Show P ro y gift ul U l Z I 1 1 t UFE ot of JOSEPH SMITH I 1 0 r 1 7 P p T 1 thursday ehst this momin looming gj ft a Connee connecticut dout by aho name f joab W off reft called at fay house and inquired of bf ifft T father if the prophet livest lives here betea 11 rd he W 4 plied her he did not understand him mr olvea asked the same question again and again n I 1 and received the same answer he finally y a does mr smith live here father fathe i r 6 del i VU yes sir air 1 I understand you now father I 1 e er UM step stepped ea I 1 into my room and inform informed ad ine me til tat I 1 1 a I gentleman gentle gentleman map had bad I 1 called to see goo roe me I 1 we went U i i into 4 the h e room where he was and the first question he be asked me after passing a compliment was I 1 how many member have you in in yea I 1 replied that we hod ha between fifteen hundred and two thousand in this branch he then aski aki 1 ed wherein do you differ from other christian I 1 replied that we believe the bible md they do not net however he affirmed believed the bible I 1 told him then to 1 be b he that he did dh not rele it tobe hig hi duty but when I 1 laid before him the principles of 4 the gospel viz t faich aita and re pen tance baptism for the remission of sins and the laving on of hands for the reception of the holy he manifested much surprise aur prise I 1 observed that the hour for school had bad arrived and I 1 must attend the man appeared astonished at our doctrine but by bv no means ho hostile tl I 1 about 3 pm p m I 1 d dismissed 1 is missed the schoot ol 01 nud and thu the presidency retired to the attic story of the printing office where we attended to the ordinance of washing our bodies in pure water we also algo perfumed our oar bodies and or ear heads in the name odthe lord at early candlelight candle light I 1 met with the presidency tit at the west school I 1 room in the temple to attend to the ordinance benle of aenoi anointing our heads eads wi with th holy oil councils of kirtland and zion met I 1 in the two w I 1 adjoining rooms who waited in while I 1 we attended to ta the afie ordinance I 1 took the oil in my left hand father smith being seated before me and the remainder of the presidency encircled him round about we then sketched our right hands towards heaven and blessed 1 thecil the oil and consecrated it in the name of jesus i chhist we then laid our hands upon our aged father I 1 i smith the bles blessings sini is of heaven I 1 I 1 I 1 i then ano anointed anted his bis head with the consecrated oil 1 and sealed many blessings upon him the pr presidency si dency then in turn laid their hands 6 tipon on his head bead beginning begian i n at the eldest until tey they had all laid their lands hands upon him and pronounced such blessings upon his bis head as the lord put into their hearts all blessin blass mg him to be our patriarch to anoint our beads aal ani at tend to nilda all duties ties that pertain to that office the presidency then took the seat in their turn according to their age beginning at the eldest and received their anointing and blessing under the hands of father smith and in my turn my father anointed my head and sealed upon me i i I 1 the bl blessings asin of moses to lad israel in the latter I 1 days even as moses mose a led him in days of old also tle the blessings of abraham isaac and jacob I 1 i all of the presidency laid their handa haich a anio wl 0 pi i e i F y j cies cie and ble blessings olsin 98 man many of of which ij I 1 s L hall not I 1 notice at this time bat bab as paul slid so say 1 I let us cope come to visions and revelations I 1 the heavens heaven i were opened upon us ua and I 1 bei I 1 held the celestial kingdom of god and nd the glory thereof whether in the body or out I 1 cannot tell I 1 saw tho transcendent beauty of the gate I 1 through which the heirs of that kingdom will i enter which was like unto ante circling flames of fire also the blazing throne of god whereon was seated the father and the son I 1 saw the i i beautiful streets of that kingdom which had the appearance of being paved with gold I 1 saw fa I 1 ther adam and aad abraham and my father and 1 mother my brother alvin that has long since I 1 J slept 81 ept and marveled how it was that he had obtained an inheritance in that kingdom seeing in 9 that he had departed alis life bi fore the L lord ad had set his hand to gather israel the second time and had not been baptized sed for the remission of sins thus camo came the voice of the lord unto me saying all who have died without a knowledge ot this gospel who would have received it if I 1 1 they had been permitted 0 o tarry shall be heirs I 1 of the celestial kingdom of god also i all that shall ishall die henceforth without a knowledge of it I 1 who would have received it with all their hearts shall be heirs of that kingdom for I 1 the lord will judge all men according to their works according to co the desire of their hearts and I 1 alo aliso I 1 beheld that all chil children drea who die before they arrive at the years years of accountability are saved in ia the kingdom ot ok heaven I 1 saw the I 1 twelve apostles ot of the lamb who are now upon the earth who hold the keys of oe this luc last 1 in foreign lands standing together in a circle much fatigued with their