Show I correspondence COF AUSTRALIA baota a letter toP tor to prost frost robt B young by elder eider J W fleming flenning 3 ko NO 25 dake CAKE starr tp chippendale sydney oct SO 10 im 1655 I 1 j since your epistle of january 31 ismy came to hand we have bem been busily engaged in making mating preparations to leave these colonies for our homes in the mountains to da do this requires much travel and labor and borei acing that our whole hole hoie time lime and means would be required for this ibis pa poses pose we thou thought bt best to publishing tiie the nors Watch watchman mary marp except one issue after alter each confer enc eno times are now getting ilard bard and we wish to deliver as many of the poor as we possibly can for fer ariey are exposed ta intoxication and various other evils and anil temptations with which they are surrounded elder james graham and john S eldredge left this city on the ath of sept on the barque bacque julia ann anus bound I 1 for san francisco with ft a company con pady rady of 6 saints saintry four elders included there are arc now but four american elders lu in these colonies and aud the mork work Is still spreading in ili every did dir atlon I 1 spend the most moa of my time in this city I 1 visited the south smith west section in july babil labi last where the above named elders were and in a short abort fotr of about two r irs its w rie ile he tie bap baptism tirra of ten persons I 1 left lef t again in company with en cu the isab of sept for the norm north west sect iun lun about 1 ISO ro miles where we A e met noet in conference mith with the elders ald saints at V W W en cu the allyn river this conference numbers 85 95 those who the list hist accompany eider dowdle has a llad had the be charge of this section for a short time past and WillIam baxter a young eiden cider ironi front egland Is laboring under his bis this bild has been idely widely ext tudd since tho the departure it a cur beloi beloved ed feblow fello laborer eider elder william wliilam byde llyde we left the saints in the enjoyment of health and peace and a good spirit prevailed in their midst re ise orned and opened our half yearly c in this city on the soth of t september T f president farnham stopped with me a short searon seamon after the conference then tool ius lus OF departure for south buth australia accompanied by elder daudie dam daw die dle they lert left this city ela sta a the steams hip hij Tele gralli on the loth lw duct t and und pur posed visiting all the saints faints in the melbourne section sections vi where here elders frost and ind smith have leen been labo laboring then to proceed to adelaide to fee elder norton and make all the arrangements they can for the emigration in april next every possible ble bie effort Is being made by the saints to eo go at that time and sone bone bave have proposed going with us who do not as yet belong to the church and others are now ready for baptism in this city the work works lias has moved slowly in these colonies col coi onies onles from the tx ginning but I 1 think the prospects are as good if it not better now than at any time since the gospel was first preach preached cd in this city by elders john murdock and C 17 wandell I 1 have just received a letter from br cooke dated sept 19 1 1855 lis ils irs health is good and he be feels much blessed and encouraged in the great work in which he be is engaged writes that hat lie he hopes to be able to inform us of more baptisms soon as its thole thele Is quite a number now believing expects to be in abla city by the first of apri next with the most of the saints from that to accompany us to our own native land my ity health Is still good and I 1 have been much blessed in all my labors and administrations in this country I 1 feel thankful ua to my rather father in heaven that I 1 was choken to bear a part of the ministry of the gospel to jo this people peoples and I 1 also feel thankful tor for the president that was appointed to preside over this th Is ml mlevin eBin abin ile ne Is a true tnie servant of the lord and where he be once sets ills his hand band there Is 13 but very little deviation or shadow of turning until the thing Is I 1 have tried to make mate myself as useful to him as possible and to abide his counsel FORT BRIDGED GREEN riven kiven COUNTY april EDITOR or THE DESERET NEWS after a cold and unpleasant journey we arrived at hi place on the be evening of the in consequence cf of the scanty feed tied the principal part of the company did not arrive until the and remained here today to day for the purpose of procuring additional animals and making repairs upon some carriages which were roughly used while crossing the wah Wab mountains an ss of the inhabitants of this place met at two and were addressed by elder orson pratt captai captain n A 0 smoot 21 marshal marshai arshal heywood neywood and myself general robison has commenced sloughing ploughing hing although be the season is backward elders E T bonson bunson erastus erestus snow and myself accepted an invitation from jud judge e bullock to visit his residence at fort supply we went up the black folk fork road through a very fine and rich bottom capable of choicest grain vegetables and fruits fruit and were surprised to find hat that bat fort supply was a even