Show answer to rebus kotros in ho no 28 your tour first is s numerical C with the aid of 0 your second I 1 find your third must be b a five or the letter V and the rest can be eay easy defined that your fourth equals onn ONE 1 I 1 Is easy to tell and the last hait halt your first Is fifty or L and tho most of tt el e letters etters belong to the ld devil 11 p tet yet ned will admit that the answer Is civil brin no 2 NOTICE the ineva bers of the priests quorum in G S L city hlll xiii meet la tu the ward school house the sunday n every month at 4 by order of the president ol 01 Quo quorum LEWIS WIGHT 13 am president 10 in tooele thoele city cily on the ath just ELIZA ellzabeth ELIZABETH BETIT daughter of t james and mary lievan clevan aged 10 months all ail antl anil 8 days NEW rew NE W WANTED W ANTE D in exchange tr fi for furniture SCRIP 1110 woud WOOD U t LUMBER PRODUCE ac n H 17 nals ditt EITT T eake TAKE all ali r mr UP AT T grantsville Grants ville tooele fogele county one L VL black two year old HEIFER slightly blandel on nip flip I 1 dj D white face and nose black around the e yes eyes line ine lne bacic white tail white under the beny beliy and w white bilte flanks 29 2 SAMUEL R M T TO rene RENT I 1 HAVE haye a tl farm of eif elf eighty 0 ir lity acres near patriarch jehli smith one mile ulle from the tile sugar lieme which I 1 will rent to alsy any person or persons wishing to sow it la in what wheat wh at this fall this farm Is enclosed by itself and lias ilas all been cropped those wishing waning to rent a farm of that kind wa will wiil 11 do well to call cali on me at ny my residence in the ward ga g a 31 HIRAM niram KIMBALL rJ OTICE raphe undersigned undersigner under signed 0 1 administrator of the A H estate theof tte of pandy paudy lem iem late of great salt lake city decease deceased dp wishes all persona having demands against sald said estate to prent present them without delay either to 11 bilm im or to the probate judge of great salt lake like count county 1 doiy doly tuly authenticated bated as a it is i desirable to seiti settle and close up the fco eneba ot of the estate at the earnest ear leit practicable date 23 3 A LOST kost vis bis V the west side of the little mount ale ade aln sin on saturday daY das september 19 a young red OS OX neck worn with the tha yoke and a little footsore any per pen person oil returning him or giving information that will lead to his recovery vili will be liberally rewarded by TITUS to two miles south ot of the city oa on the farm formerly brastins SUBS suns 29 1 isk JENNINGS NEW EW MEAT IMAN MARKET on the corner north of J cain cains will be opened on thurs aidy Y oct 1 the first dayot day of the uie yair fair when uben the PUBLIO PUBLIC are invited invite to call and see JENNINGS WINDERS slaughter liter ilter R hons Sons housew housep n cw with a all 11 Us its accommodation will he be devoted devote to haj hwi 4 pub public llen ne bring your cattle kill them yourselves mija ax ja without charge clr cir cin pe or ve me will win kill them for tor you lmke lake the hide aud pay you yon one dollar aud and darty fifty ty cents N X B all persons ladah to the above airm firm will please call and ettle ettie settle title any having baving claims clain iii present them and take your pay kiy 31 at 31 3 1 he tannery and leather wll will be con t d at the old did establishment 29 2 V LOST losty STRAYED be aco b co JV friou ROM rou parleys blar Ilar leys kanyon about the middle of muy alay one yoke of cattle lne one red and white speckled spi OX with a on the right horn with two holes hoies in the sime same horn the other red line back bacu with horns bored and dewlap and crop off the tail tall whoever will wilt give information where they arey area are arc or wiil will bring them to smon simon myth li cottonwood will be liberally rewarded 28 2 wanted for F OR commissary supplies twenty y bushels ol 01 beans brans and twenty head nead of beef ca cattle e tur for which auditors warrants will be paid A AP r knockwood nOCK WOOD ody com conn gen geu of M N legion tame TAXES S I 1 WILL receive for taxes or city scrip for a short shor lime time wheat and other grain wood and lumber lumbers at my office it 11 the taxes are not paid forthwith they will be collected collect I 1 with further cost aa J 3 TI J C LITTLE asses apses assessor or and collector Coll octor mope SOP E AND ik TWINE WA we A mcmaster mcmaster STER rope kope twine 9 lasso girth broom and weavers