Show lore jeneral jene raf otias W F ANDERSON hid bid MD DID SURGEON BURGEON AND nuys PHYSICIAN iCIAN and residence laili ward wards two doors south of natch match FA l altory oz 23 tl if S r 3 pers persia aps eps ops knowing themselves TM indebted to me rae for services fen fer the last two three and four invited to gettle beilla their accounts aa AM ki 0 taken W F 1 A SALT SALT I 1 I 1 KZ boiled ailed SALT may be had bad at M 0 J sned F 9 al 91 h wards ward G 8 L city also ahl artila 11 kinds ol 01 grain will be taken lo 10 exchange eschar ge af 6 gai gal FOR SALE A U falva FAIVA in utis utts davis dvis D vis county I 1 it i narth north A XI ot of 03 gis L I 1 city containing about 70 acres seres fit pit f larm ism tagi w land laud ot of very superior 1 ai A IVINS BLACK niane alane STRAYED BOUT ten days ag g my MARE MAHE swarn swam jordan A ABOUT roin from roia the weal west part of f the be city she bhe had bad on a strap hett hell halter hatter wim a ronn robn attached bran brar branded oled tied on nigh high Quid ert err S 0 1 ij she ane formerly run tun on the range be tweed and barnby birney adams kanyon kanton k anlou any acy wil wll I 1 return ter to me or give tn forma ti flaa 11 0 h 1 h e re will mukh makh obliges oblige and shall ba be ima I 1 dede dedo J 0 LITTLE CITY POTTERY 9 proprietors ot of the above situated situa sItoa ted teJ THE opple f the residence of 0 capt W n H aud and I til ill arly ariy known as a emte greena greens old store are now prepared to furnish the public with wilb ware of all tion o wood leady lead and ani of all kinds binds taken in ex change 1016 IQ log G CROXALL cartwright oart CART CO COTTON N YARN AND OTHER GOODS FROM THE bastl EAST X LI P plit eso ego iso sotis ns havice sent rent ordera orders by me for the above iii ili jo wre vre are hereby notified to provide themselves with oat alopay to pay any balance that tully fully be due on or them theis rot lot or otherwise as no gooda goods will be to delivered under any kny circumstances until paid for i 12 4 IV S GODBE GODEE S NOTICE HE Under tired havir g been appointed 71 J t fors tors of he estate of WILLIAM NIXON d ceased late of 0 great grest sait salt lake city hereby give notice nolice to oll all U concer concerted ded both debtors and creditors that it Is 16 our in to ct cl so op up be business of sad ad rad at the earliest CArl ehrl lest lesl practicable date toofe having unsettled settled bu bui bulnes 1 I 1 are to come forward and liquidate iba same nde and end those indebted to pay op up at an early day rho tho ie heyink heying leuin demana lecin a against the billj will of cou courie couri riFe e lyent thein theia for payment without bellg a aked asted ked a second time lep leh leps lehs s I 1 james JAMRS TOWNSEND GEORG R Z bourne 10 ILs 4 latton I 1 for F FOH br SALE TWO FARMS byg been called xin yin a mission to the e cotton yury zy I 1 now glnn tiff r tor for or sale tor tot and other gwi an fn iny farm kt at v also aneth r jg od fsr far 9 weber vail vall y aid ald aid tarui farm contains abbo 8 acres of excellent gras grace and land thie the rhe are art ar also one ona anil and three guarter quarter acres of potatoes a tons one or of nay hay on the place G W knuston USTON Tn THU IS 3 j weber valler NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS ail all sitt vitt or of votie county are aho ar hereby d that thai thi V tun tur f the 41 asesor Ase age sessor lor sor aud aid Coi ool collector lector will be in at jis eis ak athia athis at aty bis bla his euber tuber pero peno personally nalty cr lor by Us bits celt dih dir Y of t each week wbk f 1 r the purpose of 0 their rial taxes now dalp dap two iwo thirds thida ot of at cordIng to the lh law wor or the thelast iret session of or the lerl mature int lat I 1 bb be piam goll or silver coia cuin the ran tan beian cetan be 16 austera AuM aub tora tera warrants IVar ranta mitty kitty ath Ati atton attan iscah ed 0 to 0 o this matter mat er thi hat the tax 8 oue due afa tr be settled