Show california ania ITEMS the united states marshal marshai diar Alar shai and the chief of police in san francisco recently received orders from the secretary of war to arrest and place in confinement all berso persona found ulterina uttering treasonable language against the go government ver yer rilent of the united states Se ceders dersin in california well will to bridle their tongues I 1 otherwise it the officers obey instructions the the prison prisons s in that state will soon be filled up with lhome exercising 0 the supposed ri night right lit tit of free speech in ti times mes ot 0 civil war several are re reported portet to have been already arrested and sent seat to alcatraz gen issued an order on the ox ex ludin iudin lading from the mails malls of ot the united states and from express within the military depart anent of the pacific the stockton the stockton democrat the san jobe joae tribune the vidalia post and the visalia equal rights expositor the order ia is understood to mean something mo T e than the mere exclusion of I 1 the offensive journals from irom the malls as under tb the e recent order from the war D department the editors editor sL and publishers of treasonable papers which could not with safety to the general government bp be circulated through the country by majl mail or express would be entitled tob to aard board and hodg government expense The great influx of emigrants of secession I 1 proclivities into the sate state has creat created edof of late considerable alarm and vigor vigorous oui measures are recommended by the press to be taken to prevent present etil such bugh person fron from preaching and teaching traitorous doctrin doctrines ps publicly there the c by preventing as far as possible uprisings among the people which seems to be not a lttie little feared by many of the union tinion blotting qUi citizens zens zeng the eia ela cllon clion returns at latest dates had bad not riot all been liden received but so far as heard beard from the result although the unionists so call cail called coll were i with with a few exceptions triumphant discloses tha the fact that there isa is a strong feeling in opposition to the views of or the majority in california and the southern portion of the thi state is salato said sald to be over oyer wh e I 1 ning ly y in favor Q af secession A correspondent of the bulletin n I 1 whitin writing from los angeles ang eles after the election gare give utterance rance to the follow following nw to all intents and purposed we might as well ivell live in tie tle southern confederacy as in southern california the difference la is mostly nominal in fn point of fact union majorities m are goibe e thare here they are aart gali loyal coyal ayal men this way are beginning to doubt it we vre belong to or are a part of the V united i cited ta states at all we have haie not now I 1 beleke bg leye leKe a falp fl lp tp als alb Ans hip bip ar ex county 40 not c elba elta con eon constable stalle who is an unconditional union man it heaven a ven help ul usi for I 1 dont see how we are going to help ourselves and the government that we supposed bupp ased we belonged belong eJ to for happen what may here no notice is taken of it it would seem that nothing but a thunderbolt will wake up vip the military authorities of this far distant and isolated pacific coast A farmer of grand island colusa calusa counti counts county hs h s raised this season as reported eight acres of most excellent tobacco which be he is manu 1 fracturing fac turing el for market ile he expects to reale reali realize ze a large p profit rohit on the time and money expend ej 1 I 1 in it its c culture u iture and anti prepa preparing it for sale in the e case bno bro breight ight before the supreme co court ur t to decide the question whether the go vern ment treasury notes were a legal tender for taxes due the state it was decided that they were not and that the state had a right to require the taxes due from her tier ci i t zens in colp coir beca because becaj ise se taxes were different from ordinary debts and the law was specific c I 1 on that point providing that the tax dues olues should be paid in coin which congress r could not cons constitutionally titu tiona I 1 ly abrogate nor llor modify A large and spirited meeting ir vas as held in san francisco on sanday sunday evening evening V sept 14 J for the purpose of raisin raising money for the relief of the sick and w wounded soldiers in the east nearly one hundred thousand dollars were raised contributions for that purpose were being raised throughout the state |