Show hardy God dards half high nife life below stairs X GOOD NEWS H TO THE HUNGRY irr fit CAKES PIES CRACKERS AND HARD BREAD AT GODDARD 8 refreshment A SALOON good news to the he thirsty spruce beers beer cider dmn alleg alles air tee ice cream and soda cream at refreshment FRESTI MENT S SALOON good news to the Su garBa bables babies cendy of v rlou rion kind kinda fre freh h anit good one dollar per pound at refreshment SALOON mutton chop ewes eggs and bacon with hot tea and any hour of day MENT SALOON PLANTS brants FIFTY thousand kabbaze plants for sale at 20 21 cents per or work in garden rarden esayena ES E SAYER AYERa 8 12 ward aio alo also at A taylors three boors doo below NIXONS 11 am gande GARDE oar GAR vegetables N FOR feral OR SALE durin duding during 0 the season agen a general supply which be he will w ill sell seil tresh from the teegarden eerden burden 1 at moderate prices K SAYERS ll 11 aia 12 ward one hundred riat flat yrena FOR 97 OR sale salk or exchange for cattle or erain grain enquire of GILBERT T gerrin gennin or of the subscriber at hl bl residence in the 19 ward great salt lake lafee city K B W VAN VA erten ETTEN THE DESE RE T lih INE WS W WEEKLY E E K L Y PRINTED oi ON WEDNESDAY DELIVERED ot ON THURSDAY TERMS 6 PER ANNUM office P BUILDING 0 advertising ten lines or less constitute one square REGULAR ADVERTIS advertisements FUENTS one quarter column three or less for each insertion Insert ln half naif alumn seven squares or les leg each ins one column fourteen squares or les ies cc SUNDRY advertisements one square each insertion two squares te three 1 49 atia th it a hait halt dollar to the additional square f for or each in insertion TO to ibur insure b I 1 inser insertion ion lon in the current number anit be handed han ledd lert in betche befar e 10 on Tusi tuat liy lnor inor nin tha BOOK JOB and ind aid AAD CARD pie PRE PRINTING T AG T executed to order in this office and SDI adi bavins baring received lec elved some important additions adill adeil tion to oui ou stock of jol job and ornamental type we are prepared to do work woric at reasonable rates and in lil the most approved style v AGENTS ros FOR THE ahe DESERET NEWS utan A 0 smoot kanyon creek ward G S L county reuben miller mill creek do robert gardner do bo NO F ezekiel ekiel lee big cottonwood do D divald 2 avid brin brinton ton do do joseph II ammond south cottonwood do iaac ferguson do do rims rius hochard richard Hl chard union do william draper Diaper ville do samuel bennion reunion west jordan do ilfe life gee harris fort do peter maughn I 1 E T city orty tooele thoele county alfred lee thoele tooele do do thomas IT 11 clark dark grantsville Grants ville ti r john stoker stoker davis mavis county william smith Cent centerville erville do ilo james miliea Mt liea farmington do samue samuel henderson po james G browning osden beler county E F bingham BIn ghann ward do po thomas dunt north ogden do thornas thomas kinston finx ton south weder weber 13 co 10 A eart east do E en 11 pierce brn Bri ehara olty city box elder co salmon wamer warner cortil willow creek do david evans erans lehl cit city olty ura urn h couri court county IT isaac hodston honston lio ITo lone city io iio T I 1 E I 1 harrington lake cit city do W G sterrett Sl errett pleasant grove do D carter provo city do aaron jehnwn Spring springville ville bo do john W berry palmyra do john II 11 redd spanish fork do i charles B R ancock hancock II rayo payo do R B F P johnson santa qula quill do T B D foot salt creek juab juau conaty george peacock mantl manti co samuel P fillmore city cluard ard co ca tarleton lews iron county isaac 0 haight cedar city do john T D lee fort harmony TI armony armeny wahington Wahl 1 W B ibal tt beaver creek beaver BeaTer County aae ase bullock fort supply green gheen river allen alien weeks cedar port furt cedar county A B cherry genoa andrewa andrew Moffit cache valley cache county james tames fort malad county ett new william wliilam log los vegas