clothes tai lat aud feet swollen with their eyes cast downward and jesus standing in their midst and they did not behold him the savior looked upon them and wept I 1 also beheld elder Alc Lollin in the ing aug upon is a JILA hul uy by a ast preaching to LU weak ilium and a man gandl diug beaure wm by his hid ne he carew borew them down dawn UL ab uta word aal leaped ad aa an hart p I 1 by thy the mighty power poorer ot of jod also elder brigham I 1 a in it strange und land III iu me lue 1 far 1 ctr south aind bedi est iu in a dea deceit t place upon a 1 rock in the abe midst ut ot about u dubou meu dien oi bulor who appeared noal no tL lie ilo was to them in weir own Ling bungue tie and the angel ut udd standing above his bis head auti a drewa sword iu U his hond band promoting him buc bat he did not see it and I 1 anally saw auw thy lila twelve in the celestial kingdom of bod I 1 alao adso beheld the redemption of zion and many things which the tongue of in mn inn n emnot describe in lull full many ot of toy my brethren who received the ordin ordinance anca with me saw glorious visions also angela autu alito rheua d well as sua the tae power of the rested epou ud as the ine houde was wad tilled with the lae glory of bod aud and ake e Us na to god und and the lamb my bly scribe also ro re his hie anointing with us aad saw in afi a vision I 1 the armies of hedve heaven a protecting toe the saints aieta in their return to zion and many laings which I 1 saw the bishop of kii kirtland fland with his counselors 1 and the bishup of zion with his bis co were vere present presen t with us and received their anointed under the hands of father smith and confirmed by the presidency und the glories gloria of heaven ceru unfolded to them side alao we then invited the counselors of lUrt kirtland land and zion into our room and Pres president idest hyrum simin anointed the head bead of the predad rit nt of the counselors counselor a in Ki Kir dind rLland and president david whitmer tb head of f the president of the I 1 counselors ot of zion the president of each quorum then anointed the heads of his ool I 1 j begues each in his turn beginning at the eldest They th Wons of heaven were opened to them also T alq otee of them saw the face of the savior I 1 and the were ministered unto by holy ani 1 jok gels ond dud the spirit of prophecy and I 1 revelation wag d 1 out in mighty power and loud hoi hei kani sms and nd glory to god in the highest tor for we all communed with the aty 11 if host hest and I 1 saw in in i my v vision ision all of I 1 I 1 presidency noy in the del celestial estial kingdom of god I 1 and many others that were present our gurmeet meet I ing ift was opened by bl singing and prayer offered ap by the bead ad of of aae saefa quorum and closed by aiB gin and invoking the benediction of heay I 1 I 1 0 mw o with uplifted han hands and ad retired between one cited tw in the morning morn rag r morning atten attended ed at the school aam room at ai the usual hour but bat instead of pursuing t aur studies we spent the time in relt rehearsing earsing to each aeh other the glo glorious rious i that transpired M the preceding evening while attending ot the I 1 ordinance of holy anointing at evening we metat met at the same place with the e council ot of the twelve and the presidency of the seventy who were to receive this ordinance Th the high fligh of idd and zion were present I 1 also after calling to order and organizing the I 1 presidency proceeded to eon consecrate secrate the oia 0 rf I 1 we then laid our hands upon elder thomas B marsh who is president of the twelve so and or daisog him to the authority of anointing his bis brethren I 1 then poured the be consecrated oil upon his bis head in the name of jesus jesua christ an I 1 11 I 1 joealed baled such blessings upon him as the lord put I 1 into my heart the rest of the presidency th then wd laid their hands upon him and blessed him each 1 in their turn tam beginning at the eldest he I 1 then anointed and blessed his brethren from I 1 the eldest to the youngest I 1 also laid my hands upon tle n and pronounced many great and glorious things upon their heads the heavens f i were opened and angels ministered unto us the twelve then preceded to and bless t the he presidency of the seventy and seal upon their heads head power 0 and authority to anoint theil brethren the the heavens were kopea d upon elder sylvester smith and he leaping up ap exclaimed the horseman of israel and the chariots thereof brother don C smith was also I 1 sar anointed and blessed to preside over the agh itoh 0 priesthood president rigdon arose to conclude e the services of the evening by invoking the h benediction of heaven upon the lords anointed which he did in an eloquent manner the congregation gre gation shouted a long hosanna the gift gif L of tongues tell fell u upon pon us in in mighty j power angels mingled their voices with ours while their pi ei e i ence was in our midst and unceasing unceasing praises swelled our bosoms for the space of of half an hour I 1 then observed to the brethren thatis that ft was time to retire we accordi accordingly I 1 I 1 angly closet closed our oar interview and returned home at about 2 in in the morning and the spirit and visions of god attended me through the night see note