Show shutting doors dont look 1005 so cross edward when hen h I 1 call cali yo to shut bilut the door grandmother feels feela the ilia cold wintry wind and udy besides you ou have got to spend all your life shutting a doors and might as well veil begin now 1 do forgive grandmothers grandm otherl I 1 ought to be ashamed to cross you but what do you mean I 1 am going to college and then I 1 am a going C to be a lawyer law er well admitting iii ali all ill that I 1 imagine squire edward p C will have hase ha e a good many doors to shut if ever he makes much of a man what kind of doors do tell me grand mother 1 sit down a minute and anil I 1 will give you a list in the first place the door of your ears cars must be closed against bad language and evil counsel of the boys and young men you vill rill meet with at school and college or you wilt will be undone let them once get fat possession posses sion aion of that door and I 1 would not give agn e much for edward C Is s future prospects the door of your eyes too must he lie shut against bad books idle novels noveis and low wicked ca newspapers ers or your studies will be neglected lee ice and you will grow up a useless ignorant man you will have to close them sometimes a against ainest the gine fine things exposed for sale in the slop shop windows eryou or you will never learn to save your money noney or have any left to give anav the door of your lips will need especial care for they guard an unruly member which makes great use of df tha the bad company let in at the doors of the eyes and ears that door is 13 very r apt api t to blow open and if it not constantly watched clin 1 will let out angry trifling or vulgar words it will backbite sometimes worse thian than the win winters terla wind if it if ir is left open too long I 1 would advise you to keep it shut much ot of the time till you live haio laid up a store of at least till you have something valuable the inner joor door of your heart must be well shut against temptation for conscience the doorkeeper grows prows very if you disregard his cal call I 1 and sometimes drops asleep at his post ani ana and when you may think you are doing very well you yon mi are fast going down to ruin if you yoli carelus carefully anell guard the outside doors of the eyes eves ears and lips alps T you on wa will 11 kee dee keep p out many cold blasts ct cf sin which 41 get in before you you think this shutting doors you eee see eddy will be a serious business one on which I 1 your hiir weil well doing in this life and tinn tire next depe dc penda rieb fieS ex ag fido fi do not fail to nead read Jo naUty |