seven thousand two bundred hundred feet above the level of the sea accor according dint dIrt to the best estimate that we could make of its relative position to bridger banks of snow ft ere laying three feet deep around be the forty tort fort which Is mabb by setting jg G 6 feet in the ground a double row ul of pickets 18 ft feet et long lungs about one toot foot through and an d pointed at the top thus eri cri closIng about un tin acres the alp of this stockade stol kade with its bastions indicates creditable kill and union on the part it i t f its projectors and occupants A two story house used for a court house and other public purposes 25 neatly constructed dwellings and substantially ly made corrals and stack yards evidence the energy and taste of the people and also the fruitfulness of the soil eoll for we saw nine stacks of wheat in one yard and several stacks of hay bay and bats keeping the wheat stacks company judge bullock also bowed showed us his lis orie fine pigs which bich were enough to make us farcy that we were in berkshire cat cattle cattie tie tle horses and sheep wintered over seven thousand feet above the level levei of the sea and nd north of latitude 41 some of them last fall too tour to travel and left ly the imm immigration are in nue flue condition although the snow enow has been drifted BO so dep deep as to 0 o tn entirely cover the stockade an adjoining field of too acres Is enclosed with a tence fence worthy of being patter palter tied ried after ly any that I 1 have visited in the territory it I 1 Is built of substantial poles laid up in vir VIT virginia inia lnla finie once style with stakes and riders this inclosure has a great variety of toll tolly and a large additional field will be made this spring abo about t twenty five families have just arrived to strengthen fi the settlement and a grist mill will be in operation in a few weeks the settlers have saved everything that would feed stock even to the wheat headings and chasn chaff the wheat v was vas a 3 mostly bound up in good order orders some persons having upwards of forty bushels of the best wheat I 1 ever saw we atey ates ate while there some as good and beets as can be produced the quantity and quality of the timber timbers which lies some five to ten miles south of the rort fort Is fr unsurpassed in the tle mountains the success of 0 this settlement lement at so great an altitude shows conclusively what may roy moy be dine with some of our mountain vailey valley sp those which have been considered a couple of thousand ett feet teet above the levil of cultivation we returned to this place by the county road which alth gave us a fine opportunity to view the rich bottom lands and oine fine timber 0 smiths fork general robison rolison and hia hla kind lady have entertained us with a generosity and hospitality that cannot be easily surpassed 8 12 I 1 bring brine this letter hurriedly to conclusion as the camp camp cami is about to start GEO CEO ASMITH A SMITH switzerland DAR marsteller dargi DARST STELLER KLIER OFFICE orfice rua HUP sin cin cendrier 1 0 8 geneve oct 1 1 EDITOR or THE deseret NEWS sin sir prest irest F r if ii richards and pastor wm win 17 kimball of the london conference conferences accompanied me to this place where we arrived on the of september septembers and left for a visit to the saints in piedmont italy we found br francis feeling well though he be had bad been so long without speaking peaking english that it was a day or two before lie he could speak so that we could under understand stand all he sald cald we visited the rock of prophecy so named bv br lorento snow and I 1 believe he rightly named its ity it for after we had mount brigham and seated ourselves on the rock the spirit of prophecy jested rested upon us all we kment an hour or two so agreeably that we did not perceive that night was approaching that dy day will long be remembered by those who were present viz breet P F D richards win via n kimball kimbail daniel tyler trier john obi ohi gett sett sa in lent francway Franc Fran clay lg and J L smith each one spoke and expressed himself determined to follow the counsel counsels we bad received and to do our test lest I 1 est to live humbly bumbly and faithful faithfully lys lyp that we might receive the blessings promised on the of Septem september on the we went to st germain Genn ain aln held a meeting with about twenty of the saints taints and visited some who tho live near the tops of the mountains br dr carrington it if the tew few ew grumblers grumbl ers in utah were sent bent on a mission to piedmont they tiley would abon buon begin to thank the lord that hey they bey had bad been permitted to hear bear and embrace the everlasting truth I 1 have often read about people who abo had to sleep steep with animals to keep from freezing I 1 have now BOW visited some tome of that class and have seen bow they live on one scant meal a day sleeping with goats at night do our brethren who have been assisted by the P E F company s when hen they get to the mountains remember the debts they have contracted and mere more han ban hir his do they realize that there are thousands thou bands who have just as strong a desire to go home to zon zion as they bad do all the saints faints that the lord has blessed with means always