Show atma arom the ohio rb reb C 1 governor chase on kansas debate in the obio legislature the fallowing fai fal lowing awaa va received from the governor Oa vernor conN containing ining a communication from froin certain civil ciril in kansas which was as read at tile the clerks desk deck WAR MESSAGE OF GOV to the thi of the tiie state of ohio I 1 transmit for the ilia consideration of the general assembly a communication from certain gentlemen holdi ilg tig positions in hansas kansas the urgency of tile the appeal made by tile tiie communication I 1 muni cation herewith transmitted induces me to lay it before the general assembly without delay it is authenticated by the s gna tures of iames james A lane lano chairman of the tile executive committee of kansas territory of charles Rt robinson binson the governor and george Georga IV deitzler Dei del izler the secretary elected by the people under the recently adopted state constitution it represents that an o overwhelming force of citizens cili zens of dils Alis missouri nouri is organizing upon tile tiie borders d rs of kansas with the avowed purpose of fitl invading 1 the territory demolishing its towns and aud butchering its freestate free state citizens it appeals for prompt ais als assistance istance in it terms which cannot fall fali to command ybur most earnest earliest atte alte tion the of the contemplated invasion of kanas kansas is to compel its to submit to the establishment of shivery the progress of slaveholding aggression is very remarkable lu in 1820 the slave power insisted on the admission of missouri as a slave state and effiec effected ted its is purpose by en granting grafting oil on the bill for is its admission a perpetual prohibition of slavery in all the remainder of or the ilia territory acquired from front france north of tile tha south line of missouri extending westward to bur frontier in 1854 1834 1 the slave power demanded the repeal of the prohibition of 1820 and effected its oba object ct by en grafting on tile the nebraska kausas kansas bill which provided for the tile repeal an express declaration that the people of the territory houd be left perfectly perfectly free to form aud and regul ite their own domestic institutions aly to the pro alons sons of the tile of the tile united states in the slave power insists that under this tills declaration tile tiie of the hie territory have no power at all to exclude slavery until under an enabling act of congress they proceed to forma form a state constitution preparatory to into the union that this thin pretension would be advanced was foreseen and predicted when tila the nebraska kan sas bill was under dicus discussion sion slon and it was in indeed devil indirectly sanctioned by the refusal of its lup sup porters to adopt an all amendment amendt nent hent to the bill expressly recognizing the right of the people peddle to exclude slavery olat whatever ever construction however may irive been intended by the supporters of tila ilia bli bit 1 and whatever countenance to that construction st may ba be afforded by the phraseology of the act itself it is vertain that fiat I 1 throughout through c 1 ut the tiie rree freo states the ibe conviction 13 nearly universal F a that the ilia people of kansas deprived of the tile prohibition of 1620 1820 live have and ought to hii hil have v e C complete 0 right in and iid lid full power to protect then selves against tile the evils of slavery to prevent p reve I 1 it flie file he people from e wils right 1 and lid ild power armed ba dds from the neighboring stati stats of missouri A invaded tile tho territory a at t the time tip bip pointed appointed for the flie girst first elec election electia tio n 0 of r iri ill members 0 of f the territorial L march 11 30 1855 1853 and having taken possession of the poll poli and excluded the begil vo boers ers ets selected themselves the persons who were ivere to constitute the legislature without regard to their plate of residence whether in fit missouri or in kansas X alases the acts of this spurious legiN tufe tUie were worthy of its origin excluded thae thea few freestate membern members who held field certified tes tee 0 f election they proceeded to promulgate in the forms a teris teries of pretended statute which have altel attel in fit the annals of legislative tf the governor of the territory who file llie factually to restrain tit ir excess by As live veto was removed from office by the president of the United states nd thus full scope was given to choir tiu ir utmost extravagance As it i dis disposing rosing of a conquered province they proceeded to decree the establishment slav slavery ery vry and to secure it against popular opposition by y providina provi ina inc for the appointment of sherif sheriffs Ts and other officers by commissions coni missions of their own crea tion lion without alloo allowing ing to the people any voice whatever in their selection and by Impo imposing sigg on the tiie exercise of the right to vote at fut ful future re reelections elections of members of the 1 legislature conditions conditions wath which none but lut the supporters of or slivery could comply it vas was impossible for men met not themselves fes ies pae pre prepared lo 10 be slave siave to admit the trie valid iff Ift of this