Show will insist the english and french papers will still insist that the fighting at inkerman was the bt beet fighting on record ii they v would ouid only read american history they would find bud that they are talking outside ot of the record during the tile war of 0 1812 we bad beveral several encounters which throw the doings at In inkerman kermin completely into the hide shade very few englishmen have bare heard ot of the battle of new orleans let us endeavor to post them up on the ath of Janu january giry Airy 1815 general beneral rac pac packenham kenham with british soldiers soldier attacked general jackon jackson whose force consisted of 0 meny men one halt half at of whom without arms hams hama made up ot the best besl soldiers ot of europe veterans from the bloody fields ot of the peninsular packenham led on hig his hi forces with a confidence that showed bowed that such a thing thine as a defeat had not been considered by him among the possibilities of war general rai ackson jackson met his advance with a ane fire from his hla allemen riflemen that almost decimated his bis ranks the attack was deadly and eo so unexpected that the british for a moment waver cd they were Instantly rallied again however and ai gain advanced fro gro take taka tha the city the riflemen again i opened upon them and with the same destructive re suits gulls the attack was renewed again and again but during the whole battle not a british soldier got inside the breastworks at last packenham was wounded when the fight became a defeat those who rame to take lake sew new orleans returned to their ships broken down and dispirited the british lost by this battle men and of ficeri cers cero the americans lost eight compared with fades away and becomes small lenall pota notates po tates teg the editors of london and ranis paris s ahuad buy a cheap edition of the war of 1812 and get posted up newyork New tork york dutchman |