Show daring outrage on thursday morning t last jacob hunter a lad about 13 years old son of mr isaac hunter of this city was sent by his bis father on a mule to hunt up some others that belonged to him which wre were running on the jordan range after an unsuccessful search the boy concluded to return home and while on his way and within about one and a half miles of the jordan bridge on the island road he was assaulted by a ruffian who rode up to him and demanded some provisions wirch the boy had bad timen taken with him and which were tied to the saddle enough to last him over night in the event that he had to remain out on the prairie as ia is often the case with persons hunting stock on that range the boy on demand being made refused to give up his lunch upon which the villain told I 1 him that it if he did not he would stab both him and his mule the boy still firmly objecting jec ting the villain drew a dirk diric and stabbed the mule inflicting three wounds in the right shoulder one of which was very severe he then by force or by the boys permission obtained his rations and rode off at full speed the lad then dismounted from the wounded and bleeden bleeding 0 mule and with difficulty succeeded in leading it home the boy describes the villain who thus assaulted him as bein being 0 about a middling sized man wearing a black broad brimmed hat a blue over coat trimmed with fur and black cloth pants panta ile he was disguised with a green vail vall tied over his face so that his features were not discernible and was riding a horse which the boy describes as being between a bay hay and a gray color which he says he can identify if he ever sees it again the fellow was coming 0 from the north and riding very fast his horse wet with sweat and much fatigued and on obtaining the provisions he continued his course southward at a rapid rate ile he was unquestionably one of those stock dealers that have been so plenty in this vicinity of late who from the force of circumstances had bad been camping out till he was greatly in want of food and should have had a few rations of lead issued to him there and then it would have satiated his appetite better than any thing else that could have been applied |