for california oregon and washington DM D thomas bthomas 1 san bernardino bernandino california geo Q cannon san francisco cc dor for canada and the state t and territories east of the rocky mountains Moun talas luminary office st louis louls mormon new york city NEW YORK tonk for the isar isles s europe asla alia africa and and australia lai lal star office liverpool ENGLAND hooper williams column REMOVAL AND ANTI HOOPER WILLIAMS thankful for tut past favors favol s conferred while a lille occupants nt of the deseret store would solicit a of the same tame at the store formerly occupied becu decu pled by W nixon bv by the arrival of the goods pools left at bridger last winter nicy hicy can present an unusually large stock ol 01 G 0 0 U 1 gil fil I 1 severally grene Sene rally raily well assorted among which mayde rayde may be found articles for LADIES fan parasols hat nat oil sms ribbon ribbons bonnet cordy cord swiss X muslin u sl I 1 n all prices and kinds hosiery lawns flow r TEAS chests assor assorted tedi not surpassed for tor or quality GENTLEMEN faney fabey summer claths cloths linel and woollen noi Hoi lery faney fancy and plain undershirts ready made clothing cioth Cloth lne A I 1 new e article of clothing call and see what we have stationery complete of record and 13 boot ngot kry portable desks writing paper of every d description e office furniture complete school books of every ry kind becks medical jurisprudence TRAVELERS pre preserved arved fruits cranberry red ned currant ja jam my Rals raisin Inq candle Cand leq dried arli d apples peaches preserved gincer ginger orangey orane lemon citron plum apricot yeast powders pickles 2 cigars clears ac RE refreshing DISCOVERY portable Lemon lemonade adey lime juice jnice raspberry black berry and lemon syrups Cour ico foo stoughton bittera bitter wild cherry and ginger brandy brands quinces esit mustard cocoa chocolate no 1 machinists india rubber belting fan and mill irons mul MUI circular and anti crosscut saws saas FARMERS hay ray and anti manure forks rork shovels spades hoes noes axes ates all siz biz hollow ware sad sail iron irons brass kettles scythes eos rog snatha ropes straw Cut cutters cullers hodges plows fry pans cow bells BUILDERS door tz lk ekay latches butts and screw newby invented chalk lines line and find masion trowel 4 cornar corner do aits bits in shut short a very fali full stock including glass glas oil oll and paints spirit carpenter tools hoop iron all widths SUNDRIES iee des A new article of strap batt batts T and gate hinges reay teak rea tea cow sheen and door bells extra article of paint and varnish brasher window elle eile Sr springs Ings blind gate Fast fasteners mers and nd hinges steelyard Ba balance balances lances lancel and counter scales cooking stoves all sizes cooking stoves all sizes datra fine tine pocket and table cutlery flesh fork cake shovels shovel skimmers and ladle teli tea and cemp KF kettles kettler atles coffee mills and Rb asters astern files of every description V Wheel heads beads HARNESS AND SHOE MAKERS RS extra supply of calf kip elp bridle linings pegs ind thread BOOTS AND SHOES for gents and la ladles laties lles lies a large stock and cheap CROCKERY AD A ND GLASS WARE vane onn cup q and plate tumblers lamp cm ettoil estr tea tia trays wire meat concra and looking glasses in particular INDIAN TRADE TRADERS ni A larce laree stock stork of real nac nae blankets all colors colori se scarlet arlet ariet and blue Stron Strond dings dinas ine lne bad A awil visy br brala a bisy lisy paint paints knives mirrors handkerchiefs shawls shirl brooch 8 capi cap capy I ac TIME CLOCKS A large stock any pattern and very cheap GROCERIES I 1 spice pepper extra F fine rine ine lne Mu mustard starch soap seap plain and fancy fanci camies candles ac TIN WARE all kinds and correspondingly low DRUGS olive captor raptor and ard essential oils oil pills mustang and nl nerve and ard bone bono linioel liniments ts s oxe ONE HUNDRED lius dred deed