noie H addenda page 3 saturday attended at the school room as usual and we came together filled with the spirit it ILS as on he past evening and did not feel like studying but commenced commenced conversing upon heavenly things and the day we I 1 sp ant agreeably and profitably elder alva beeman had been na tar that ta we received on evering an a aja h J h confession and asked forgiveness of me s BMW which was joyfully given and he said he would try to resist satan in in future sunday met the several quorums in the room under the printing coffiee and after organizing and opening by prayer called upon the high council of kirtland to proceed and confess their sins as they might be di directed rooted by the spirit and they occupied the first part of the day and confessed an ani and i exhorted exhort edas as the spirit led P Mat M attended tended again and saw the bread and wine administered to the quorums find and brethren who were present in the evening met the presidency in the room over the printing room and counseled on the subject of endowment and the preparation for the solemn assembly which is to be called when the house bouse of the lord is finished monday received a line from my scribe informing me of his ill health as follows brother joseph my my great desire to be in your eo co and in the ibe assembly of the saints where god opens the heavens and exhibits the i treasures of eternity ii M the only thing that has stimulated me for a number of days past ast to leave my hou houie ae for be assure dear grother brother I 1 my bodily affliction is severe I 1 have a violent cough mare more especially at night which deprives me of my appetite and my strength 0 fails and writing has a particular tendency to injure my lungs while I 1 am under the il luence of such a cough I 1 therefore with reluctance send your year journal to you until my health improves yours in haste WARREN PARRISH P S brother joseph pray for me and ask the prayers of the elms class on my scoot account int also api i pointed elder sylvester smith acting scribe for the time being bein or till elder parrish sh shall coall re recover over his health r spent the dy day at home receiving visitors tuesday mr a arved arrived from hudson to teach the hebrew language andl at attended tendel upon the organizing of the a class ass for the purpose of rece receiving ivina ileaure lecture upon hebrew grammar his hours 0 of instruction are from ten to eleven a in and from two to three p m his introduction pleased me much I 1 think he i will be a help to the class in learning he hebrew 1 I 1 wednesday 1 attended school as usual i and other matters also which came before me thursday attended school at the asua usua asuat hours in the evenin evening g met the qu quorum ordill of high priests in the west room of the upper loft of the lords house bouse and in company with my council of the presidency consecrated and anointed i the counselors of the president of the bitet high priesthood and having 1 I instructed t them and set the quorum in order I 1 left them to perform er the holy anointing and went to the quorum of elders at the other end of the room I 1 as aisted in anointing the counselors of the pre president of the e elders ders and gave them the in instruction necessia necess necessary aa of the occasion and left the president an and his council to anoint the elders 1 while I 1 should go to 0 the adjoining room and attend to organizing and instructing of the quorum of the seventy I 1 I 1 found the twelve apostles assembled with this quorum and I 1 proceeded with the quorum of the presidency to instruct them and also the seven presidents of the seventy elders to I 1 call upon god with uplifted hands to seal the blessings which had boon been promised to them by I 1 the holy anointing As I 1 organized this quorum wi h the presidency in this room president sylvester smith saw a pillar of fire rest down dow if and abide upon the heads of the quorum as we stood in the midst of the twelve 1 when the twelve aud aad the seven were through it with irith their sealing prayer I 1 balled upon dent S rigdon to seal them with uplifted hands I 1 and when he had done this and cried hosanna that ad the congregation should join him and a shout hout boian IIo aanna na to god cod and I 1 the lamb and glory to god in the high highest esti it was done so and elder roger Orton saw a mighty angel riding a horse of fire with a ft flaming amiem 0 sword in hia hand and followed roll owed by five others encircle the house and protect the saints even even the lords anointed from the power of satan I 1 and a host of evil spirits which were striving to disturb the saints pres president wm win smith one of the twelve saw the heavens opened aud and the lords host protect etim WH the lords anointed president zebedee polibia po iri liria III one of the seven saw the savior expended ended wore before hin as upon apon the cross and a little after crowned with glory upon his hia head above the brightness of the sun af after ter these things were over and a glorious vision which I 1 saw had passed I 1 instructed the seven presidents to proceed and anoint the seventy and returned to the room of the high priests and I 1 d and elders and attended to the sealing sea ino of what they had done wit with h uplifted hands the |