Show MAKING A NEEDLE needles are ire made of steel wire the wire is first cut by shears from coils into the length of tt tte e needles to be made after a batch of such bita bits of wire have been cut off they are placed in a hot furnace and then taken out and rolled backwards and forwards on a table until they are straight they are now to be ground the needle pointers takes two dozen or so of the wires and rolls them up between his bis thumb and fil ers with their ends on the grindstone first on one end and then on the other next is a machine which fl 11 alen and gutters the heads cf of ten thousand needles in an hour next comes the punching of the eye by a buy boy so fast that the eje ele ee can hardly keep pace with him the mg follows which la is running a fine wire through a dozen perhaps of these twin needles ne edlea A woman with a little anvil before herp her files between the heads beads and separates them T ey are now complete needles but they are rou rough h rusty and easily bent atie hardening comes nex they are heated in batches in a furn turn ce and when w hen red hot are thrown into a pan of c id water next they must be tempered arid and that is done by rolling them backwards and forwards on a hot metal plate on a very coarse cloth needles are spread to the number of forty or fifty thousand emery dust is over them oil is sprinkled and soft soap daubed over the cloth is rolled hard tip up and with several others of the same kind thrown into a sort of a wash pot to roll to and fro twelve hours or more they come out dirty enogh eno ebo gh but after a rinsing in clean cleall hot water and tossing in sawdust they become bright and tire are reay reatty reky to be s arted and put up for sale ANOTHER instrument or DEATH A cannon has recently been exhibited in new york called the rafael repeater in which a slide contain containing ing sixteen loaded chambers is mido to pass by simple machinery before the barrel bariel when it is discharged the a steer shots can be accurately acura tely fired in four seconds I 1 or at thie the tate late of a minute about eight men are required to load and fire 1000 shots in ten WHAT HAS BECOME OF THE SOLDIER 0 the president says he cant tell what has become of many of the men who composed tho the th army of the potomac only half of them are now in condi condl condition tion to be accounted torp tors for while in the armies of buell bueil burnside mitchell Mit chen cheH and other generals every man inan is accounted lothey appear to bw be gone but whither ao one on kno knows it nor can tell ellar lr |