Wea W eavern cavern verb T twine wine manufacturer lith ward informs the public that lc LO will break and dreas dress homp hemp and ilax or spin buy huy f t the be above named to all who wish on cheap term terms ac ET ST PA y if LL persons who wiio deslon desin design n exhibiting ASTOCK ALL 0 STOCK atthe at the second annu annual state clr corn coin in n this tl is city on tile lie first day day oay of october next wiil will take notice that thy are required to halter balter break their animals and nd furniss them thein with good strong ropes or so they may be eagly and safely by order of the ommittee committee of arrangements ft S L city sep 15 1857 dissolution of 05 cop eop iSHIP heretofore existing PARTNEr P between charlen charles taylor and djamin njamin C dallow butchers of G S L city Is this day DISSOLVED by mutual consent hach bach ode oje is authorized to sceiva and receipt for the debt due doe either partly of said bald nirm firm all abts of the firm to be le paid jointly all persons knowing themselves ven indebted to the late firm are hereby respectfully and earnestly solicited to call cau without delay and end pay or adjust their amounts TAYLOR 26 3 BENJAMIN C DALLOW WHEAT aney arry CLOTHING BRING bing DRING along 0 your substantial cloth iad lad and fach exchange ange on liberal terms for what corn cattle pork ports and other domestic product products at the deseret store for the an purpose pose of a more moore eviat distribution of or cloth ang throne hout the it has lias been by the tie tir fir first presidency that clothing of every evert description be d daponte vo itea iter ai at the Jv seret senet store ad those who are in ill need to bring brins in n their grain ac and be prepared to ta dake date the exchange amse auza fon for the articles needed neel pd I 1 let et every hody body look over their ward wardrobe roly noly turn out their dawers drawers and boxes and see what cau can ba be collected to supply the present of aarde a largo large portion of this commy comma lit aty PS PIS P S in of or the annual minal i state m held at the de debret Des ret store t the e premises will willbe billbe be closed on ri fridas friday the tile 2311 2511 lust just and is io k for foz ulless Oct oci octet ft BUSINESS NOTICES r UTAH A IN LL lilt persons having books belon belonging king jing to the library are requested to 0 o return them forth with 25 tf W C TAILORING E deseret store J MENTS and if made ade to order by guf gut N 11 FELT PELT EXCHANGED Hc HEAVY E AVY AND LIGHT LIMIT WAGONS ONS ex hangea changed f for or stock on early application to 61 gil git tf GILBERT GERRISH I 1 J T TL HEYWOOD HAT TT cap and muff manufacturer L D b ward WANTED in exchange all kinds of 0 vurst ius sheep nal lambs woo cwi also all kinds or of produce county and territorial orders 21 tf tt SHEEP CATTLE WILL be tak tal taken en by us on bingham oreel creek south to herd lierd or raise on shares at the usual rates length of time immaterial with us meshall we shall shail prepare to feed our stock when necessary doring during the win 10 loer BLAI a BROTHER lar and brand sri Sli sheets leets feets abrand Tf OTICE is hereby given that tho the J brand drand sheets now neatly bound can bb be had by calling at the presidents office price 1 cah cash or wheat w heal at cash price taken in payment persons dersons having cattle cattie betrayed est tEt rayed or those pur purchasing chaIng wll win find it to their advantage to have the brand sheets by them for reference 11 B CLAWSON 4 recorder of brands W V nallan naillan W ATCH MAKER respectfully informs the inhabitants of great salt lake city olty and vicinity that he be intends carr cari carrying Ting orf orr ills his business in til the house bonse formerly occupied by A L hale haie north temple st lath ward ana anaa will warrant all work done by him to give satisfaction as be ha understands his busness business in all lt ita its branches jewelry neatly repaired charges very moderate moderato 43 tf ru ai AI J M I 1 st door east cast of t the deseret store where here all kinds of engraving may be done names ori cli craved graved on guns hv rings spoons knives ac public handa nanda and others please pleasa take notice any kind lind of available pay taken terms moderate DAVID MACKENZIE 25 tt tf eug hug engraver aver aven NAILS rains rails V D SABIN has machinery in in oper J atlon atton for making all kinds hinds of nails nalls to order ha lie wiil will 4 ill ili exchange