Show gaa daa PERSIAN merchant complaining heavily of 01 some soine unjust sentence of the lower court was told by tile tiie judge to go to to the cadi but the cadi is is your uncle urged the plaintiff then you can go to tile the grand vizier a but his sec is is your our cousin then you may go to the sultan but his favorite sultana is your neice veil veli vell well then go to tha devil all ail that is 13 a still closer family connection said the merchant as lie left the court in despair 93 sarah Sarab dear said a waggish imsland lo 10 his wife if I 1 were here in your place I 1 keep that babe so full of butter as you do butter MV my dear I 1 never give it any butter not no noy but you ou poured about a quart of milk down it this afternoon and then trotted it on your youn our knee for nearly two hours bourse if it contain a quantity of butter it for the want of churning oj doctor kill km you tell me the matter with my childs nose she slie keeps a of it yes marm 1 ity its its 8 probably r bably babiy an irritation of the er one gastic in mucous M membrane em a communicating a sympathetic titillation to the tile epithelium of the boo boc eriah erlah there now just j what I 1 told becky sile slie lowed it was daa EJA late german writer anter says that tile tiie people of the united states can burst more steamboats and chew more tobacco than any other five nations ill in the world gi in churning cream add a lump of butter to the cream before commencing and the ll butter utter will come in two thirds the time timo timet it would without try it |