Show i scattering SHOTS from new york herald dates of Ao november vember and december to march received last mail an expedition was expected to start from norfolk about the I 1 ast 1st st of january to survey portions of the china and japan seas route between thina ohina arid and california and the north pacific in the region ot of bearings Beh rings straits commander cadwalader ringgold sloop vincennes steamer john joha hancock hanack cock brig porpoise and a tender the apostate strang elected to michigan legislature the inhabitants of kanesville Kanes ville iowa decided to call their town hereafter it council bluff city with memorial that the name ot of post office be c hanged changed to correspond with the city right the place is no longer worthy of the name it has borne superior court of new hampshire declared the M maine ame liquor law unco unconstitutional institutional lady suffolk a piratical schooner sailed from Ha havannah a few days day s ago nov tile the mortality at st jago reported from 60 to per day november I 1 and difficult to procure grave diggers december philadelphia fire rowdies destroyed tro the fairmount horse carri gage and feet of hose of malt burned at albany 1 it is reported that sonora has been annexed to france which for some years lias has been encouraging em emigration thither and count boulbon boulbol and associates socia tes have I 1 ace accomplished their object november fire at san francisco loss the giant angus mckaskell of nova scotia arrived at new orleans 7 feet 9 inches high I 1 weight pounds I 1 W when hen the presidents message was received hy by the house and the clerk began to read motion w was as made to dispense with reading iio 0 no rei read ad read 1 I want to hear 1 I too read area read d three fourths of the members retired while the clerk was reading while debating how many copies should be printed and in how many languages the house adjourned report of commissioner of public lands ands super in of the census and presidents message n nearly early fill the double sheet herald of december ath the bids for furnishing the first class paper for government printing varied from 11 58 5 8 to 14 cents per pound 2nd and class paper 13 34 3 4 to 16 cents 3rd ard class 16 23 2 3 to 17 cents cens mr king vice president elect nearly recovered or his sick sickness nen november 1 ammense damage by storms and floods in thi united states and off the coast in november official il list of lost and damaged vessels on the lakes from the ath to the schooners ners 26 steamers and propellers 6 brigs 3 21 lives lost the japanese expedition consists of vessels frigates brigs ac 13 carrying 21 guns and 3 men commodore matthew 1 C perry I 1 I 1 high floods in w the thames wye severn ac 1 great delay in transmission of mails in england 1 several attempt attempts ts to fire san francisco deal of great big and wonderful news from utah that nobody never thought of only those i that live a great GREAT way off and they must have obtained it from the rappers or iome some such responsible I 1 source or they never could have imagined incel it i great for daniel webster and large funeral professions processions process ions in many places newfoundland potatoe crop entirely failed A box of fine superior imperial tea direct from china recently sold in new orleans for 70 cents per pound proved to be husks or shells of rice grain mixed w with ith a little friable greyish grayish earth decided cheat furious Curi ois if the honest chinese have not learned some thing of the opium ven ders and wooden cucumber seed pedlars ped lars before I 1 this time brince albert lias has been installed muster master of the trinity house vacated by wellington quincy junior lectured before the lyceum at newton corner mass november on I 1 JOE SMITH THE the result of lecturers 0 own wn observations soldiers at cuba and similar number of militia december ath the cherokee Chero keo from froin havanna at new orleans reported cuban difficulties settled were appropriated to pay messengers for carrying to washington the votes ot of the states for president and vice president each messenger 25 cents per mile french naval squadron entered the bay of 0 samana hayti designing designs n g to take possession if the united states consent I 1 steam ship chasan arrived at melbourne I 1 august 3rd ard 60 sailing days from angland Rn gland so delighted were the colonists with the sight of a steamer from england they proposed a purse of 2000 for the capt melbourne revenue more than double for the quarter ending in june previous provisions ex high anxiety about harvest stitching shoes by machinery is becoming quite common a machine and operator equal to ten switchers chers the women of england purpose to memorialize the women of america on slavery great fire at cardenas loss vice president king arrived at havanna feb ath health improving ge gen pierce declined all public receptions on his ingres ingress s to the capitol 1 singing is forbidden in the chut churches ches of milan 4 until further orders captain Captai rk perry has formed a compa company ny for the I 1 pose of finding a permanent settlement in tile the arctic regions and prosecuting the whale fishery attempt has beep been made to assassinate tile the emperor of austria A newly invented screw applied to her Maje steam tender