Show BRITAIN in tha the house of lords on the of march lord sydenham Sy denham denhan moved a resolution declaring that it is expedient in the election of members of parliament that the votes of the electors be taken by secret ballot the tho duke of newcastle opposed the motion and argued that publicity is an essential element of of freedom and that the ballot adopted in america is not a secret voting at all the motion was lost by a vote of 4 yeas to 39 nays on the in the house of commons mr H berkley made his annual motion for taking votes by ballot af after ter some bome debate the motion was rejected by a vote of to it is announced that the squadron to convoy the prince of wales to canada on his forth coming visit will consist of the screw steamer hero 91 guns the ariadne screw 20 26 guns the flying fish screw 6 guns and the rolaf iddle iddie paddle paddie yacht osborne the prince will wil take his lis ils passage out and home in the hero one ef of file the finest vessels of her class in the navy the yacht osborne will be retained for services on the coasts and rivers of canada the london times in an editorial on the subject I 1 expresses a hope that the prince af after ter ber visiting canada will make a tour through the thie knitel united states where he may be sure of a generous welcome and if he should visit the president at washington 17 the times f feels bels sure that the courtesy will be appreciated and the act will tend to draw closer the bonds which unite the I 1 two countries I 1 florence nightingale was so seriously ill i that prayers were offered up for her in the various garrison chapels of england at a meeting of the red sea telegraph company the completion of the line to india was formally announced it was likewise i stated that in the course of a couple of months j the mediterranean line is expected tobe to be finish ed when london will be in direct communication with calcutta FRANCE the annexation of savoy to france francs was generally regarded as an accomplished fact the london times admits that the emperor 1 napoleon had gone so far that he could not in j honor recede without a fight and says that he i must be permitted to carry off his prey it is asserted that all the appointments of prefects and other officials for savoy had haa been completed piet eLin in paris the ile paris patrie publishes a letter from turin stating that the question ot the annexation I 1 of savoy had been definitely settled between france and sardinia the emperor received receive di the deputation from savoy on the the deputation presented the addre address 99 the emperor expressed his pleasure in receiving th the a deputation and the following is said to be bethe the sense of his bajes tys speech the reunion of samy savoy and nice has been resolved on principle the assent of piedmont and the population has been obtained to the reconciliation of the frontiers and the negotiations with the powers who signed the treaty of 1815 permit the hope or of a favorable examination of the question by tile the greater part oft otther ot them henu friendship for switzer tand rana had bad almost caused a cession of territory ory orv to be promised which he believed would not be contrary to the wishes of savoy but as it was known that the population refused that savoy should be dismembered france re bounced noun ced this cession although wishing to protect the interests of switzerland j the paris patrie says we are informed that the P ed montese troops have already be gun un to evacuate savoy the Th eRoyal royal Carbine ers g have ave received orders to quit their cantonments canton ments and fair falt back on turin the first detachments of the french army coming from italy will i arrive it is expected in savoy on the the a are re preparing to give them a magnificent reception the inhabitants of i both town and country will go to meet them f A circular note of the swiss Govern government me nt protesting against the annexation of savoy to i france has been sent toa to all ail the great powers signata ries rles of the treaties of 1815 it is dated berne march 19 it quotes the treaty of 1564 confirmed by a treaty in 1816 forbidding any such ces cession siou sion and it asserts that Cha biais and faucigny Fauci gny are mach mu ch more united to switzerland ze both by material interests interest sand and by the wishes of the population than to france berne march 24 the ile negotiations at pari paris a having fa failed ileda lieda a popular assembly took place at geneva at which persons resolved to send addresses to the federal council and to the ahe population of upper savoy berne march marca 25 the society the members of which are very numerous s has resolved to send a deputation to the president of the federal council to express their protest a against ainest the annexation tiou tion of savoy to france an and d to demand prompt energetic and military demonstrations in order to support the protest the press ot of saturday march 24 says we can announce that overtures have deen been been made by the imperial government to the court at munich to obtain a cession of bavaria so as coextend to extend the french frontier in that quarter rhine the ile imperial government hopes to obtain an assent to this proposal by holding out the prospect of an exl extension of the