Show C olt WE SP ON DE N C B TRIP TO THE SANTA santa CLARA PAROWAN PARo pano wan aug 22 1857 BE BR carrington it is aa as usual among us a time of health peace and prosperity and the saints generally beem seem anxious to live their religion ibn and be in perfect unison with their leader leaders I 1 on saturday ath dinst we ve were delighted to behold col geo A smith enter our city once more being his first visit since his mission to washington to present our petition for admission aa as a state the battalion Batt alioa of the iron regiment being oil on parade at the time he was immediately surrounded by his numerous friends all anxious to welcome him home again the next hext day being sunday he gave e a ver ery cry y interesting te history of his journey to washington bon ton he also visited Parag oonah where h bs waff was wag also received very cordially cordial lj on OT saturday dinst col W IL 11 dame accompanied by caits C C pendleton elias S and jesse N smith myself and a few others started on a tour through tile the southern sout bout benn bern portion military district for the purpose of completions comple compie tins the organization oue our oun regiment of inspecting the troops in their various localities and giving them such injunctions as should seem geem necessary nece gairy sairy elder geo A smith having havin a desire to visit the new settlement at washington on the rio virgin aiso also a so accompanied ug us 11 much to our gratification and ard that of the brethren in the various settlements in the south through which we passed we left parowan carowan on the morning of tb the e th and arrived at cedar a little past noon spent the af afternoon very agreeably in visiting tile the iron works through 1 which ceiell ve we were shown sho wn byam bynm aj haight the ei manager ily lil ana gyer grer algo attended a muster and inspection Inspect io li of the he 21 2 t and arfa ad batt battalions lions commanded by majors J C haight and J af higbee the following day elder smith preached twice to the citizens citi zeng of cedar col dame pres prea haight and others likewise Leige Ii leibe kelbe spoke after the afternoon meeting we started foi for harmony being joined by pres haight arrived at 6 ocl oci ocic pm at sidon where we were hospitably hospitable entertained by b y br john hamilton ben gen arrived at harmony at iol lol 10 pin pih p m at six oc lock loch p pm m the thermometer stood at 80 8 0 0 fahrenheit Faren heit in the shade the following mot morning ning after drill and inspection spec tion of troops the people assembled in the meeting pom room and were addressed by elder elde smith much to the edification of all and at ina lna lua a to in reinforced by byman maj mal lee bishop davis davig and capt capic ingham ingrain we bet lofft harmony for IV washington as h ington while at harmony har Hir mony dino mrs E N groves showed us a piero piere of the warp bein I 1 cotton grown rewti af at lle ilo lie siti sidi C clara ciara I 1 ata ara am ala the tho fl fillin hing h ing hl the f bk b I 1 k of a 0 of W mik k weed silk iho tho b fabre fibre bein being long ana and aa as strong as at atash ash creek cree kwe wa hops in abbin 1 dance e and a f few ei miles f further col dame set his compass and ascertained the bearing ol 01 washington Washing torr torf from harmony being S 30 0 IV and by the road foad about 40 miles milea the road from harmony to washington is le about as bad as can well be he imagined passin passing ang in n some places for fot miles over large rocks and in n other places through very deep ing ng traveling very tedious for tor both men and an mals mats at one place the traveler suddenly finds himself upon the brink of a high ledge of rocks nearly perpendicular this is called cP eters peters leap and at first view it would seem almost impossible to descend it in safety safet yand angl angi ancl probably y no one would think of such a thing but the hardy sons of utah who have got used to it Haigh baights ts jump up is another bad abad place and jacobs Jacob 3 twist is a very difficult pass leading to the santa clara bottom which would be liable to give lve ive the uninitiated considerable practice in oal oli lofty oft tumbling we arrived at WaZ was washington ington on tuesday at lob iob 10 am and were cordially welcomed by pres covington and the rest of the brethren who spared no pains to inake make our visit agreeable the afternoon was spent in reviewing the troops preaching and visiting the field and other aher improvements elder G A smith remarked in relation to the e settlement ett lement that ho ha had hail neverseen never been seen amore a more promising start in any odthe of the settlements in the mountains