lender fairy has given speed 15 12 1 2 knots the old church yard of alloway the scene of burns burn tani tan oshanter OS hanter has been levelled bevelled level led and all the grave stones removed when a 4 generation becomes so corrupt that the dead cannot rest in peace what will become of the living 3 queen victoria steamer wrecked feb loch off the howth entrance of dublin bay about 70 lives lost insanity greatly on the increase in state of new york supposed cause the people more highly changed with spiritual mediums and humburgs humbugs hum bugs than common good sense dr kane has been lecturing on the open sea of the north jorth and is about to commence another expedition tion over overland L 1 and having selected the hardy sons 0 of f maine for his associates mr arrived at washington march ath forthe for the purpose of laying before government definite information as to the approaches of russia upon turkey and the possibility of a general european war arcsine I 1 correspondents of the london news and chronicle intimate that the ret returns rna of the french emperors election were cooked by the prefects and mayors according to order and not the slightest reliance can be placed on them as a whole current gierent report in paris that the new emperor I 1 wishing to grace his court with the living illustrations of french intellect proposes a series of pensions from to 1400 per annum on i uch I 1 disposed their all allegiance i literary men as are I 1 to tile the new mcg regime ime amount of gold rece received ived in england from australia has been prod prodigious i agiou s I 1 the th e eagle was wa s freighted with wilh upwards of 6 tons and many others in a similar manner december 3rd ard steamer geneva genera bound from st louis for illinois river 5 miles from A alton iton ly lying ing at a wood yard both boilers 4 killi killed d many wounded miners convention of california doubtful 1 some mines think it will cost too much at a busy basy season the discovery of gold is announced at new zealand I 1 1 paris fans city voted a valuable present of jewels to the empress which she declined suggesting they had better be expended in some work of charity great peace conference at manchester january at which mr bright discussed the probability of war with the united states mexican al BEairs 1 attract much attention in england 1 hard fare and star starvation in so some in e p portion 0 artio a 0 of f the th e mountain mines thi the past winter california many deat deatris de atlis is 1 27 an on one vessel from panama to 10 san frincis francisco co from sio sickness kness caught at the esth isthmus mus great destruction of property at orea oregon aon city and vicinity by the he waters of willamette and tri bat aries never known to be so high before the secret e i t ballot box law of massachusetts is repealed during his term of office louis louie napoleon hiis has reduced the army by men paris paria november the mint has coined 7 francs in gold the present year whilst Is t last year there were only 8 the hudson bay company are about starting an exploring expedition to the arctic ocean under command of doat john rae amount of freight from new york to san francisco per I 1 ast 1st at class clipper cost of vessel ohio lunatic asylum contains 26 victims of the spirit mappings Rap pings delusion I 1 hangings hannings Hang ings at the tombs new york are per formed privately november 29 th imperial troops china gain i ing advantage of the rebels october flour at melbourne 40 to 47 per ton 20 line of battle ships 18 Fri frigates gats I 1 15 smi smaller tiler ships dfwar of war fitt fitted d with screw pio propeller peller are building ing w in the french navy yard 7 7 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 Q 24 reported protractedly protract edl cabinet ftfe ietti 0 bt VE W ington march and the secreta secretary ry of state r strutted ted to de demand I 1 mand an immediate ei explanation JN i great britain on the subject of her recent hya haq proceedings against again Bt honduras and the secret of the navy ordered to report forthwith the t i force at hie bis disposal for actual se service arvice i I 1 i black recruits reci from africa have been ia I 1 welcome at cuba since gen canelos Cane Can doa edos 1 1 tion lion commenced I 1 I 1 I 1 terrific storm on lake erie Dee december ember ath j john edgars fat bullock 8 months ol 01 old pounds net earthquake in P essex county mass virginia and maryland conte contending ihrig about th IK mutual limits also mass and rhode island the mixed commissions of england russia persia while establishing the liou boundary nOry betwee aTt kt key y and persia Persi tL came upon the palace of abu 61 4 mentioned in scripture ee esther I 1 1 band 6 ali ta the tomb of dan el the he prophet on which is detill ure a man inan bound hand and foot with jhuge a huge lioti lion the act of springing on him to devour him kii 1 york herald november 18 copied from roal chronicle november loth I 1 I 1 steamer city of 0 pittsburgh burned in calp dalpan bay october from combustion of chill chili Q 1 A correspondent of panama star from october octoba er 31 st says the clergy are just now no busy as the devil in a gale of wind trying to 3 up a religious excitement and stir up a feg feck against and americans in herald december esth 1 1 S latest fashion