Show Calif california orilia items with regard rard to the hie mayoralty a majority of the supreme court to the astonishment of the hie legal pr profession 0 and the citizens generally have lately decided teci ded that dr parts pans was he mayor of bait fancisco F Fian cisco since september last although capt has been acting in that capacity the location of the seat of government is involved in ii as deep a mystery as ever tite partisans parti of san joain valejo are sparing no exertion is on either side to it 0 01 I 1 the nit alt a meeting consisting of 41 mem hors hars elect of the legislature was held in S san francis e 2 0 for the gnip it p se of consulting together as to the pace where t the rale legislature should bp b neld held when ben the question was decided in favor of valejo by a vote of 28 29 to 13 bit B it as the whole meeting dd not constitute one half of the Legis legislature lalure it is imo ible ihle of course to consider that yote as betl selling in the question at rest |