Show apples grapes aa on the dinst we were highly garif gratified ed 1 with the privilege of 04 examining the trees vines and giants in governor youngs richly cultivated garden it is now on tile the north west and south sides by a high hihi and substantial cobblestone i wall niall which is designed desi ned to be completed ed on thelast the east side at an early date but few of the nume numerous r 0 US apple trees are yet in bearing though of those few several were literally loaded with fair and beautiful fruit one young L tree fruiting C for the first time had a single large larga green coated apple much resembling sem bling the rhode 1 lland liand iland lland greening pd and about the size and shape of the mountain chief noticed in a late number all the trees had a healthy and thrifty appearance and the young grafts had bad grown very vi vigorously 0 several of the peach trees had a fair burden but the late spring frosts which the high wall will in future tend to guard against greatly shortened the crop and the severe drouth has materially diminished the size othe of the fruit and prolonged its period of ripening larg large e bunches of luscious california grapes were thickly pendent from the long 0 line of trellis maturing securely under their netting defence at once tempting 0 and annoying L to those busy de predators tho the birds birda with a little care and judgment 0 every family may easily raise an abundance of this very zery palatable I 1 and healthful fruit not only of 0 the california but also of the catawba isabella and several other highly reputed varieties i 1 many limbs on the tho plum trees were so covered that naught but fruit was discernible and many of the plums were dd double uble ubie they are of the kind found growing L wild in the western 1 states and give no sign of blight mildew black knots or curculla cur eur cullo eulio thus evidencing tile tiie th 0 adaptation of our soil soll and climate to the abundant 1 and easy production priidu action of every desirable variety so soon as they can be procured in the mean time it will not be amiss to raise as many wild stocks as possible that th they ey may be in readiness for gr arting grafting and budding budding with the most esteemed kinds which we understand are begin beginning nimg 0 to make their appearance tb the black walnut trees had grown rown with great reat luxuriance and though rather indifferent success has thus far attended eherts for germinating the walnuts butternuts butter nuts and r cherries brou bron brought 0 bt from the states and europe europa yet information has been gained an anxiety diffused dil fused and we still anticipate seeing gurl durl gur streets streeta i shaded by those beautiful trees con t tribu ornament shelter and fruit gor ger young designs deyoung devoting the ground now as above dp described exclusively t to 0 fruit raising and the flattering success andi andl and valuable rc saltA thua thus jal jar tar far attending the pi ii demonstrate to the tee most indifferent the superior profit and advantages 0 es to ie be derived from a thorough cleanly liberal and anil enlightened treatment of the soil and its products under cultivation fence securely till deeply enrich liberally seed judiciously weed cleanly and irrigate a aa well as you can and you may reasonably esl exl ex peca the smiles of heaven upon your labors but every other mode of using the share of earth placed under wider our stewardship or greedily over rasped grasped vy L y our will end in more or less vexation and andl andross andI oss well weil know |