russians smoking tea 11 I 1 Toba tobacco oco state of mexico bankrupt church of me revels in wealth strictly catholic no other rell relja tolerated iole rated i ex members of congress Congre rs are great grea ely tely moa klizing executive appointments two words for one for a friend march about 30 clerks were tt ere removed in the treasury department commissioner Bart bartletta bartletts letts report on the PJ pao rail road goes to show allow that to follow ini int t vicinity of captain cooks route it will be necea to enter mexican dominions herald march isi the french clergy have commenced crisli against the publisher of the journal li I 1 niep ial the arch bishop of paris has forbidden am me t of the church not only to calla collaborate borate for vers but also to seb subscribe scribe for and read that N new va paper the publisher has lett left I 1 for rome to th hi holiness decide M 1 I at it I 1 office seekers at washington A garset ganet witt 14 truckle bed and tin wah basin worth V 3 or 0 night every housa full and what is the thui because because the poor fellows who tire arc so hungry foyo ce are re t too 1 lazy azy to work for birin livina and dont 1 V W elou enough h to get a truckle bed wid and liz in nan without work and consequently would be vp willing to pay 3 or 4 dollars per night amigh t forab for bcd d t 17 MI miserable fare if they could only dorily get som eo friend to persuade grovern government ment to give money to pay the bill I 1 I 1 three routes in contemplation for a rail floii 1st ast from mi through the south pass pass sod 0 to o am th the e R rocky c k y mountains Mounia ins west of j t near L el passo on the rio grande 14 april asked president fien SK how low he liked the air of W washington a t illington iid know pr fir I 1 have not had the opportunity 4 df daietti ietti tt in B a breath of fresh air air have hate not even time aate 4 A look at the presidents enCa face brov proved d his tv IT gen pierce has declared that his I 1 w will ill be bean an effective one government se ceil telegraph message march I 1 in I 1 relation U ak Mus quito affair I 1 I 1 I 1 A gentleman from matanzas ath M arch ar b 1 w A 1 mr king was then very low and a etting wo won k would probably never leave mantanzas 11 I 1 the toll bridge at cahors 11 10 1100 00 feet long 4 ii rail road bridge at waterloo new york w were ere burned march 1 I incendiaries NOIA incendiaries in the lower world I 1 i I 1 march stor storm mat at columbus ga da hia grener generally ally blown down and streets I 1 lumbered e d trunks of tallen fallen shade trees damage cannot i estimated I 1 march fire at louisville loss some beautiful specimens spec imes of rubies and en raids have been found in tile the interior of Cali califor foit a also a magnificent diamond of th the e first water 0 4 many marders arid outrages 3 again and I 1 again california I 1 volume of the journal of the H acma olt representatives re arsen t a t ives massi mass which has been vw raw I 1 I 1 for sever several al years was found in secretary Secre oft A i march ath by bv charles W strong esq entity i reward of no comments necessary santa S a nta anna reported on a british stess ste going into vera cruz march lat ast i 11 11 f it would not he be matter to learn ab nb bev by r 1 I 1 a mail that the austrian and russian armies dinv inv invaded abed turkey and were on their road to conil acou ti nople herald march ath I 1 14 alderman and 13 assi assistants stints of the city di new york have been arraigned before the i court for contempt oran of an oriler order ot of said coi alderman Sly vesant to he imprisoned rj dayi rp the city prison pay a fine t to oe be city of apfl As to the relators rela tors for their costs and expenses e 11 1 07 the other aldermen wesley smith axce excecil it a fine of in addition to the 1015 1 f for I 1 I 1 11 c costs ost s and expenses of th the e r relators rela tors to be PO them lenough enough for this ireat great pack w wish ish they had bad wise counsellors coun enough W dinv inv I 1 I 1 0 great city new york to 0 insi institute i tute wise and 01 hie ble laws and help save the people from sheaf ing ingot of the sea beyond 1 its bounds to their I 1 10 ove overthrow arthrow like tyre and adon miles they 8 sp 4 repent 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 V q 11 I 1 A new comet was discovered discover od at harvard 0 10 I 1 observatory march ath about 5 degrees I 1 ia t preceding the s star tar rigel particulars abera I 1 march I 1 I 1 I 1 r I 1 very strong attempt in california Legi I 1 make e people keep the first day of alie week 0 a bath or resting day all very goud in its blat time and season but who gave those Legi the their ir authority author iry to designate which day of thed should be kept have they no jews in cillufo califor no seven day baptists no jno persians and W 0 of any nation but puritans for among the nations which inhabit the earth are religionists religion ista 1 I 1 believe in each of the several days of the week the sabbath of rest and the constitution of I 1 united slates will you ADMIT ITS declares that eliat liberty laliberty of conscience shall 34 abrogated all men shall be free to via J god according to the dictate dictates 1 tt of their 10 consciences who then has hab made you and ruler over the consciences of nations 11 are |