Show HISTORY OF JOSEPH SMITH friday ath about sun rise I 1 started with my friends friend 9 and arrived at mr Ra glins at the ap pointed hour hoar we did not know but there would be a disturbance among angiono 0 the mob characters today we accordingly had a company of 0 men placed at t the county line so as to be e ready at a minutes warning if i thero there should be any difficulty at the trial the trial commenced william P peniston who was the prosecutor had no witnesses but adam black who contrived to swear a great many things c that never had an existence until he swore them and I 1 presume never entered the heart of aidy any man to conceive and in fine I 1 think he swore by the job and that he was employed so to do by peniston the witnesses wit on the pirt part of the defence were ware dimick B gideon carter adam lightner and george W robinson the judge judo ne bound colonel wight and myself over to court cour t in a five hi hundred i n dred d dollar olla i bo bond n d th there e r e wa was S no n 0 proof against us to criminate us but it is ii sl supposed u he did it to pacify as much as pose possible i b e the feelings of the robbers mob bers the judge Jad gestAted stated afterwards in the presence of george W robinson that there was w a s nothing proven against us worthy of f bonds but we submitted without murmuring mur mering a word abord gave the bonds bands with sufficient securities and all returned home the same evening we found two persons in davies at the trial which gentlemen were sent from chariton Gha riton county as a committee to enquire into all this matter ds as the robbers had bad sent to that place for assistance they said to take smith and wight but their object was to drive the brethren county of davies aa a was done in ia jackson county they said the people in not see proper I 1 to send help without knowing for what purpose p 1 they were doing it and this they said was w a their orrand errand they he accompanied compan 1 ed us to far west to hold a council with us as in norderto order to learn the facts of this groat great excitement which is as it were turning the world upside down I 1 we arrived home in the evening evenin this morning a daughter daugier of elder shumway died in camp also mrs darks clarks child the camp passed through terre haute and over the river wabash in in a northwesterly north westerly dl di i through faletto township and encamped about a west of E S diore store and within t 0 miles of the west line of indiana eleven miles from kirtland saturday ath the camp passed on into the state oi of illinois leaving pilot grove on the right traveled twenty five miles from kirtland the presidency met me in council with the committee from chariton Ch oriton county together with general atchison where a relation was given of the whole matter the present state of excitement cit ement and the cause 0 of all this confusion these gentlemen zent lemen et pressed their fullest satisfaction faction upon the subject considering they had been outrageously imposed I 1 upon in this matter they left this aft afternoon app apparently perfectly perfecta y satisfied with the interview news came this evening elenina that the hiob acob were to attack adam ondi Zam aham and a few of the brethren started to assist the tho brethren to defend doben d the themselves melves sunday ath P a company in addition to what went last evening went to adam ondi ahmando to the brethren rela in defence tice against A the h cobl nob captain william allred took a company com hy of te mounted bieni faeo and went to intercept at a team with guns and ammunition from richmond for tha mob in davies 1 ies they found the wagon wal oniabe broke down and the boxes offie of gun draw drawn minto into the high grass near by the wagon no 66 one pr present that co could bild lild be disc discovered in a short time two men on horse back came from towards th the camp ecamp of the mob immediately behind them wasa pasq ian man with a wagon they all came up and were taken by virtue of a writ supposing posing them to be the men who were abatt abetting supposing sut the e mob in carrying the guns and ammunition to those murderers yea and murderers er 9 too is in cool blood bloid the menbere men were taken together with the guns to par far west t the b e guns guna were distributed among the brethren for their defence and the prisoners were held in custody this was a glorious day indeed the plans of I 1 the mob we were re frustrated in losing their guns and all their efforts appeared appe ired to be blasted the mob continued to tako take prisoners at their ameir pleasure some they keep and some they let go they try I 1 all in their power to make us commit the first act of violence ahey frequently send in word that they ar torturing the prisoners to death in the he most agra aggravating 11 1 1 ting manner maimer but we understand all their ways and their cunning and wisdom is not past finding out captain allred acted under the civil authorities in caldwell who issued the egit for securing I 1 the arms and arresting the carriers the pris prisoners boners were I 1 I 1 brought to far west for trial I 1 I 1 the 0 camp a traveled two miles milea before breakfast and tented on each side of little ambro I 1 near the west line of edgar county where the sisters made a washing