Show WHAT IS TO BE IE BONEWI THOUR UR CHARILY J BV B I 1 if HARRIET beechell BEp bee cheit CHER STOWE I 1 yes J N is the the fact is there ikee seems u s tobe to be iio ilo no fla fia pla place elace e irl iri in heaven above or earth beneath exactly safe and arid suitable except the bed while he s asleep there our souls have rest we know kitow wt where ero ere he be is and what he is about ab out aid and sleep is a gracious gra cious clous state but gut then h he e wakes ak S up tip bright and early and begins tooting pounding anding 9 hammering singing meddling an 1 asking questions in short shori overturning the peace of society generally for about thirteen hours diio f every twenty four tour s everybody wants wilts to klow abt to L do wi with fth ith him everybody is quite sure that he hp cant stay where they are the cook cant have him in the kitchen where he infests the pantry to get flour to make paste for hiski bi or melt laid lard in in tb the new saucepan IE if he goes into the woodshed wood shed he is sure tp pull the wo woodpile wood d P pile e down up upon on his head if he be sent up p into 0 o ahe 1 e g garret e t you think for awhile that yo you u have estt settled led the problem till yon find what ha a b boundless e field for activity is at once opened a mid amid all the packages boxes bags barrels and ind cast castoff off rubbish there old letters newspapers trunks of miscellaneous contents te ants are all rummaged and the very reign of chaok ad arld old od night is instituted ile he sees endless capacities in all and be is a always hammering something or knocking something apart or sawing or or drawing boxes and barrels in all directions to build c cities or lay railroad tracks till head bead aches zite gite quite suite down to the lower floor and everybody declares that charley must be kept out of the garret then you send charlei chaffer charley to 19 school and hope yu you are fairly rid of h efm in f for or a few hour hours sat at least but he comes home noisier and more breezy than ever having earned of some borne twenty other charleys as by magic the resource for lor alone kicking tip up all the commotion that the superabundant vitality of each can originate I 1 he ae can dance like jim smith be has learned to smack his lips like joe brown and will driggs has shown him how bow to mew like a cat and he enters the premises with anew a new war whoop learned from tom evans ile he feels large and valorous he has learned that he be is a boy and has hasa a general impression that be is growing immensely strong and knowing and despises more than ever the convention conventionalities of parlor life in fact he is more than ever an interruption in the way of decent folks who want to be quiet it ia is true tilie that thai if entertaining persons wll will devote themselves exclusively to him reading and telling stories he may be kept quiet but the hen n this is discouraging work for he be swallows estory a story as rover does a piece of meat and looks at you for another and another without the slightest consideration so that this resource is of short duration and then the old question ju estion comes back what is to be done with him but after allt all ail charley cannot be wholly shirked sh irked for he is an institution a solemn ard awful fact and on the answer to tb the question what ia is to be done with him depends a future many a bard hard moiese morose bitter man has haa come ta from i a charley chailey turned offard off and neglected many 1 a parental heartache b heart eart ache has come from a charley left to run the streets that mamma and sisters might play on the piano and write letters in peace it is 19 easy to get rid of him there are fifty fitly ways of doing that he is a spirit that C can in be promptly laid but if not laid aright will cope comeback back bye and by a strong etring man armed etien ajen oien you cannot send him I 1 off at pleasure mamma mimma and sisters had lad better ett e r pay a little tax to charley now than a terrible one bye and by there is something significant in the old English phrase with which our scriptures render redder us familiar a MAN child a MAN child the there e you have the word that should make you think more than twice before lefore you answer the q question estion what shall w we e do with charley for FOI today to day he be is at your feet to day you can mi make ae him laugh you can make him cr cry at you call cail can persuade coax and turn him to your pleasure you can make his eyes fill and bis his bosom swell with recitals of good and noble deed deeds s in in short you can mould him if you will take the trouble but look ahead bomel some years when that little voice shall ring in deep bass tone tones when that small foot shall shail have i a mans weight and tramp when a rough tough beard bhail shall cover that thal little round chin and the wilful strength ot of manhood fill out that little form jbf then you would give worlds