Show CONFLICT ALABAMA intelligence recently received at new york from the department of the gulf represents that the fleet of steamers sent by commodore Farr farragut agit to recapture the harriet lit lat lane consisting of the sloop rf cf war brooklyn the tho Ilat Halt hatteras teras uras eraa and five other steamer etea mera meia a while off galveston Gal gai veston saw a steamer in the offing the I 1 c amander of the hatteras Hatt eras eraa was ordered to get his hia ship under way for the purpose of speaking in b thy stranger it was late in the day and nearly dark before the hatteras caze caine within hailing balling distance f the strange steamer Bt eamer in answer to the inquiry as to the name of the suspicious craft she replied rep had her her per Ma majaca jaa jab sloop of war spitfire the commander of the hatter hatteras ordered acting sail bai ln lin masler maser partridge with a boit boat and crew to go aboard the steamers steade ste amert ame which was afterwards ascertained certa ined tobaie to have been the tha thep thap ph ivateen iv ateer albami allba J I 1 the boat honeying con coh colv ying eying the officer had not ac corin coring to his report as p ablis ed erf shoved off ff I 1 more than a ships length before the alabama alias spitfire poured a broadside into ithe the hatteras which was repaid to I 1 the tha hatteras an I 1 aabrami on exchange win f broadsides broad braad sides both steamed ahead aide side by side each A fi ing into he the other as fast as thearg their thein guns ns could be loaded for about half an hour partridge endeavoring by ue the vigorous exer I 1 tlona tiona of the men at the oars oe of his boat to overtake and get aboard oe of the hatteras HUt eras eraa he 11 e at I 1 one time tine in n the dark lost the steamers but subsequently came within v v ew again when he ils discovered lis covered that they had bad stopped the hatteras blowing bowing offs earm eam earn with the alabama alongside and from the cheering en on board the privateer be he s soon n became convinced hat that the hatteras hid been boarded and was a prize to the alabama to prevent falling t into tte tle tt tl e hands of the enemy officer partridge retired in the direction of the fleet and was picked up some bome tiina in the course of the the brooklyn give chase as represented aa soon as she coard be got under way but lost sight of the alabama ia in the darkness dark nesa of the n gat and gave up fhe pursuit as was found next morning sunk in nine fathoms oms of water what became of her cers cera and crew was of course not riot known those not killed in the conal ct will probably be sent home on prule prole p rule role in some merchant vessel subsequent subs equen iv captured by bythe the alabama should she be so fortunate as to to fall in with another craft of the kind before she ehe will have been beeri found and I 1 blown out of the water by some one of the many powerful vessels which have been in sarch of her for many months A better opportunity for capturing her than was presented when she was disc vered acred iq lff G alveston il veston yeston by a siu sau squid idron of seven of the most formidable irmi dable ehl ehi ships pa of war belonging to the ay may not be joffere again very soon I 1 silveston here is some mystery attached to the circum ace ce of her decoying decaying deco ying 1 the hatteras tr r m the beet and at ater er engaging capturing and anu sink sin it ng her an escape |