Show I 1 copyright secured j HISTORY OF JOSEPH SMITH I 1 I 1 junu 1844 I 1 also insert a brief syn synopsis orsis of the proceedings of the thi CITY COUNCIL of the city of 0 nauvoo relative to the destruction of 0 the press and fixtures of the 11 E expositor 0 1 I tor 11 city council eeg reg regular I 1 sS session sion J june ai 1844 S in connection with other business as stated in last weeks paper the mayor remarked that he believed it generally the case that when a man goes to law he has an unjust cause and wants to go before some one who wants business and that he had very few cases on his docket bocket and referring to councilor emmons editor of the nauvoo expositor suggested the propriety of first purging the city council and re referring ferrin 0 to the character of the paper and proprietors prie tors called up theodore turley a mechanic said that the lawi Laws Wm and anit wilson had brought bogus dies to him to fix councilor hyrum smith enquired what good foster and his bis brother and the hi Hig bees and laws lawa had ever done while his brot brother zer ler J oseph joseph was under arrest from the missouri persecution the laws and robt D foster would have been ridden on a rail if he had bad not stepped forward fo rIvard to prevent it on account of their oppressing the poor mayor alayo said slid while he was under arrest by writ from governor carlin william law suied sued him for he be was owing law and it took the last expense money he had to pay it councilor H smith referred to JH Jacksons coming to ta tins this city ac mayor sald said that william law had offered jackson to kill him councilor H smith continued jackson jackso told him he jackson meant to have his daughter and threatened him if be he made any resistance jackson related to him a dream that joseph and hyrum were opposed to him but that he would execute hip his hi purposes that jackson had laid a plan with four or five persons to kidnap his dauo daug daughter hier and threatened to shoot any one that should come coine near after he be had got her in in the skiff that jackson was engaged in in strying trying to make bogus which was his prin principal cipa business referred to the revelation read to the high council of the church which har hae caused BO so much talk about a multiplicity of wives that said rei rep revelation elation w was as in answer to a question concerning things which transpired in former days daya that when kick william law confess cd ed to him that he had been guilty of adultery and was not fit to live and had sinned against agrain st his own soul ac and enquired who was judge emmons when be he came here hare he had scarce I 1 two shirts to his back but he had been dandled candled by the authorities of the city ac and was now editor of the nauvoo expositor and big hie right hand man francis al hi higbee glee who had confessed to him that he had had ba the he p washington washinton ton peck sworn gaid said soon eoon after joseph H jaceson jaclson came here he came to witness to borrow money mone which witness bitne loaned him and took som some e jewelry as security y soon after a mar from across the river came after the jewelry jackson had bad stolen etolen the jewelry from him at another time wanted to get money of witness asked witness if ir lie he would do anything dishonorable to get a living witness paid end he would not jackson said witness was a damned fool for lie could get a living a deal easier than be was then doing by making bogus and some men hl high 0 h in the church are engaged in in the bubines bus bua mess mesa a witness asked if it was joseph no baid eaid jackson I 1 dare not tell it to joseph witness understood him the laws are engaged in in it li ackson jackson said he would be the deate death of witness if he ever went to joseph or any one else to tell what he had said slid TERNcio afternoon AF after ArTER NooN ordered by the council that sylvester be suspended until his case could be investigated for slandering the city I 1 council that the recorder notify him ot his suspension gio aiM pension and that his case would come up tip for investigation at the next regular lof loe the council aie ale tue lie order is in the bantie of ae ithe llla lila marshal rhal i councilor J taylor said that councilor emmons helped to make the ordinances of the city and had hid never lifted his voice against r them in the council and wab waa now trying 1 to destroy the th e ordinances and the charter lorenzo wasson sworn said joseph 11 II jackson had bad told witness that bogna biking n aking was going on in in the city but it was too damned imail business wanted witness to help heip him to 0 o procure money for the general smith was to go into it and with he conid get iun lun an engraving fr tor bills on the bank of missouri 1 ris nis iad lad nd one on the state of new york and could aike hake money said many times witness did not bor nor hi believed 1 the general had been telli 11 n situe witness something ng god damn him if it he I 1 will elii uit wit uin win swore swon he would kill any I 1 man that should prove a traitor to him jack jacki 1 son said it he could get a com company any of men to suil sull him he would go into til the e frontiers and live by highway robbery had got sick of the world wor I 1 d mayor sum sug suggested ested that