considering ahe the aate period at which it was commenced corn was doing finel finely that planted by the tha indians being about high but that belonging to the brethren grethren tr ethren was waa not so high leaving been planted on the of june the cotton looked well considering the lateness of planting and the 01 old oid d cotton growe growers rel rEi declared they had never liever seen cotton looking more thrifty or with more bolls the land adapted to farming purposes comprises on only ly a f few ew hundred acres the he rest reat of the country being re the most barren broken and desolate country I 1 have ever seen inhabited leaving leavina washington a drive of about 12 miles brings the traveler to clara a settlement on orf the santa clara here the corps were much injured by the drouth the tha river having entirely dried up so that it does not reach them many blany of the natives were assembled here herb to see the A mormon lormon captain and werm were very friendly while here the weather seemed to us oppressively hot but the citizens assured us that it wab waa cooer cooler than usual at noon the th thermometer ranged at 0 and 11 in the tha shade and in the sunshine the mercury rose to lain rain I 1 am unable to say hayhow how it would have hava ranged in HOT weather here as at other points the time was occupied in drilling the militia preaching and loo looking k ill ili at the various improvements arid arld and in n partaking taking r of the good cheer provided for gur pur comfort pres hamblin has great favor with tha the natives who look to him as a father and lia he truly deserves that title from the interest manifested by him in their welfare leaving clara the road passes over a rolling rocky and sandy sandy country bome borne ten miles to the california road thence passing up the tha sinta clara about 15 miles most of the way through heavy timber and underbrush I 1 hera here we were met by jackson a chief of the pat pai utes with many of his band who were very anxious to have us stop with them all nh I 1 baj but as we were desirous of proceeding farther we traveled about 5 miles and came to another band of natives with their chief Kah beets who insisted on our stopping with them WA accordingly camped the natives ae assisting in in taking care of our animals roasting corn for us ac and anti inviting ua us to help ourselves to their thair corn some 5 aches acres of which stood close by next morning we again set out on our journey stopping at the resting spring at 10 am to feed thermometer at 98 0 in the chade shade the road gradually rises until it crosses tha mountain near the mountain meadows meado wB wo whim rw we dined at 3 pm th the th therla therra ometer here fell to 64 0 six miles more brought ua to painter creek creel where we stopped for the night being heartily welcomed by br R C al alien allen len lin ien and bib bla associates here br smith 3 again ain aln preached and in the morning the breth brethren rell reri were drilled and inspected by col dame as usual A AS sunrise on the 21 st the thermometer stood at 54 and at 74 71 am at 71 we left painter creek at about 8 am eind and arrived at cedar in time to be caught in the rain and to meet a flood pouring bourin g from coal coa A creek kanyon kanson which aprea spread d ove over r a corf cori considerable olde bide y portion of country and made the road almost a 1 impassable here we dined two hours and bet get out where we arrived at 9 91 pm having had a pleasant ani ant but buk somewhat arduous journey journay of miles col dame expressed himself highly gratified with the spirit and discipline of the regiments andall andali and all ail with the spirit of ment and indi industry stry atry hanif manifested ested w in every getti setti meni ment elder smith preached in all the settlements band and wag waa everywhere most cordially recel recci received ved I 1 he returned to his hia home in this city on tho the let instant ED br rufus C allen alien and alid the breth brethren reh am amso coated with him have done much in the condition of the ni natives tives in teaching them tkebi the arts of civil life and in i am to 0 o c ease cease their lobi robbery iery and warfare and the prospect act ia is fair that in in a few gig gag years sears they may be made male useful and industrious the brethren were ail all energetically en engaged aged in ris rib Kuring their crapa crops in til tir varian ii settle gettle merlia menla and aud a strong desire for borbo t 0 up tru tiu iliin of the kingdom idge om of nod t afa in I 1 have bave encroach encroached pd up an y your linw 0 o a and nd space e I 1 nv I 1 clasp pray ig a ever everio fo r th 1 prosperity fy of 2 on yo ra rs i H is art 7 t |