Show hardships of russian soldiers we read in a letter lette r from constantinople the following one of the russian prisoners captured by the he turks in it tile the fort on the frontier of asia minoro minor was taken the other day before the I 1 and there he be underwent in presence of several persons persona a short interrogatory this is what one of the witnesses of the related to me after hav having ing addressed several questions to the prisoner as to the corps to which he be belonged and the military regime of russia on offer was made to him of passing some days at constantinople and then being sent to prince Gorts chakA on condition that he would everywhere say what he had seen and that lie he would tell his comrades that the turks do iii not eat the christians the soldier refused saying that he did not know what awaited him on oa his return that the best beat that i could happen to him would no doubt be to be bes sent ent back to his regiment but that he had had enough of it I 1 but it was said to him you can see your family again my family replied the soldier 1 I have row cow been separated from them for 18 biars and since the day that I 1 was taken from my village I 1 have had no n news ew a from my father my mother or any of my relatives relative they are perhaps all de dead or have forgotten me leave me here until the peace there will always be time enough to give me up this declaration produced a very strong impression on the auditory and it was naturally r related everywhere some of the loaves prepared for the russian soldiers were taken in the same affair and they were so disgusting black sopi sour and detestable that the captors placed them on board the steam frigate charged to bring here th the trophies of the combat they have b baen en exhibit ed and do not produce less effect than they ald ld an 0 the frontiers of asia minor aaa |