the council pass an ordinance to prevent misrepresentation and libelous belous i publications and conspiracies against the peace of the city and referring to the reports that dr foster had set afloat said he had bad never made any proposals to foster to come back to the church foster proposed to come back came to mayors house and wanted a private interview had some conversation w with ith foster in the hall in presence of several gentlemen on the dinst offered to meet him and have an interview in in presence of friends three or four to be selected by each party pa rt which fos foster ter agreed to and went to bring his friends for the interview and the next notice he be had of him was the following letter ietter to gen J smith june bjune ath 1844 sir 1 I have consulted my friends in relation to your proposals of settlement and they as we well weil 11 as myself are of the opinion that your conduct and that of your unworthy unprincipled clan is so base that it would be morally wrong and detract from the dignity of gentlemen gen flemen to hold any conference with you the repeated insults and abuses 1 I as well as my friends have suffered ered from your unlawful course towards us demands honorable resentment we are arc re boived solved to make this our motto nothing on our part has been done to provoke your anger adger but have haye done all things as become men you have trampled upon every thing we hold dear and sacred you have set all law at defiance and profaned the name of the most alost hiah hio hig gh to carry out your damnable purposes and I 1 have nothing more to fear from fraz you than you have already threatened and I 1 as well as my friends will stay here and maintain and magnify the law as long as we stay and WP we are resolved never to leave until we sell or exchange our property that we have here the proposals made by your agent dimick huntington as well as the threats vou you sent to intimidate me I 1 disdain and despise pg as I 1 do their unhallowed ed author the right of my family and my friends demand demands at my hand a refusal of all your our offers we are united in virtue ir and truth and we set hell at defiance and all her ag agents ants adieu gen J smith R D FOSTER mayor continued and when foster left his house he went to a shoe shop on the hill and reported that joseph said to him if lie he would come back he would elve eive him laws place in the church and a hat bat full of specie lucian woodworth sworn said verra verea tion as stated by the mayor wag was correct was at the mansion june ath when dr foster rode up tip and enquired if gen smith was at home dr foster went into the house witness bitne r 13 followed dr foster wag waa there the general and others looking at some specimens of penmanship manship something was said respecting a conversation verba verea tion at that time between the general and the doctor gen smith observed to foster poster if he hada had a conversation he would want others present the doctor said lie he would have a word with him by himself and went into the hall witness went to the door that lie he might see and hear what was passing they still continued to talk on the subject of a conversation that they might inight have afterwards with others etherd present whom mr smith and foster might choose foster left and went for those that he said he wanted present and would return soon with them lie he heard all the conversation heard nothing about gen smiths making any to foster to settle was present all tbt time dimick huntington said he had seen foster and talked with him mayor mayon said he wished it distinct distinctly iv understood that he lie knew nothing about dimick huntington going to see foster woodworth said he gent sent dimick huntington to F foster oster and joseph knew nothing about it councilor H smith sald baid dimick huntington came to him bid on the ath hitt and said he had had an interview with dr foster and thought he was wag about ready to come back and a word from lafin or joseph would bring it about mayor said the conduct of such men and euch papers are calculated to destroy the peace of the city and it ig is not safe that such things should exist on account aci ati count of the mob spirit which they tend to produce he be had made the statements he had and called the witnesses nesses to prepare the council to act in the case caie emmons was vas blackguarded black guarded out of philadelphia ehla ehia and dubbed with the tit leof judge as he had bad ad understood from citizens of phila philadelphia delphian delph iaO lao was poor and mayor helped him to cloth for a coat before he went away last fall and he emmons labored all winter to 0 o get the post 0 flies from mr rio rig rigdon don as informed myor mayor referred to tg a writing from dr goforth showing that the laws lawa presented the communication from the female relief society cie evl in the nauvoo sei nei neighbor 11 abor to dr goforth as the tiu bone bond of contention and sald oaid it if god ever slid ke by ali all any man alan it will not be five years before this city is in ashes and we in in our graves unless unis we go to oregon california or some other place if the city loes toes not put down every thing thine which tends to and put down milid mani rani darers ebers bog bogus mus makers and scoundrels all