spurious the tiie people of kansas refused to titto vitto to disfranchisement by the tile usurp ers era Left without valid I lais laws imis ais mis end and remit remitted ted tea ta edthe the original right inhere inherent tit fit ili hi every community to provide for Us its own safety and good lood odder o oder der they pro proceeded deeded in ili regular convention to appoint it day dy 1 and ud prescribe the manier manner of electing a delegate to congress and to broje for li a conven lion ilon to frame a constitution preparatory tory to application I 1 for or admi admission sion slon imo into the union as a state I 1 oil on the tiie ath of october I 1 the day do d ro lor election of a to con ron enss andrw andrew 11 II reeder was cho choen en to last vast nofri offia and on th tit of or the tho tie tle battle barrie month a atte cout tulo tuio tavo tavoi i was promulgated mul mui gated by the tile convention elected elect d for pur put on the lath december this stale conati ulion utin was ratified by tile the people and on oil the of january jut passed at an clotien election was held heid for the officers and members of the I 1 state the govenor and secretary secret itry wl whose ose signatures are affix d to the appeal herewith transmitted were chosen at this election while these bilings thin gs were in fit progress the tile territory was again llva liva ilvadel ilva ded edris early in D cember by armed bands hands from fron missouri now called into action acion by an from wll wil avi son on Si shannon minion who alto had been appointed governor of or the territory in place of lils ills ln s removed predecessor the town of lawrence was actually be tague t ague ed and its destruction fiercely threatened 1 ibn I ihn lie iid people of the territory rallied to its defence derence and iid lid for many days civil was imminent at length governor became sensible of the he error be w had commatti d iu in inducing tb e li invaders to retire their presence had deen neen marked by outrage and murder their withdrawal was mid and reluctant it indicated a remission of hos lit lif ties lies not a peace hence it is not surprising that the election st ite officers under the new constitution on th of january was made the occasion of the ile territory was again inva ded and an all actual place betwee between the iu and tile the settlers So after it tiona tlona respected caliz n an emigrant kentucky of tile the name of brown who had bee engaged in it upon the tile freestate free state side we seized and inhumanly murdered by tile tiie opposite party rhe the communication which I 1 transmit ex presse a strong apprehension that prep orations trat ions lons are iw making for a new invasion with greater num bers bets and taud more ample provision of implements 0 destruction than any has haj preceded it il ili in form formation tion from other sources cot coi birins tile the that tills this apprehension i i no ciol groundless it is impossible tu contemplate plate these alu ag yg will out deep feeling they are the lo legitimate fruits of lle ile lie tile repeal of the tiie missouri j po jo p o abl abi I 1 ton fon I 1 it may not be po elbe sibe Eibe at prest present nt to re esti I 1 I 1 prohibition it is perhaps not possible that con gress gres as at present d will wilt consent t tile lire admission of K luio mio the union under undo her free freestate state stata at ltd ite cons tile the general gen erl er eri l assem bly of ohio has lids perhaps no to power redress tile tiie wrongs of the tile people of the tho Territory Tern tur tor but still something not unimportant may in be done rhe the rho general assembly can express tile the sense 0 the people of ohio in fit rt rc solutions addressed tc to their senators and lind representatives n in fit congress itley tiey c can cau u admission ot of kiusis klusis as a flee fite slate state tiie ilia enactment of a suitable law securing freed treed freedom bim ulm of elections in ili cise cose the tern toria lorid government be not superseded and what perhaps is of more importance still the tle tie prompt admission of the tile delegate deio delo nate gate of the tile people ta to a seal seat in fit congress that lie he may inive the most opportunity of g jining llie file attention of the tile national iia ija legislature to walts waita alts aits alid and ili ill ir wrongs A the general geil rill ryll assembly may way iso by suitable rebo reho lucions lu lions commend the tile cause of kanas kan as to the tile warm sympathies and liberal ol 01 their tny ii will ill not I 1 am sure su re invoke voke the tile prompt r pil t ac action holt of the people pec pie in vain having thus perrow performed ped n what iut lut seemed to me file to be my duty duly in fit t transmitting ral isi nitting to ou on tl P commini calivis of the i ppul ir authorities in kansas with ith such observations as the tile on appear d lo 10 demand I 1 cheerfully submit the tile matter mutter to the hulter butter for lor wisdom nj adof ff ef the tile ay S SP P chanc B lawrece CITY K 1 jan 21 1 1856 1836 to llis his E excellency xcell ency the governor of SIR sni we have luve ahat an overwhelming force of ti tle tie llie e cit citizens izenE of dionn Aliss Mi onri onn are organizing upon our border bordt r amply supplied mith with artillery for