Show Specula speculators ors pi in provisions it may asked have we such ouch char characters we re i midst to our regret we are compelled wd I 1 to I 1 yes and what are we going to do about U i W we e are going to comm comment e nt upon the t tr r I 1 a view to benefit the public not BO haps in their present necessity which will be babu bal brief brie fAut but to enable them to avoid in fu future V com coming da a prey to that class of 66 community mounil ty 1 at every one is familiar with the fact that eab sp q lull the their ir consciences consciences i with the old A jieri sop of the devil that the market marka 9 price is estt I 1 fear fair price and that everything elsee else iss is so sao hi hia gok perfectly regardless of what the commodity oo 00 them I 1 or of f the necessity and destitution of oft 41 buyer hence you may generally save your asa it I 1 and patience by omitting appeals to their fed 1 e ingv ing for we have often noticed I 1 that hat thy b none except for themselves however leu there may be here and there a young 10 possessed of some conscience but ignore ora 1 supposing that the above I 1 quoted phrases re tessy exe excuse use or warrant his conduct we will examine their force I 1 I 1 I 1 0 wheat last fall could be bought in this ma marlcek for from 1 1 50 per bushel and there i plenty to supply the demand if it if could 40 bat beep properly distributed and prudently u upland of course the whole community would bj p been sustained in the article of wheat at ia ui above moderate price which was also the 4 imra ket price now suppose a shrewd abrew d spec speculator uw R I 1 foreseeing that the great majority I 1 of buy buyers ere ai F I 1 dro necessity io to purchase in in small qa antei I 1 to meet their daily wants and that the able 0 ers ere would hold on n to their wheat to reap thi the usual high high W prices during daring emigration buys vy j and stores a sufficient quantity to control G le N a market marketis is it not obvious that his eja 0 O he has any is is the only limit to theorice the price he ati aiu ask and receive and still he will tell yontl you at price he asks is the market price 11 1 1 now who cannot see at once that this thier sia merit ment is is no evidence of a fair price and irk in I 1 cases has little or no relation of any what price should be at any given time in wa given article and therefore should not be palm ed upon the buyer for a reason or allowed to 6 I 1 lullaby ua labs the conscience of the seller I 1 but should a person who raises or bujia T i surplus and keeps beeps it in store to retail havel have no compensation most certainly there is abot advance upon fall prices due to risk use of money and trouble but that advia should be g graduated radiated by the principle of doniki doimi we would world be done by and not by the crot jre stances that enable enable us to exact th the e at uttermost utter moat farthing I 1 F I 1 to the expression everything else is so there is more more lenity to lo be allowed and at times ti leq 1 it would seem to be deserving of much 1 W weight 10 4 but it is so seldom used by those who would air w it in justice that it amounts to little more Q lug a cant phrase to gloss extortion for the SP sf 1 tor ter when using it has in his minds eye ta 1 dimes and dollars dollars and dimes 3 an empty pocket is ii the worst of crimes til w the building of houses enlarging fields 4 14 creasing he herds i rdo adding splendor to equipage 0 i a all 11 the panoply of pain pampering gordly pride 1 W pla place ce regardless of the welfare of his fello w arid and reckless of kofl h wi true and best i rite int so utterly has his llis physical phy ical arid mental i b been een gilded to blindness by y the glitter i please note that our remarks upon tb the 1 prominent cant phrases of speculators have a b made with a view to caution the young beala ner of their fallacy as commonly used audio inform the hardened that no one is ace deceived aie i d by them no not even themselves for they differ biffle ip p this P pai ii nicular from the young partridge ajie heb it has received the warning note of danger 14 for it does hide its bead beadi and is candid in the idea that it has had itself completely when at a i t ti to same time and much to the amusement of we the spectator its body is in feir view buthe larid sharks motives and conduct are open to the iii understanding der standing of the simplest t how are their schemes schemes and oppression to be ba avoided and these valleys be made too oo 00 narrow 1 for their selfish it purposes by beginning abw with the skill and diligence of both sexes aoi u every suitable age to produce every varie variety tf kor subs tanti I food in the gri greatest latest pos possible gible abang ance and as fast as produced take care of ifor I 1 every department depar truent of business busio essis is compelled depend primarily upon sufficient on food ifft operators and just in proportion as food is 4 I 1 plenty or scarce cheap or dear will most avocation we are concerned in flourish or languish ra s again when your cattle are properly y oared R d for your butter cheese eggs fec laid V pan such a manner that they will keep in goodich good goo dicA condition I 1 and your grain root crops ac so stored that they are secure from waste and dam dail age then avoid as far as possible selling say any article in the provision line except directly A to the cou consumers sumers i thus you may secure plenty for yours elwi fi the year round and be enabled to assist the aes je t s and less fortunate from falling a prey to lo carples nar ples who as a general practice fatten upon jon and are nourished by the life blood of the poor and this will continue to be the case until you practise these dictates of wisdom and learn to love and serve the welfare of israel more tojin th pu you do the glitter and possession osgold and silver also let the mechanics and others who dai donot ot produce as much as they th a y consume I 1 use a share of skill prudence and forethought to provide storage for and secure their yearly supply in the times when the different articles are afforded the cheapest for this course besides itah I 1 adv advantage altage antage to yourselves will enable aid the farmers in operating against the special I 1 tors since they are often obliged to sell their produce at harvest for went want of stor storage T and this the 8 speculator p acid ato r takes advantage of po to your detriment I 1 I 1 lf sow now then producers and consumers will you yoa not I 1 work together for your good 1 when 1 the I 1 wy 81 is s so plain and your interests and objects w mutual and your best temporal interests arast are it stake all of you who will pot not let speculator specula toW nip you and when you grunt about it let 1 I 1 I 1 one heed you until you learn and practise apoll 1 I 1 a reasonable bable portion of 41 common sense itt what are called worldly matters and wahl vau you are striving to make provisions plenty ftfe I 1 harvest to harvest it will be well to eye on increasing your amount of wool wol and alx 4 and when it is produced put it in a way w ay olaf 0 il 1 ing manufactured thus striking at the corf tion of another class blase of speculators and WW I 1 you are properly drilled in the thorough 1 correct practice of thia lesson SO 3 0 2 A be ba ready t tor for another and more ei extended tended one in the same channel and one that will bring to pass still more temporal salvation for the op oppressed pir essed and 4 honest hearted and we shallie sh shall allbe W ready cheerfully N to furnish it tor for your benefit I 1 1 |