bavarian territories in another direction napoleon I 1 obtained an alliance with bavaria against austria by transferring to the former state the austrian province pio vince of the tyrel does the present emperor of the french meditate a similar stroke of policy Is he looking forward to a rene renewal walot of the war in italy and pre preparing parin himself tor for or tho wider complications which would certainly attend such a revival of hostilities VP the liverpool albion commenting on the above bays says it Is stated on the weekly authority of the leader of the opposition which displayed ayed so unerring a prescience of what was looming in the future all through the russian war at that at the court of munich is about to transfer to france all bavaria and it is suggested that a compensating equivalent may nay be be looked for in the opposite direction in the shape of the tyrol which formed part of the kingdom of bavaria created in 1805 by na napoleon 0 leon 1 under the treaty of by which h austria just crushed at austerlitz sig big signed d away the main prop of the house of 85 ila lla hapsburg burg for such the tyrol then was and such ruch it has been ever since the settlement of europe which the present bonaparte ia is now new unsettling the paris correspondent of the dail pall daily neus news says it was reported that a french dip diplomatic manifesto would shortly appear in which all des designs f ns upon the he rhine mine frontier will be expressly pre di disclaimed aimed almed and the inference will be rep repudiated u dialed that b because because frince france for special reasons now adds two spall parcels of territory to her empire she therefore means to set a precedent for claiming what are called natural frontiers ITALY the ile king of sardinia has accepted the result of the apoll poll poli in tuscany Tuscan yand and the emilia farini farin arrive arrived at turin on sunday sundays and had ani an interview with the tha king in a few brief words farin farini presented the official documents showing hat the population had bad voted for annexation by a majority of to the king at once accepted the solemn vote and henceforth will be proud to call the people of the emilia his people the same day a decree was issued annexing the emilia to piedmont baron ricasoli arrived at turin on thursday in answer to his proffer of tuscany the king accepted the vote but with an intimation that tuscany would preserve an administrative autonomy A decree was signed annewill annex annexing irl ill tuscany to piedmont oil on the tie tte the french army commenced its return movement to france the regiment of the lindby way of susa Sus susaine aone one company leaving per day daw the ad regiment of the line by way of nice I 1 ice one b battalion att alion ailon departing daily it is stated that men are about to be levied in tuscany and in them the emilian milian provinces which will increase the sardinian army to nearly that piedmont will contract aloan of francs the duchess of parma has we are told made a formal protest against the annexation of parma and piacenza Pia censa to piedmont to the prejudice He judice of her sons rights and she has sought to strengthen it by soliciting the queen of spain as head bead of the spanish branch of the house of bourbon to accord it her impotent au support ort M the sardinian minister had addressed a note to 0 the austrian government announcing the evacuation of lombardy by french troops and in the name of his government expressed pressel ex a wish th the departure of the french troops coops austria in accordance with the ples pies ies les contained in count Rech berga bergs despatch at of the february would continue to observe intervention nonintervention non in affairs of central italy raly the austrian government had pt ed its reply direct to paris the austrian note says that since the interview at Til lafranca the thie emperor franis fran is joseph has made too many sacrifices for the maintenance of peace to be he able to recommence a struggle which would soon become an european war but although keeping a merely observant attitude austria believes nevertheless she must draw the attention of france to the secret intrigues of sardinian agents agen tsin in venetia as well as to the continued provocation of the ministry and bhe ehe re repeats pats most distinctly that the emperor francis joseph would not hesitate to make the greatest sacrifices in defence of his rights over venetia the new naw austrian loan amounts to of florans florins flor ins the current interest is fixed at five per cent A vienna despatch of the announces that austria consider ng the annexation of the central italian states to piedmont a flagrant violation of the thi th treaty 0 of zurich which formally reserved the rights of the deposed princes had resolved to ad adjourn ourn the renewal of official relations with tee tle court of turin the baron de bremner who was to act as representative of austria at turin had bad returned I 1 to lus his former post at athens I 1 the paris states that the I 1 pope had addressed a monitory to king victor I 1 Emanu emanuel cl intimating that henceforth all relations be between bis big holiness ani and the r royal al family must be considered as broken orf off fr T R that i his majesty will understand that he