batore the lit tit ot of Nu nuremberg vember rember nem lem next and pr beyt ce daved saved REDDIN A ALLRED assessor and collector Collect cr W 1 I co sep sap 1 iso 12 3 W BI U si 0 H L RAYMOND I 1 JQ uld A y an nog noT once OCt to th ol 01 salt maal ot of procup as ins Tt M tero hero letof teTo the the FORT FORTZ MELODEON or OR hij engagements are such as to permit ol 01 his to ina 91 1 rv more wore ternas 11 S 1 for twenty recur car lessons lesson one hail hall in ad d yance vace refer by to prof C J thomis and mr dyo dro dal dai caider calder Cl eler iler orders order left lett al at the post OM offlie ej box 03 93 prompt attention riano rinno pian piano pianoforte fortes forte and alid atel nyel odeon tuned and and t alima I 1 rep Kep repaired aired alred wy YIN vin begani TUO WANTS VINEGAR 1 F J P PASCOE worth NORTH sr WARD G s L CITY olty K V rec PEC Y inform the pepi people of D seret that ho 1118 R ja as tu conne the be WHITE 3 and nl CO colola loa LOR a rood or r icie tele of VIN egart dessey dea not Des easily eastly suy sut exalted in flavor and Wh Stesa or netali no good pay day t refused lafit ot of colors etc prepared by F P white lead leil dry nr or in oil oft rd red lad load athar lia Ut harges bargel har yellow and red puthy W antka dja dir blot ot white while metai metal for lor mill bearings lr Q etts orders ordra for or lead pipes sheets ete etc 9 attended attend fd to anted old oid lead iad any quality pewter copper zinc zio anra liquor barrels loti 1011 10 11 HOME SWEET HOME WIIO WHO WANTS TO BUY A lio llo homer nomer VIE nave HAVE and d dt offer im or silie sille S tle tie a certain lot hotot of ground luave inave situated at t the month monh of at 1111 aili creek creyk kanyon kenyon G 3 L coun conn C 0 11 I 1 I 1 a ing ins about ten acres ahree ocies scies of which 1 41 ak 1 v I 1 0 and well fenced turre there la is a good fj dwek 1 ug noose on the eeb seh also cotral and a eul out and an dayoan a young orchard at n about tree consisting of peach pals apelt etc bulled and lu grafted with the Ch chote ote oje t vir letle retie 4 1 the iles ites eight nalea talea fr arm rn great salt lake city arid and the ihie pay pa the door on ahi h preva a 9 h H a site tor fer a hills mill with water T fur f dr ving aay machin machinery pry act pct the rhe e buyer buler can ave have fiam diato diate pose sion slon ani sni an an so la in disputable title for lurther further lunt lurt lien lier particulars apply on jl jiu U pawl lnla inia Q ael bul ml 11 creek Creft amral notices LINSEED OIL PRESIDENT H 0 KIMBALL has hag now on hand band an i tor for or sale gale a good supply ot of LINSE OIL parties wishing ie to procure any quantity ot of tt it can do so by applying to mr air A hill al at the ine tithing office 5 att tl tf instrumental MUSIC I 1 W wili WILT ILL be taught by C J THOMAS at his residence main street opposite the old post office on tuesday and saturday eveni evenings gs string from 7 to 8 and brass instruments irom from 8 ta tog 9 1 terms 15 per quarter 5 la in advance adrance arrangements can be tie maje made for or priya private a lessons duning daring the day I 1 music arran atran arranged arr sneed aneed eed ced for or mano nano pis pit no portes fortes tuned orders received by bichard richard golightly at the globe bakery 21 24 lt tf IMPORTANT 1 subscriber designs running mailing a CANE MILL at hta hla T ans residence in the l lih lh wards ward 0 so S L ont CUT the comil having added to the practical experience of last year late valuable obtained though th ough exp eap clment tie be will guarantee a bamber number one oce article of syrup to all who favor him bim with their patron patronage agee ageo wood wanted in exchange for tor or molasses ll 11 litt tt tf A IVINS WANTED WAITED I 1 T ir n AT opposite the telegraph oace reet reel ol 01 LUMBER as follows feet of 2 incle white pine cottonwood Cotto cotton awood wood or ink inc asp plink plank feet of one on inch white pine 2 teet fret ot of one and ani a hit hlf inches