nails for wheat corn potatoes and nia other produce come on ou with it now Is the accept accepted od tamel Z WANTED tire and band iron for which he win pay in nails or work in his shop encourage courage conrage home nome manufacture sl 4 NOTICE athe ephe HE subscriber having purchased J the woollen factory at J jordan adaa bills formerly owned by mr air gaunt has repa repaired ireI iret and fitted it lt up tip in goed good order and ind has it in successful operation carding spinning weaving fulling and dyeing don dons to order at short notice and on reasonable terms with a new set of 0 cards and good workmen hie lie flatters flatten himself that he be can do asgood as wood good work as can be b done la in the territory wool worked up on blares if desired 90 20 tf A GARDNER REMOVAL ROM and after the goth ehst I 1 shall 11 H be te doing business in the store formerly rori fori occupied by enuch enoch reese reble sign of the plough where I 1 abail la be happy to see my old rrie frie friends ds and an 1 customers cu bomers I 1 have on hand band a go good d stock ol 01 goods especially tx tw the woollen line iud sud and expect expect to recruit with staple G good cods this fall i am seii sell buying and making maung out papers for land warrants I 1 shall chall continue con linne lince to buy cattle from one year 5 ear old to eight tor for which liberal prices will trill be paid call Cal callandre landee ana and bee nee 14 an 8 m AV W ir HOOPER AD NOTICE HAVING haying AYING BEEN APPOINTED AD of the estate of 0 thomas tennan dec deo the judge of the probate court for great salt lake late county the undersigner undersigned under signed hereby requests all ail persons person knowing themselves indebted to daid said estate to come for ward without dely deiy delay delmy and cancel cencel the same and those having demand demands against skid estate will please file them with the judge of the aforesaid court properly authenticated as soon as will permit and within the hi tini tina specified by law DANIEL SPENCER laif administrator administrators EN rohe r B HE undersigned undersigner under signed having baving been aph A pointed by the judge 0 of probate for great sam sau le lake county administrators of the estate of A W babbitt defeated decea ed ted hereby notify all persons knowing knowin rr themselves indebted ti to fala mid estate to come forward vill will out ont delay delav dilay di lay lav for settlement and all dil having claims claim ag gagnat aalde d estate will please file them with the hon non ajas b N S smith jt probate judge on or before the first day of juned june Ju neAD D 1657 JULIA JOLIA ANN BABBITT w 11 koopen no opEn benj BENS F jonnson great salt lake city dec ISM 42 tf ft eio elo clog anci r Mami factory I 1 WISH to inform the tho inhabitants or oc this city and territory that I 1 am now ing CLOGS and PATTEN and find lii all ill tiie tile ie re requisite tools and it hing experience inibig in alic trade IL 1 hope to give r to all who may patronize me brethren up your old oid boots alid slid shoes shoeb aut rut aue act bring them early earit to ia me and I 1 will vi lil make yon son good clogs out dontot of tb ma that thal will kapi keea your feet warm dry and arld all the winter any auy clivi of available pay terms moderate wanted ou old boot loot and shoe tp tops for ach 1 will pity m work CLEGG cagger Cl gler gier efer south temple tumpie street one block south ote 27 6 Jenn logA winder cows kreep sheep and aad herding I 1 AM all now keeping a herd at San santaquin or summit creel creek ami emi d prepared to t take cows alyd and on fiba reb reh or liny any kind of to herd both summer and winter and to make myself re for wll wil loses by b r neglect or M mii mil management tw T wih tu give one ore half the gutter butter cheese and In increase inore lnore orease aae aaa from froia cow 1 and one half hit the wool and two thirds the froio sheep and will deliver witts witti without out expense the butter better cheen and wool as it becomes due oar range rance for stock both hoth for zor or summer and aud tid win teer tier Is in the valleys of 9 these thebe mountains thoe those in or near G S L ciny city stock to let itt or to be herded cau can inquire of or leave hoir ilmi st stock ackwith with D T la le baron mrs A AV W tw tees deace G S L city aul pud ani any ene one desiring to trade chov ier for good wore work ozen oxen dieu oien em cau by him hlin ipe be ide accommodated aur SF |