has open ly violated the laws of the church and is formerly excommunicated the holy father reserves to himself the kuty duty duty of taking into consideration the interests of the universal church and ands the thew good catholics of piedmont before proceeding to severer measures which in ina lna any ny event weigh from henceforth upon the person of the king le nord says s the moment the popes bull is 1 i fulminated the cities of milan genoa leg born turin bologna and florence have agreed to illuminate and give the character of a national celebration to the event THE PAPAL DOMINIONS on the a party of students of the university intoned a te blumin in their church in honor konor pf af the birthday ez v general garibaldi and of the annexation of central italy to piedmont in the evening there was an enormous crowd in inthe the corso consisting partly of political persons and part partly lyof of persons usually promenading there the gendarmes gen darmes arrested several of the crowd who hissed and then assaulted the police the gendarmes gen darmes unsheathed their weapons and dispersed the crowd it is said that doity forty persons amongst them several spectators and three french soldiers were wounded the crowd shouted garibaldi f for or ever mounted pontifical gend armes succeeded succeeded at last in dispersing them the city was traversed by the french patrols it is asserted that four iner merchants chants two of whom are signers Sil and citonia Ti tonia have been banished ade th e correspondent of the times writes as follows on the insl the agitation of the public mind is intense the rumor of the imminent departure of the french troops alternates with the report of the popes contemplated flight one contingency in my estimation is as likely as the other the latter more so the pope is said to have sent a as his agent to spain with a view to ensure a safe refuge there antonelli expressed himself yesterday to the effect that orders had been sent to the general in command to withdraw the troops from the marches and umbria aw and concentrate all the papal forces at ancona where an honorable resistance is in contemplation it was said at vienna that the french troops at rome would retire to civita vecchia if it the pope excommunicate victor emanuel Emanu eF the director of the public debt of rome had gone acne to brussels to contract a loan of 0 ten million francs NAPLES letters from naples speak of continued agitation and popular manifestations on the flon fion frontiers tiers the ambassadors of the western powers had given advice to the king the ile austrian government had disapproved of 0 the severe measures which were intended and an austrian general had arrived at naples A correspondence on the affairs of naples between lord john russell and the british minister at naples had been laid before the house of commons these documents show that the english cabinet has earnestly remonstrated against the policy of 0 the court of naples a P e but without producing any important gener general i results lord john russell in his last despatch gives some sound and strong advice on the necessity for reform naples march 20 the king left this morning in for gaeta gaela his army of the abruzzi is being concentrated it is asserted that a levy of all able bodied men whose age does not exceed forty years has been decided on milan march zt A message received yesterday from paris suspends the return of the i french troops from lombardy zurich march 25 A message received from milan asserts that the neapolitan army has entered the states of the church great agitation prevailed HUNGARY the true students of pesta number ed in national costumes aftem attempted ted on the to celebrate the anniversary OF of some remarkable incidents in 1848 they were met by the police arms were use dand four students were wounded there was another skirmish in the evening RUSSIA the bucharest correspondent of the levant lev ant herald writing on the ad march says from prom to men of the russian army are concentrated on the banks of the dneaster where they are actively erecting fortifications and guard stations similar to those which russia not many years ago constructed on the banks of the danube and it is remarkable that no construction has been ordered ca the new boundary line of beb Bes sarabia the russian steam navigation company have received notice not to bind themselves by contract for the conveyance of merchandize merchandise dize for any length of time but to make agreements for limited periods so as to be ready in case the government require required I their services the first of the military measures just mentioned that is the construction of gua rd stations on the dneaster eister is saia said to be a maneu man vre to incite the rou ron mains to call in prince doumanoff t son of the duchess of leutenberg Leu as prince of the united hospod orates with the hope that bessara bia would then be united to the principalities As to the second measure it is solely owing to the event of the resuscitation of the holy alliance or of internal disorders in hungary croatia and servia which the russia journals of every party incite and anar provoke provo kp y the odessa correspondent of the levant herald writing on the ad march says 1 I am able to assure you that in russia as in other parts |