Show aul ful eor egr for the dalere D news POLYGAMY MR EDITOR it is maidby honorable members of congress that polygamy is contrary to the word of god but I 1 have never seen any proof adduced by them that such is the fact that the creeds religions and traditions of men are opposed to it I 1 am free to confess also many persons who strain at a gnat pat and swallow a camel but bible doctrine 0 opposes 0 it nowhere and I 1 challenge the honorable honora pile pele gentleman to the proof I 1 will admit that no single or unmarried man can lawfully lawf ully be a bishop there is to my knowledge no such circumstance in utah all our bishops have at least one wife fulfilling in thib this respect the requirement of paul the apostle the logic ot of some of our lawmakers law makers in washington upon this subject arrested my attention quite amusingly well did the old prophet say the wisdom of their wise men shall perish and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid we live in the days s ot of the f fulfillment of this prophecy as may I 1 be seen P in part by the following sentiments advanced by an honorable M 0 touching polygamy gamy y as a matter of conscience S suppose u prose says hethe bethe mormons cormons should adopt the ol 01 old oid roman law which vests in the father the power of life and death or suppose they th offer human sacrifices as a religious rite in a adl adi y I 1 the tho sacredness ac redness of conscientious belief could they not with equal propriety plead the right of conscience in justification of their conduct in these practice sas in the doctrine and practice of polygamy who is so blind as not to see the wicked craftiness of such fallacious reasoning every pure and enlightened conscience is framed by the word and spirit of god whatever the word of god justifies and approves that every rood good and enlightened conscience will justify and approve but whatever the word of god condemns the same kind of conscience will condemn also the word of god condemns human sacrifices and whole nations have been cut off for this sin it also condemns the principle of the fathers being invested with the power of life and death by vesting that power in other hands bands but what book chapter and verse condemns polygamy ans not one why then by false reasoning seek to deprive me of what god gives approves and justifies by comparing it with those things which lie he has forbidden but the sodomy of london paris washington and many other places gods word condemns in language of most burning shame where secret concubinage public and private whore doms are the order of the day and have swollen to putrefaction and sunk again in rottenness we keep no medicines for venereal diseases and have no use for physicians ed in the art of curing that kind of sickness I 1 will venture to say that there is not a case of venereal among the in utah territory except it be in some poor unfortunates who may have been beguiled by the religion that has been lately introduced here and said to be extensively practised practiced about camp floyd the fruits of legitimacy are peace light health and buoyancy of spirit those otilli of illi are trouble darkness ill health and heaviness ea viness of soul if the mormons cormons are so licentious and incestuous as their enemies represent themy them why would not the same consequences follow and be entailed upon them as upon others who bak bask in sensuality and rot in the filth of their own abominations from modern civilization and enlightened christianity may the good lord deliver us what a terrible fix some of our priestly members of congress will be in when they die and are carried by angels to abrahams bosom saml abraham abrahamy lacourse is their father and when they get home to his bosom and find sarah leaning on one arm and keturah upon the other being in such close proximity to and so mixed up with polygamy they may begin to tell the old gentleman of his errors his bis cor eruptions and his wickedness the old father wont stand this but administer to them a good thrashing telling them to keep their noses clean and mind their own business he will most roost likely regard all such as diate or bastard children for if they were really his legitimate children tofey would do the works of abraham and one portion of his works was to take unto himself more than one wife it is not in our opinion a supposable case that any of the persons above rif referred erred to will ever be carried by angels into abrahams bosom or that they will soon it if ever hold bold converse with the old patriarch on any subject whatever ED in reading over the proceedings in congress I 1 have thought what a pity it is that this thia lawmaking makin g body did not exist in the days of abraham isaac and jacob in the days of 0 david solomon and of 0 many others of the kings of israel of their wise men and prop prophets bets men who talked with god communed lmh angels walked with god received his law and who prophesied of these days men celebrated for wisdom and goodness men after gods own heart that this congress might have corrected the errors of the old patriarchs and prophets rebuked their licentious abominations explained to them the nature and damning b sin of polygamy to tell them that it was contrary to law decency and the word of god a foul stain upon the honor of nations a loathsome ulcer upon the body politic a disgrace to chiv poor bleeding mortified and bumbled humbled humanity demands a law enacted by our body against your vile practices but alas this civilized and enlightened government was not soon enough to extend their legislative enactment to the rescue of those holy men of god who died in their wicked abominations without the benefit of the clergy of the congress of the united states poor f fellows what will become of them respectfully ORSON HYDE G S L CITY may 7 1860 FROM washington COUNTY virgen CITY april 14 1860 EDITOR DESERET NEWS sir imodean I modern civilization 21 so called has not as yet found its way into this isolated portion of the territory we hear of no murders robberies nor drunkenness and we are satisfied that it has not as yet been introduced into this southern country br andrew J workman was waa badly wounded in one of his feet a few days since by the accidental discharging of an indians gun the ball entered near the great toe and ranged backward injuring some of the cords and fracturing some of the bones he is however slowly r 1 I recovering the weather is getting quite warm the inhabitants of our little place are prepare preparing their grounds for cotton sugar cane corn M and vines which seem to be best adapted to this warm climate considerable wheat has been sown here this spring which now looks very P promising promising rom I 1 ising i bishop tenney Tenne Is forming a settlement some five miles further up the river and those with him are building houses and constructing dams darn across the river to take out the water for irrigating purposes there is plenty of land and water in this county for more adventurers if any there are who wish to make a home in the south the greatest difficulty under which we labor is the lack of machinery to work up our cotton and sugar cane if some one could introduce cast iron cane mills and a few of henrys patent spinning machines into this county it would not only be a source of wealth to the importer but a great benefit to this south i ern country S E JOHNSON |