remember their covenants do they think how bow it would seem to them it if they had bad to spend their time with their children night and day days when too cold to labor labors with the sow and pigs in the straw straws if they even chanced to have that luxury would they then not be glad to have their brethren remember them well I 1 have bare visited some faithful saints who live in this way ways aud and you may judge my thankfulness that my family are in zion sept we held a conference at la tou and had bad a good time and ana returned to geneve on the hrs bro hards and kimbail kimball left on the for england br dr D tyler and J chislett join with mo roe in kind love to you yon your family and friends items aber me to the brethren in the offices yours tours respectful respectfully lyp joul jo ris L SMITH oapl CAPI A 0 smoots SHOOTS COMPANY LITTLE sandy 20 miles west of south pass may aj 2 1856 5 1 ED EDITOR ton tor or THE bews yews our company make their noon halt at this place feed reed very poor health and spirits of the company excellent appetite extraordinary roads in dug fine condition animals getting along as well as could be expected judge kinney and family traveling in the company they in fine spirits marshal health Is rapidly improving GEO CEO A ASMITH shirin from elder joseph bull to elder james mcknight McK might right SAN FRANCISCO march 26 DR JAMES janies it was with wier feelings of pleasure that I 1 perused the contents of your kind letter letters for if there Is one time more than another that an elder can appreciate a letter from a friends friend who Is with the body of the church it Is when ho Is on a mission in a foreign land far from home friends and those in whose society lie im loves to mingle and with whom be loves to associates when he be Is to striving with all Ms bis might mind and strength to build up the chu chuch ch and kingdom of god amongst ns as it jt werey were a coldhearted cold hearted and godforsaken god forsaken people peoples it lj Is then that aline from a friend at home hoine is sweeter to him than honey in the honeycomb then Is the time lime that he be can more fully realize the blessings that hid his brethren and fitters sitters are continually enjoying who are at home with the body of the church where they can hear the principles of life and salvation seaforth get set forth in their purity as hev they her flow from those whom the lord hay hai chosen to lead lend and govern the affairs of bis bin kingdom upon the earth in these last days trow now few there are comparatively who do realize and appreciate those blessings to their fullest extent but let them be placed oat out in the world where they will be deprived of that privilege laboring amongst a people who are entirely opposed to the principles which they are sent to teach them and who seem to be opposed to every principle of virtue and morality then is the time that they can realize those blessings which ire only to be obtained through continually living humbly and ralth falth ully tolly before the lord our type and other necessary material materials that we bad to send tend to ton tox N Y for arrived safely on the irth of january we proceeded to finish the book of mormon in the hawaiian language languages which was con plated on the of jai we then lade aade every preparation for the publication of the papers paper the first number of which was issued on saturday the of fb feb it has already created quite a sensation in sume bume parts of the states state and it will no doubt have a tendency to do a great deal of good for tor everything that is calculated to retard the onward progress pro pre gress press of truth is diligently sought bought after by the majority of the presses in this thit country it will give us an opportunity of refuting and contradicting the he many false rt ports that have hav elieen elleen been and continue to be circulated about the Mor Mormon mons sand and of setting settine forth the principles of life and salvation I 1 in their true light it has been instrumental already in arousing a great many of our people in california who have been for some time in a cold coid colds lukewarm state as it regards the principle principles of mormonism pm they say that they begin to feel a little as they used to when they first embraced the gospel of christ A spirit of gathering seems to have taken possession of them and many who have been in this country for years are settling sett lins up their business and intend to leave for great salt lake as soon as possible since my arrival in n this country I 1 have become acquainted with many who lett left let lei t the home of the saints in the peaceful vales of deseret and came here with a view to better their condition in life or to use their own words dato to make a raise and return to the valley who to their great surprises surprise h ve are not found california to be what they had bad pictured in their own minds or which it had been represented to be instead of making what they call a rals ethey have scarcely in many instances instance teen able to obtain enough of the common necessaries of life and are poorer now than they ever were before many would gladly leave the shores of the pacific and wend their way back to the valley if they had bad but the means BO so to do but before |