directed by tho the council as they had not had bad the privilege tor or some days while some had died and others were sick the campeas camp was instructed that they could not all go up to zion in in a body bev it was wisdom that some should look out olai places and stop through the winter and work and get means to keep themselves themselves when they I 1 arrived as the money received at bath was gf growing owing short but the Se seventies geventie ventie s ought to go up tip a and aad ad locate their families and go forth and preach the gospel 1 I 1 monday nixie nine or ten families concluded to look for a place and stop oia over hii winter n tei the camp passed independence nee abad aad across s fifteen I 1 j mile prairie in all twenty two miles and en camped by a small stream this is day the prisoners john B comer wina william i am L mchoney and allen alien miller were brought before albert petty petti justice of the peace for f or exa examination minati an the prisoners asked for bail to allow time to get ge counsel the law allowed no bail but the court adjourned till wednesday to give time to prisoners to get counsel after the arrest the facts were communicated ted to judge king by letter asking his advise how bow to dis dispose liose of the guns and prisoners under date of richmond september tenth judge king advised bt by letter to turn the prisoners loose and let t them receive kind treatment that the guns were government property Eyo perty in che care of dap captain ain pollard of bis is vicinity but whether they thet went by his authority or permission he could not sa say y I 1 he was wa at a loss to tb give any I 1 advice about them they shall not through any ag agency gen cy of mine be taken from you vou to be converted and used for for illegal purposes purposes I 1 1 A A KING directed to smith and Rigdon under the same date judge king advised general atchison Atch lson to send two hundred or more men and dispel the forces in davies and all the assembled armed forces in Caldwell and cause those mormons cormons who refuse to gave ap to surrender and be recognized for it till will not do to compromise the law with them thein what compromise n need eed there be judge judg kin king g for no mor hor mons had refused to surrender to the re I 1 of the law it is ia mob violence alone that the cormons mormons Mor mons are contending 0 against I 1 A petition was this day made out by the citizens s of ray county directed to general atchison Atchi aon to call out the militia to sin sur press preas this insurrection insure in caldwell and davies and save the effusion ok of blood which must I 1 speedily take place unless prevented signed by jesse chatos boates and twenty eight others tuesday 4 alth the camp traveled sixteen mi miles les across the prairie and pitched tents in macan county I 1 wednesday camp traveled twenty nine miles from fram kirtland I 1 I 1 this day the prisoners pi john B cormor conner and his comrades wore were put upon trial it was proven I 1 to the court that the guns were taken by one of the prisoners i ind and that they were taking them to davies county to arm the mob ft it was also proved that that the mob was collecting for the purpose of driving the saints from their homes the prisoners were hold held to bail for their appearance atthe circuit court comer as principal the others were hired juto into his is service this day also a COMM communication was made to governor boggs dated davies county containing all the falsehoods aud and lies that the I 1 vil evil geniuses of villains and murderers mure mare e could invent charging the Mormon 3 w with i th every crime they themselves had been guilty of and calling e the mormons cormons impostors rebels canadian refuges re f emmis saries of adf t the he prince of dar darkness kness ac signed the citizens of davies and livingston Z counties I 1 under this date general atchison informed the governor by letter form head quarters at richmond that on the solicitation of the citizens and advise of the judge of the circuit he had ordered out fout four companies of fifty men each from the militia of bf i clay county and nd a like number from R ray ay also four hu hundred adred me men n to hold themselves in readiness if required a all fl mounted and riflemen ex except ce pt one company of luf lu fantry arit ry the troops will proceed immediately io to tho thle scene of excitement and insurrection I 1 about this time sixty or more abre robbers entered DG de vitt and warned the brethren to leave the place I 1 thursday the camp traveled to bolivia I 1 twelve miles brother Thor tons child died dica in in the evening evening 0 and was buried on the morning morning 10 of the 1 1 1 1 friday I 1 the camp passed through springfield which it is expected will soon soo n I 1 be e 0 the Ca capital of illinois illinoia instead of vandalla vandalia much mach opposition tion was manifested at springfield in the countenances of f men in their hard bard and un unrighteous r g remarks against joseph smith and t the li church and in much laughing fever and ague and chills and fever ar are a the prevailing diseases in this place Thed The drouth roath continues the water in the wels ig a yer yow and many springs entire entirely ilef dry ma maa families fa alies found stopping places es before ore arriving 1 