Show S SINGULAR I 1 agular BALLOON INCIDENT on friday fri hay hav day last a mari man named wilson made an all aseensio asden ascension sio ll 11 from the fail grounds at centralia ill lil in ili a balloon belonging to brooks the aeron atron aeronaut aut he descended about eighteen miles distant at the farm of a mr harvey after the grap pling ping iron had been made fast harvey to amuse his children ond one ona a boy aged about four years and the be other a gerlof girl of eight yeatis wars placed them in the basket car and afia permitted them to ascend several times as ai high as lle ile we tie rope would allow U unexpectedly tle t tie id e grapp grappling ing iron slipped aril arll from the ibe U fath ers hand band and ank the balloon with it its precious olis otis freight aps api wafted wafred out or sight the distress of the parent knew no bou boulds ids the peril af pf hib his children he tie considered imminent for what assurance a had he that the they Y w would id cot got not bo be borne I 1 ato into pome dense forest es t where wh ere they h ey goulabe v ou ibbe overtaken with hunger ge r bf before ore t they h y 6 could id be found jor pr perhaps descend inlo some spine lake or stream and arid he e drowned As soon is as it was gas pos possible sible an extra was issued at centralia ind and tle fie whole neighboring country placed on the alert to watch for the balloon bal loori and children Satu saturday iday morning at da daybreak day dax break a farmer near new carthage forty distant from mr ha harveya iveys place discovered the balloon suspended in in the tae air atta attached cha by the grappling rope ropa to a tree in his yard he immediately hauled haul ed the balloon down and found the youngest child asleep in the bottom ous ons of the basket and the eldest carefully watching over her little brother they had bad been wafted wafred about by different currents of air throughout the ni night t and had bad come to a halt hait but a little wb while before 1 1 fore they were relieved the story the girl told was that as the balloon ascended she cried piteously to her father to pull bullit it down she said she passed 01 er a town where she saw a great many abo people pl e to tot whom she likewise appealed at the top obber of her voice this place was centralia Cen the balloon was seen to pass over the there rebut but the people little imagined it carried carni carri ett eit two persons in ili such danger her little brother cried with cold and the heroic girl took off her apron covered him and got him to sleep in handi handl handling flig frig the ro ropes detect es she happened to pull one which had bad the effect of bringing the balloon down and although not understanding the philosophy of the movement she was quite content to kee keep p the valve 0 open pen so ion lon long iong 9 as by so doing bhe she found she approached the earth |