the avowed purpose of inva invading our territory demolishing our town and butch eling our cur unoffending freestate free state caliz ns we hope to be abiol ane ame 0 to hold out until u atil can reach us vve vei lve respectfully request on oil behal orthe or the citizens oc hansas kansas that thol suc sue lucli it tt t t ps may inay be taken by the of tile the statis states stati s as humanity st suggests ests to td prent pr ent tnt he the successful stul carra ing out of 0 so Ili inhuman bunian an outrage out ruge roge JOHN 11 LNE LANE chairman ex com coin K T C ROBINSON governor elect of kansas kansis geo secretary A mas was made that the message mess ige ge be laid upon jie jle table aud and I 1 all ali saw ex rose to express hins estonia tonis tonia ment and regret that nat the lie hlo governor ijO vernor of ohio should to 0 o uie ule neglect of f other great griat and an d al itil iiii questions concerning tila llie donl doni estie estic c int ests ls ol 01 eur lur own n state slate thrust into our bur faces ucb such uch inflammatory abolition and recommendations ys vs are cong conc ined in ili his ills message rne ine sange ile lit eilt clit cl ned to a af tle me tie governor var a by this very act with the rights of ilie the people of eins kins w u ho tio 0 defit to lo 10 lible able alad were able to m mage bleir own bu business bustness siness and arid encouraging the very state of tit til things in aielt lie s to deplore anil anol d heard the governor ii ili a public speech on another lier iier recommend the use of sharps rials lo 10 prevent Id verv in in ard offered 40 give eive 50 to aid abali dionisis isis 10 lo go to to kansas and shoot down the lles and now as governor of aitio lie is 13 th tile very s winch which we all so in ocl url deprecated IV vh hv fir w where here vias was his voice u ullen hen our ow citi citizens zeis were shot sirot down in in ibe I 1 stets ai bt ets eis etso etho or four our 0 oun ohn n cleles cities by a mob moh fild bild hild in ili ill a ii alit n ig state slate not a vord word wis ws iward li f ort OIT inui hito then 1 he I belonged to a barty which respected tile the white citizen more than ihan I 1 an ill ili ihn but the he governor go vernoi vernol i A oui out I 1 embroil the tile country couldry it in a civi cial war ar ill n o d r tod f nd lid tile the negro ile he the tile in rodic tion of this subject into this till tili i body to ril rii eruct opi oui attention n from cair 0 ir ow on n I 1 i ili ill 11 ort nit burh burr bu rr ss sf mr air i iii chan chanec v ail atai all ali oti otin is node r je remark remarks when the report and documents were laid upon ti lle lie e tabi and ordered lo 10 be primed mr air caldw 11 afi offered ered the follow ilie lie resolutions which wiil will h vi vere were ere era lid uld upon the table aud and order d to b printed whereas tile tin present petre as ull wll v 11 as the future welfare of our country d mai may ds that eliat there lh thre re shall be no futher father extension of slavery ald aid no more slave sidles stalo fo and anil whereas by the tile reported unlawful invasions of the territory of kansas katsas bya citizens of the tile state slate of mi onri for the purpose of dorcil forcibly ly de viv vie g the ilia mitiz in of that berrr territory 0 ry of their first political right and establish slavery therein by force and without authority of law es as a consequence of which abich invasion civil war now exists in it kansis and whereas the tile people of the territory cf of kanas have bave by a convention of delegates duly my balled and assembled for that pu purpose roose formed for themselves a constitution aud and 1 stale stute tate which consi ution ulion is re a id said enid convention and the tho people ol 01 lianos lian Kai isis ss by their thein ratification fi cation of said constitution hilving aked admission into the tile union us a sate slate and believing that such admission of kansas is wi a stale state would exclude slavery und and save clial territory from borther r civi chiv 1 tumults tuni and the further effusion of bloof it is hereby resolved by tile the general assembly of tile the state of that our seia sein senators tor lor be and aie ate hereby instructed and our representatives ives in fit cong cona congress ress be requested to use their best endeavors for the passage passage of an all act of corss corsa ess ebs g K kansas ans I 1 lito into aitto the union BS as a state with such imitation limitation of as by Cop congress gress shall be deemed advisable resolved that our representatives hf b requested to vote vole for lor tile llie finine diate admission of A 11 reeder to a seat in the file house of representatives senta tives in fit congress as a delegate from kansas until such ad adirim sion slon of kausas kansas as a state resolved it esol ved that the governor be requested to cause a copy of ih tit s preamble ald resolutions properly certified to be forwarded to each eacil of air senators and arid ILI in con COD congress bress gress and anu that thai a copy be gent bent sent to the tiie governor of each state stata iu in the U uni tit n u mr air todd offered tile tho following preamble add and resolution which wre A aure ere vre laid upon the ilie table whereas it is ii a matter of general notoriety that kansas |