N M I 1 19 A U 5 eacel A cut VIT 0 UX 1 ish ISA 3 amard two doors north of dr an dersons der sons sont I 1 pico Picc D 1 acot acou sect rint tint nit rit to wholes sale daic purchasers pers sers all kidds ma ot produce taken 32 if liu IRS X U OME lud lay ME FIRST SERVED T 0 arrive in an a few daya daja direct from fram california T A f T or N EW CT A 0 i nor Dor hickory ga Satine tp denims Cotto nades I 1 chec check sk jeans prints brints ticking delagnes De laines crinoline bibbons notions csar glass lrea iren te ten wails boffice com cof co mice sec white read lead tobacco To bacco hacco putty rutty pepper paints spices brushes powder dye stuffs stuff is I 1 jr scythes knaths knives cradles bochet pocket knives spades sheep shears shovels spring balances blocs busts screws forks locks c latches miners tools crass fiand saws camp do tenuous dot do got tea do wood rood do bahe bake planes fry pans trowels cups cancers San cers loonin lookin loor LooE sinz sins glasses plates mates tumblers goblets bowls casta casto cantors castors Ca stars its iss 4 hats bonnets coat coats shakers rants pants ants 1303 tees silk brdas do Manuc ts cris ceis copper io toes leather boots and shoe shoes homemade home made aal aad imported ed shuh ival tx any axy osher tor for mt ns and orna ornament runt ari pal pak aliks 0 oats oais sa edey barley C res nes a a al MALN A S STREET TR E E T AW ARRIVAL or G 0 ra co W most respectfully invite the he aty of the citizen salt lak laka city and territory to their large and welt select selected td cd S T 0 C K X cr N EW J sst uso received from california consigning CONSIgn NG IS IN vart PAST cr OF merrimack MERR mace mACK HAMILTON AMERICAN spragues Ef CONESTOGA AND ra PACIFIC P prints prin R I 1 N T TS sa BIOW tamy Sati satin Satia nets ets Lin kin I denims flannels cheeks checks hickory Hicl cory tory jeans T wood 2 AND 13 A FULL tull tux tul i rine LINE or dresa GOODS WINTER imd ab SPRING CLOTHING nw m HATS HARDWARE CROC CROCKERY kery KERf AND CRYSTAL WARE wane RE A ver very large stock ot of suu SUB mm COFFEE TEA TOBACCO CIGARS PEPPER R SOAP caudr 5 DYESTUFFS dve dye STUFFS jag OILS PAINTS rainus NAILS grass ASS A ND ii bal hal asas eban ss nt as f Y r we e respectfully invite the citizens of itah 0 call bill alad and examine our GOODS premium allowed on gold N S CO I 1 f at the store formerly by STAINES needham co G S Is CITY ortt jan IS sis SIX |