lere I 1 nere the cam camp I 1 is sometimes short of food both for man and beast and they know what it is to be hungry their living tor for the last one hundred miles has been boiled d corn and shaving pudding padding which is made of new corn eata shaved I 1 a jointer eror or fore plane it is excellent excelle fit w with ith milk 1 butter batter or or W with ith a ai ac occasional cas ional mixture of pork flour floor potatoes agoes pum pam kids melons ac makes a comfortable liv living i ng I 1 the cobs and remaining corn acorn ia is given lt itoi t the h e horses so that nothing is io losta lost hea hence ae the pro verb erb goes forth in the world the lormans would starve a hose boat of enemies enemies to death for they will live where e every ery body ene else would die 11 the camp numbers about two att 0 hi hundred indred and sixty there was five hundred and 15 burthey but they have been scattered ao the four winds and it Is is because of selfishness mur mar and complain ings and not having fulfilled their covenants that they hate wa thus spattered ered traveled twenty three miles and tented rented five miles west of springfield miles from Kirtland I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 awas I 1 was at home after three in the evening ning 11 I 1 I 1 1 william dr dryden ayden J justice q tice of 0 1 the peace in Q davies dalies a county stated to the I 1 gov governor bior 1 n a I 1 long opp communication tat q I 1 t he 1 h ad 1 is issued sued it a writ against on ripley A I 1 george georg r 6 A smith and others for begs assaulting i an and d threatening threat ning 0 adam black on cia the eighth of august last and that the a guard of tou ten mebin men in attempting to serve the writ was forcibly driven from town were e sup supposed to I 1 be and that the cormons mormons were so well armed and so numerous in caldwell dal dwell and dalles that the judicial powei power of the co counties cities was wholly unable to execute a writ ag against dinst a and that the mormons cormons held the institutions of the country in utter contempt with many ma more ra such lies of the blackest kiad upon alch governor boggs issued an order to exic daral vid SR R Ate hlson of th the third of missouri militia through the adjutant central Ce I 1 B 1 V lisle to raise a sufficient force of troops vix 1 I his cb minand and aid te civil officers I 1 rs il in 11 daves danes da nes I 1 county count I 1 y to execute 1 ill all alti writs 1 aid other athe r t processes process esin in their evaige ebaire in and i d especially assist the officer charged with the execution of a writ issued by william dryden bryd en justice of th the e peace on the twenty of august last for the arrest of alanson ripley ceorge ye orge A smith and others and bring ta offenders to justice the fol following lovin 0 letter ro gives gives a tolerable fair view of fine fhe movements 5 of the militia for a few days past badt I 1 I 1 I 1 head quarters 1 A brigade ard 3rd di division vision i i campat C ampa fmpa t grand Q raid river sep ath aft 1838 major general david R atchison atchis n ard 3rd division missouri militia 1 sir in pursuance of your orders 01 dated alth dinst I 1 issued order sto col wm win A dunn commanding this thie regiment to raise four companies ompa nies of mounted Rif riflemen linen consisting of fifty men each also alio to coh john boulware commanding regiment to raise two companies of moun mounted ted Rifle riflemen consi consisting stin 0 each of like number to start forthwith for servi service ce in in the counties of caldwell Oal dwell and davies on the same day colonel dunn D obtained the four companies of volunteers reau required ired from the regiment and on the marnin morning of the I 1 took the command in person and marched to the line of caldwell at which point I 1 ordered i the colonels to march the regiments to the timber ori od crooked river I 1 then it started arted for far west ithe ahe county seat of ac complained com pained by my aid alone on arriving at that place I 1 found comer came rl miller and mchoney the prisoners mentioned in your order I 1 demanded of the guard who had them in confinement to deliver them over to me which was promptly done I 1 also found that the guns that had been captured by the sheriff and citizens of caldwell had been distributed and placed in tho the hands bands of the soldiery and scattered over the country I 1 ordered them to be im mediately collected and delivered up to me I 1 then sent an express to col dunn dann to march the regiment nent by day light for that place where he arrived about 7 a in making forty miles since 10 6 a afi m on the flip previous day when my command arrived the guns were delivered up amounting amonn ting i tw two stand three stand could not be produced as they had bad probably gone to davies county I 1 sent these guns under a guard to your command in ray county torether together e with the prisoner comer the other two being citizens citizen of davies 1 I retained and brought with mb to this 1 county and released them ibex on parol of honor as I 1 conceived their detention illegal at 8 a in we took up theline ot of march and proceeded through mill port in davies county thirty thir t y seven even 8 miles mi e 8 from our former encampment and arrived at the camp of the catiz citizens ansof of |