WAGONS make makit toke tokes chains chain spoke ey axles old tromp iron inon ac foli sale zAle very tery STOCK we will take in exchange change ei for goods and debts due as mel cattle cattie mares and mules DUE BILLS any one holding them against us will oblige us u by presenting them for payment DUE US any apy anyone one knowing will please call and pay or adjust thesa thes aime aiBe bt number LUMBER IL mex MEN owing ns us lumber will do right by bringing la in the same forthwith COUNTRY DEALERS will find good ruffers tor for wholesale bills FINALLY remember the REMOVAL OVAL T TO 0 NIX wix oros I 1 OLD STAND swand and ARRIVAL 0 OF oun OUR or EXTRA N B 13 PRINCE albet ALBERT albeet and FRED douglass have bare Per mer removed noved their quarters to 10 tue tuu rear of our store HOOPER at WILLIAMS 12 White houses quarter py TIN STORE AND jar U STOVE DEPOT r C J would respectfully an announce to his friends and the public generally gene pene rally raily that he be has opened reopened re in hie hi bu bri iness en et temple tempie street opposite town senis building Buil bull din where he offers tt to supply every article in his line on the most reao reasonable nabie te berth len ler rth dir rii IT also tenders thanks f fr fur r the liberal patronage patro nage nape heretofore received and would wold inform the public that he has on hand for lie ble sale saie a large and splendid assortment ot of COPPER TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE also brass arid and japanned ware together with a large quantity of cast iron tron cooking and parlor stoves cloves sheet iron stoves flat irons and many other articles all of the best quality persons wishing to purchase good and durable ware at a low price will do well to call I 1 arb NB work done to order and all kinds binds of jobbing on th the shortest cortest hor test bocce 12 BUSINESS NOTICES gral Grai graining lising and aud orl Ori ornamental SIGN scully IGN painting IV V morris respectfully announces to the citizens that he Is prepared to execute work in the bove line at his residence 15 ward one door west ot of 0 AI duels prices reasonable call and see 11 at CHARGES ES stiff HT irr Iff WATCH if AKER MAKER east temple i street door north of TC refreshment i saim salm St stin lm watches clocks jewelry repaired A good election selection of Tria material terlaN and crT crystals on han hand 34 ly 17 NOTICE PERSONS P wishing to become member of ile lie the deserea ina IRA 1 AND manufacturing SOCIETY are that the tile books are now opened and certificates of membership ready really for delivery at my office J C LITTLE Adrial silon afeei eod 12 am jorman JORDAN HILL mill W WILL ILL stop on the of this month a and ad will commence ns on the first farsi day of juls july the proprietors feel thankful for nor past fa favors ani aal patronage and a illert a contini continuation lation by giving gitl ac sic hiim ti im good rood floury lour and ble bie turn outs A good rood pt lature ture near th rn 11 for the accommodation of their customers rree free ut f charge A 0 A ASUi nj 1 PR it arlen alien ili fil iller Ill lr r NOTICE TO FARMERS your yow grain as soon as it 1 Is harv harvested sted isted past espe fience has proven to all that what wheat that Is put up in a stack to stand until winter has been destroyed by cattle and mice having selected and brought through a it machine that Is well adapted d to the grain raised here a and n d having had bad long experience inthe in the busness bus nes tl I 1 hope to 0 merit a liberal share of public patronage brethren in n the adjoining valleys valley can see me at my reside residence on BI big 9 cottonwood or in the ward in G S L cit city olty As there has been bern much waste of grain be br I 1 improper proper feedings of animals I 1 will be responsible for all unnecessary waste 1319 13 19 MILO ANDRIS WEAVING jeans Sati nets linsey B cloth cioth carp tinz tins ac on tin chrt aiice notice and reasonable terms at the public machine ships I 1 y v 15 