of white pine 1003 teet feet of 2 by 4 inches of white ping pine feet of 4 by 4 inches of white pine feet ot of 3 by 4 inches of white or red pine pin aksoy also about 30 or 40 cords corda of red rd pue pine or quaking asp wood woods tor for which I 1 wll wil hl exchange furniture of all kind spinning wheel wheels etc etc bott bo 60 tt LOOK TO THIS economists I 1 JOHN C TATTON ai HAT A T N UV ia C T U it ae IM second house bouse east of court noue wardy wards ward respectfully D thanks his hla friends and ard the public in general for their extensive ta latrone trone and to ambure them tb th at t he will continue to merit their future favors ty liy the superiority of his workmanship and the economy colbs of hs charges charses come ba try liberal prides will be iriven glyen toi foi wolf foxy fozy fox foz rabbit bolaver skips slips and lambs lamble wooi wool 37 tf tt OTICE Tt tu atie E utah county connly branch of the deseret s and nd society wiil will hoi hol i 1 their thein annual exhibition in mr stewarts Ste waris riall provo city on the last lael frlan and nd satur saturday day ol 01 september all goas rood to bo be in by bt 10 on friday excepting stoa must te be in by 8 clock on saturday morn mg 12 2 D GRAVES secretary eor FOK SALE A larre LAHRE double and anil tuli lull LOT well fenced A jv some sume iun run ruit treeby trees out ou honses houses weli well wen ot of water waler god gool crop on lot I ot will exchange for stock land etc cheap tor for caa cash cj by gih ward school nause II nto naf tf A s BECKWITH TAKE particular NOTICE HERESY notify all those ta to me to call and I 1 interest beule settle their ts for or until thib this 18 don dons 9 it 11 win will be lia impossible tu to sive give auy any dy credit 11 ll tt W 3 GODBE goube ATTENTION ALL von FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE f G el v FULL u LL corner LOT well situated tor for lart with A a good food fence bil nil around it and Is located about fifteen r la ds 6 wheat of the gih waid ward school house heule heu noi ie on fad pad fad premises la Is a good wallet weli wall of batra watt ry a HOUSE witly three rooms well and painted a two iwo i tory toty ai at d other necessary out corra corral etc T ere is an excellent crop ot of corn can 3 pota pots toe heet beet carrot etc etca etc together wilh with a variety of trull truit fruit and ornamental trees I 1 will sell fell the above cheap for cash oath or exchange the same for T neat stock and bud wagon or mules and abd nd wagon M 1 DAVIS H 11 hi i ivion ilion eek mek ward warl G S 1 I city I 1 STRAYED frosi froli V ROM the tati ward PD on iasi lasi monday weeks week one sorrel 11 jil ill ARE fl alve fave le years old aid white stripe in tace face ce warded with frlan rl ansie ansle tf on tolt side tide one gas grey mare MARK eight yeam old oll spanish brand on left shoulder mill and hp hip and add J A il un on left aho tho nider wider whoever wiil will delver them ihra lo 10 the owner or hive info 9 matlon ol 01 their whereabouts will be liber alir aily rewarded sitf 11 lf J B an iga ward SO TO ALL IT MAY CONCERN nereas I 1 made and gave my roy certain IV Y 0 3 I 1 achy city april letb AD ism 1855 to one isabel brook brooks for the cm sum of 0 three hundred and aud evemy ale aae tive jive dollars ta payable tive five months ater aler date and which sald said lil note I 1 HAVE and ebo now KOW probert pro lesl lest against paying r any part or portion t thereof h creot a as a it was wa obtained through fraud and deception and without any aay consideration I 1 there therefore forey forewarn fe a al perilous from trem negotiating or aslaug asing said sald kte notes as I 1 shall not pay the sidle same i ROBERT rodert 0 snare SHARKEY KT S R 8 9 L cly cit sp S p 22 isca 31 3 1 P R S S Z 3 Q TP L M ap 7 hamim PLANTS 3 WILSONs SEEDLING per ico very proda ike and large VI per very fine and add productive large j afa AIA MAGN magnates GNATt ATEf per large good davor flavor extra productive I 1 VICTORIA VICTQRIA