Show alabama EMIGRANT AID BILLA bill to aid destitute emigrants to kaila ag has passed p ased its second reading in the tile alabama legislature its provisions aro are these that where a company of one hundred emigrants emigrant 3 is formed under a leader and that duct is mado made known to the tho governor ho he shall drav upon the tho treasury for all an amount not exceeding 35 15 fsr far each eacil man to assist in tte tta emigration which amount shall be returned into the coffers of the tiie state by a separate tax to be levied upon tilo tho slave property of the tiie state considerable foo fooling linal seems to exist upon this subject in alabama As an evidence of it a gentleman of montgomery major bufore sold several of his lio iio groes a fe few w days ago for the purpose of raising funds to carry emigrants to kansas he having already about a hundred men who hae have promised to accompany him for the tila purpose of in establishing tab lishing the southern Sou thorn thora institution in that part of the tile country many have left their homes meb mes to in the Stat statland states jand sand and c ome come to this country to inake make their fortunes in a few months and then return returns but how greatly they have been mistaken instead of making makine their fortune in a month or two twos they have been arcely scarcely tc able to obtain a scanty livelihood there are exceptions exception sj ot of course but they are few and far between when compared with the other side of the case men hen may be seen dally daliy walking in the fc unable to obtain any employment mechanics are clad glad togo to go to farmers tor for 25 09 00 a month because they cannot obtain employment at their respective trades in short thorl the prospect Is unless we vve have rain before long longs that the people cf of california will see gee harder times than they have seen n this country before the crops crop in many parts of the state are suffering for want of reins rains rain and unless we have bare abundant rain beto e long they will be entirely lost the the f tamers amers are now beginning to fear and tremble we hope the uret bret brethren hren bren at home will assist us all thy thy cany cans can and exercise their faith in our behalf and that t a with their works I 1 think that then we shall be able to accomplish com all that we have bare bevly ben sent to do it will be our constant desire to make the paper as interesting as possible and to give all the latest news as fast fist as we c e in get it |