Show legislative GREAT SALT LAZE LASE CITY jad jan 24 1859 eom eon A camil CAMMI NOTON editon EDITOR deseret dese ret NEWS nets sir in accordance with th vite nite wishes withes of this the legislative 1 I transmit herewith enclosed a copy of 0 the remarks made b by me in joint nesb session lon ion prior to adjourn jaent oy I 1 avy am ll 11 J mw respectfully 04 ji your tour 0 obedient se servant i W J osdorn OSBORN 0 mem leg Ass assembly embil y rb i i arn green river co the 11 assembly Assem lily Tily being in joint ses sea lon ion hon daniel H wells president OL of the Council in inthe the chair pending L the thel question to adjourn sine die hon lion W J osborn representative from green river county sald baid hir ala PRESIDENT IDE rde T AND MEMBERS R S T OF tiie THE legislative ASSEMBLY again I 1 beg leave to trespass on the goodness D e s nf of thi sHouse house honse both to yourself and all the members my earnest and heartfelt thanks thinks for the courtesy shown me during my brief brier association with you 1 enteria this assembly as a member from the county havethe represent besent with my m rs ivings aa as to the course that would be pursued towards me by my fellow depre tentatives benta tenta tives ves I 1 felt m mj self solitary and and alone aa as I 1 held no reli rell religions giotis views in common with the people of this territory and of course my prin principles cip iea lea on this sub subject eject were widely different from those entertained by yourselves I 1 took my seat in this body with the fixed intention faithfully honestly and fearlessly BO so far AS nature bad given me the ability to discharge my duty to my constituents and with the curtbert furt beri bert accor dAg to those who night Q ith ir 1 in opinion the righetto night right to do so 0 o without c ensie reproach these purposes I 1 have honestly and faithfully endeavored to carry out and where I 1 have failed so to act I 1 beg each datch member ot of this assembly in his individual i as well as legislative gisla tive papa gapa capacity city together with yourself as president ti tor accord to me honesty of purpose and goodness of 0 intention lan LaD language guage mr president fails falls me 1 adelite ly to express my fe feelings elings to yourself aid ald abd the members of this legislative body for the kindness and courtesies extended to me here and while hope that I 1 now fully appreciate tee th e good goodne goodness nesi sg of heart and ana honesty of purpose which actuate my friends in their course towards me I 1 much more earnest earnestly y hope that they may be treasured up in the storehouse to of memory to be looked back upon in after life as a green spot in me morys waste and hild held bild in grateful remembrance so long as I 1 continue ail an inhabitant of earth and now mr president Pre aident as we are about to bid adieu and go forth from this hall ball there is nothing more surely certain we will not all meet here again in a legislative capacity then agthe the ga gavil ravil villI falls to terminate our oali official cial clai being let us return to our constituents I 1 AS a an integral part of the great american people with a renewed renew eif determination to advance the bright page prime of bf histo history in the f fu u tw ture |