aper 5 ft per LARGEST OF ALI ALL grows to tot an olance ounce excellent late I 1 the above are my choice choke fron from gyer twenty kinds they are all quite har dy HOOKERS SEEDLING aeo Si COer er of good flavor now Isago isa good oJ time to tr transplant ans als plant any uta ULA oe of pay taka 1 TW E ELLERBECK LLO BECK bece G j it cit city W bava a lat laa U or GEOEGE GEORGE ward wara T EING EINO supplied with some gome of the most approved jj style of looms I 1 wish ash to inform the public that I 1 am prepared to execute all klias of WEAVING BAVING vr baying at short notice wool bought or worked up n on shares chares cloth exchanged for wool wooi rolls etc eto etc 3 2 am NOTICE oh all ye good rood people who value your health and think of conr yonn comfort ae as well weil as your wealth remember that now just now ts is the be time to sweeten your tolu coues es w tb or iline ilme the cobwebs are hanging to belling and walf waif and to rooms rus look bahe almal as winter or fall unless they are hattid and mide made clean and light willi COOPERS beat mixture or some other white the vices toos toog too which bic hopen open so wide iride and maket inake a fit place for vermin to bide can all be well and add made good and sound bo so that such a enhance can carcell scarcely car cely be donad found then talk no more of your rooms booma looking bid bad bhea such a good chance Is now to be b haely halls had haj of 0 having your kab khu kome home faB brought out oat to kiew view artty near as a nice as when it was new then give me a call before its too late ute near the corner ol 01 west and south temple street repaired rep atred alred and nd whitewashed by charles second door east ol 01 St alness nursery nar Nat sery bery laib ward 3 bui HOME SPUN loth soth WARD WEAVING FACTORY file flie HE subscriber begs to inform wool carder cardera and others that Is 13 prepared to work on shares share r wool ato jeans carce blankets sheets petticoats hawa or any kind of cloth that can be made mad in tbt the territory errit ory ile ne will also exchange cloths claths ot of every kind kine or wool or produce A tew lew good SPINNERS wanted I 1 THOMAS LYON viro tiro blocks east and one ivock borth hiorth of 0 litt titi sharp shar FIFTEENTH WARD TIN SHOP had block south of 0 the court houst house oharles CHARLES F JONES 1 thanks bis his numerous merona nu friends and the t public in general for their patrona pir onate les tet and wishes withes to hem them that he be Is still prepared i to Fp feair air and manu mann wrought iron sieves loves algo also atry tery every kint kin J ot of sheet ron tin and copperware copper Cupper ware lerson own materials worked up OH on reasonable reasonably reason abia abla erms call Callan ni asee agee ee 10 sra NOTICE SCHOOL TO PREPARE BOYS FOR mechanical businesses ac to commence 1311 september E L T fI ARRISON TEACHER 19 ACHER 0 instruction in pian pion pin DraIn drawing jr with per FO and radical in ur entry Masonry etc alse also to include the drawing and eining designing of every braach ot of ornament tn in tood stone stole iron or plaster decorative work AN ADULT CLASS stab fished esst winter tor for or tuition in Drawl drawing rg the dla die in building operations to which ow be he added the drawing of architectural will rill commence com indice its second sf cond lond churbe with witti a new class for eelon rs on 3 pt lieh 1862 for further apply to R I 1 L I 1 T gration street bishop bishup dolfna furni furnished shod for lor cottong Cott ng etc 9 in any tte ite tye style of designs also riso igo prepared tor for catl cst l Plasterer plasterers sor or oar Car cartera verain in every very branch ot of their trade 10 33 JUST RETURNED FROM ire TUB EAST oll OIL the information of 0 thoe who hava lava In trusted me walli ordera for goods in the batern states stales I 1 b beg g 0 say tin that all such tuch orders have been bem duly F bated X F the train reached fort kearney on the 16 h anar an and ii lil lii ill proba pro probably |