am NATHAN D DVIS lvis kvis AVEA WEAVING V yng ING ti EANS Sa linsey Fl flannel innel y on short hort notice and anti rea rca reason on abie able term terms 4 13 12 1 3 2 ath ol 01 P fifth tn ward joes JOKS GREER ra cloth cioth always on hand and anti foy toy sale sole iti itt lit xoung YOUNG blatt PIATT S addle bridle and harness would inform the public they continue conti lue at their oti old place one door south ti of council howe home in We basement ba ement work done well and ani charges charger reasonable 11 anit 3 in eart CAlt DING SPINNING S PINNING weaving dyeing and fulling ac done at jordan woollen Fac Pac factory tory torr wool taken to make wake up upon unon on shares or otherwise ciotti blankets malik matik yarn sarny and lidsey given la in exchinger esch nee neb nse for wool wooi grease crease and soap by MATTHEW GAUNT 7 am iff AT MA N U PACTO ily fly THE subscriber has established the euno above business on his premises in the nth ward one ne block north 0 of f temple tempie tern rit tit e block y G 3 L CI ty vi h ere h e Is s prepared to execute orders for such qualities and arlt 8 as mg may y be desired J L HEYWOOD llen lIEn nOD WANTED in exchange for luts otter baver bater wolf musket fox ox and mink pelts ALSO firewood butteri eggs porky pork port lard wheat lumbery lumber dumber etc itt J lii lil L 11 neathe LEATHE W WE W E tale thi tills method of informing the citizens of this 1114 place and surround ina ing conn coun try ry that the he ward tannery 14 1 now in operation oper atlen atlin and destan des keeping on hand haid ba id large alaree a and well sq aborted otard tock of le leollier allier of every description shan not only arpas surpass furpass anything beret heretofore orore manufactured in fire tile territory but shall cinal if not surpass anything brought brou slit glit into thi marcel market turm tiff sale tale the mechanical branch brancil of toils ba ainess will bp be carried on under the direction uI ota ofa L tousle who having been engaged for years in the manufacturing nf of leather in n Aur austria trial I 1 france prance and the united slate has thoroughly satisfied by trial that the very best of leather can he be furnished from the material with which this country aboin abound l call catl rt townsends Town sends build ilys liis east temple tt rt knors above bove Kimb kluball allys ailys store and satisfy yourselves by a examIna tiri of the article fides hides of every description purchased pure based we the undersigner undersigned under signed workmen of leather frike friye 1 ke ples plen purt furr in recommending to the the tilo article articie hed bv by the be isalt ward tanners of this alv and pronounce it equal if not superior to any bather leather ieather domestic or Import imported eds ever cyer offered for sale rale baitin martin in market WM WING W rust KUST ikker and leather A USTUS P IT A SA 1 I B lla ITA L W most MONT GUE uey shoemakers Shoemaker 4 A albert ALBRRT LITZ laxie L S 4 uart VART 6 0 9 quarter arter E stone STOKE WM W al S GODBE keeps constantly on hand band a complete stock suck of botanical and other dru drut t and Med medicines letnes A fall full assortment of the celebrated Gra graffenberg efenberg family remedies the wonderful of if which is daliy dally becoming be comin more fully established an exten extensive lve Ive variety of f soaps oils perlum perrum erles erieg and fancy goods good and notions of verv very 0 description the celebrated SODA FOUNTAIN the only onit one in the territory in full tuil uil uli ull operation also delicious ice drinks toh tor the warm weather an abundance it of irp for rile tile il HEALTH TO THE SICK RE wl AND CALL AT THE DRUG detore store 11 the foli foll follow winz inz ins gra grafenberg fenberg Me medicines alcines are with the greatest grea prea test confidence recommended to the infirm and the dawe sed dr libbea pile ointment con es balm vegetable ble bie pills PUN health bitters fever and A acue acne krue remedy ere lotion green |