the sorrow borrow lie ever had in his family in hk this city has bas arisen through the influence of wil wit liam law C councilor IL 11 smith spoke in relation to the laws boaters pouters fou Pou Fo Aters Hig bees beeb beest editor of thu tho signal ac and of the importance of suppressing that spirit which has driven us from missouri ac that he aou would id go in for an effective ordinance mayor said sald at the time gov carlin was wag pursuing him with his writs william law came to his house libuse with a band of Missour missourians ians lans for the purpose of betraying him came cameto to his gate and was prevented by daniel cam carn who was set to watch law came within his gate and called 11 layor mayor 1 and the mayor reproved law for coming at that time of night with a company of strangers daniel carn cam sworn said that about 10 at night a boat came up the river with about a dozen men william law came to the gate with them witness on guard stopped them law called joseph to the dor and wanted an interview joseph said bro abro law you know better than to come here at this hour of the night and law retired next morning law wrote a letter to apologize which witness heard read which was written apparently to screen himself from the censure of a conspiracy and the letter betrayed a conspiracy on the face of it adjourned at half past 6 pm till monday loth at 10 am adjourned bession session june loth 10 am alderman harris presiding mayor referred to dr foster and again read his letter of the ath insl as before quoted cyrus hills a stranger sworn said one day last week believed it wednesday a gentleman 1 whom witness did not know came into the sitting room of the nauvoo Ma mansion naion and requested the hon mayor to step aside he wanted to speak with him bim mayor stepped through the door into the entry by the foot of the shaira stairs and the general pua rua r layor aked asked bm biffl what he xvi wished shed foster poster as witness learned since wab wag his name said he wanted soma conversation on some bli business siness witness did not understand at the time the general refused to go any farther and said be he would have no conversation in private and what should ba eald eaid should be in public and told F foster oster if he would choose three or four men he would meet him with the same number of men amon among whom hom was hig his brother hyrum and they would have a cool and calm investigation of the subject pub and by his making a proper satisfaction things should be honorably adjusted witness jd judged d from the manner in which foster expressed himself that he agreed to the mayorg mayors proposals and would meet him the same day in the presence of friends heard no DO proposals made by mayor to foster for settlement heard nothing about any offers of bollara dollars do iiara llara or money or any other offer effer except thoe mentioned before nothing said about wm win law wag waa within hearing bearing of the parties at the time conversation ver gation ration was going on 0 P rockwell sworn some dav day last week saw dr foster poster ride up to the nauvoo oo mansion a and nd go in wi witness anesa went in ia and found the mayor and dr foster in conversation gen smith wag wae naming the men lie would have present among among whom was smith william marks lucian rih rib hand band and peter hawes hawee and dr foster poster had bad leave to call an equal number of hla hia friends as witness understood for the purpose of having paving an interview on some matter matters 3 in contention the doctors brother was proposed general said ho he had bad no objections wanted him regent resent seni sent dr foster started saying be would dregent tre Ere E e back shortly before dr F left the men whom gen smith had named to be present at the conversation were sent for cross examined witness went into the house as mayor and dr foster were comin coming out of the bar room into the hall ball nothing said by the mayor codr foster about hib his cornin coining back 1 made no DO offer to foster about a settle bettle settlement IDent mayor baid eaid the first thin thing that occurred to his mind when lie he stepped into the hall ball with foster wab wae that he be wanted to assassinate him he saw something shining below his ve ved vet 4 mayor put bib big finger on it and said what is that foster poster replied it is my pistol and immediately took tool out the pistol and showed it openly and wanted the mavor mayor to go with him alone mayor said he would not go alone mayor never saw the pistol before had a hook on its side ride to hang on his walet waist hand band andrew L lamoreaux sworn said that in 1839 or 1 10 while president joseph smith elder rigdon judge J u 11 wie e higbee 0 P Rock rockwell welland weiland and dr R D forter foster while on their way to washington called at witness house in dayton ohio that the evening wag waa spent very agree ably except some dissatisfaction on the part of certain females with recard regard to the conduct of dr foster on their return lefurn from washington witness informed president smith of fa fos fob 8 conduct president smith baid eaid lie he had frequently reproved foster for such conduct and an he had promised to do better and told witness to 10 reprove foster if it he saw any anything thim out of he the way that |