for the key to his bis heart to be able fo 0 o turn and guide him to your wiil will but if you will lose that key now heis hels he is litt kitt little bhe fie you may search for it carefully with tears fears some other day and never find it old housekeepers have a proverb that one hour lost in fit the morning is never found all day it has a significance in this chae case one thin thing is to be noticed about Char charley chaffey fey that thae rude ru and ba busy and noisy as he fie it island aind lind irksome as carpet rules le and parlor ways are to 0 him hini be he is still a social little creature and w wants ants to be where the rest of the ho household use nold are A room ever so sowell well weil adapted for play cannot cannot charm him atthe at the hour when the family is Is in ih reunion reunion he hears the voices in the fhe parlor anahis and his play room seems deso desolate tate it may be warmed by and lighted lighter with gas but it is humah warmth and light liw he shivers for he yearns for the talk taik of the tamly family which he so imperfectly comprehends iad he longs to take his playthings down and play by you and ind is incessantly promising that of the fifty improper things which he is liable to db in theolor the mior glor parlor he will not commit one if abu you will let iet I 1 et him I 1 in stay there 1 this instinct of the little one is N natured natures warning plea pica gods admonition 0 how many a mother who has neglected it bebau because se it was irksome to have the child about has his longed at twenty fi five ve to ke keep epher her hen son by her bide side and nd he would noti shut out as a little arab constantly told that he is noisy aba that t he is awkward and meddles meddlesome onie and a plague in 9 general beneral the boy has found at last his own company in the streets in the highways and hedges where he runs till the day comes when they want their son and the sisters their brother and then they are scared at the face be brings back to them as becomes he comes all foul and smutty from the companionship to which they have doomed him depend upon it if it is too much trouble to keep your boy in your society there will be places found for him warmed and light lighted edwith with no friendly fires where he who finds some mischief still for idle hailds to do will care for him if you do not you may put pui out a tree and it will grow while you sleep but a son you cannot you must take trouble for him either a little now or br a great deal bye and by let him stay with you at least some portion of every day bear his hia noise and his ignorant ways put aside your book or work to tell him a story or show him a picture devise still parlor plays for him for he gains nothing by being allowed lo 10 spoil oil the comfort of the whole circle A p pencil n ci F a sheet of paper and a few pattern patterns will sometimes keep him lim quiet by you for an hour while you are talking or in a corner he inay may build a block house bouse annoying nobody if he does now and then disturb you and it costs you more thought and care caro fo regulate him there balance which is the greatest evil to be disturbed by him now or when hen be is a man of al A you can cat give your charley if you are a good man or woman your presence is the best and safest thing god never meant him to do without yon you anymore than chickens were meant to grow without being brooded blooded bro oded then let him have some place in your house where it shall shail be no sin to hammer and pound and make all the litter jitter his heart desires a and n d his various schemes require even if you can cau ca n ill afford the room weigh well between that safe asylum and one which if denied he may make for himself in the street devices for charley which we have a few shelves which he may dignify with the name of a cabinet is one of the best he picks ups up sheils shells hels heis and pebbles and stones stories all odds and ends nothing comes amiss and if it you give him a pair of scissors s and a little gum there is no end of the labels he will paste ons on and the hours he be may innocently spend sorting and arranging A bottle of liquid gm gun ie is an invaluable re source for various purposes nor must yoli ou mind though he varnish his nose and fingers and clothel clothes clothes v which aich he will do of course if he be d does oes nothing worse A cheap pa paint i nt box and some engravings to co cotor color toras lorAs is another kand and if you will willeve give him so mereal metreal pal pai paint faint nt and putty to paint and putty his boats and carsi carsy cars he is 13 a made man i 0 1 i all these things make trouble to be sure they debut charley is to make trouble that is the nature of the institution you are only to choose between safe und wholesome trouble and th the e trouble that comes at last like a whirlwind god goa bless the little fellow and send us all grace to know what to do with him hin independent |