Show MR J IV SULLIVAN owner ownen 0 of oe the news depot in san gin francisco the pacific express the I 1 0 union the california CF fornia farmer av ir 1 h lave v e credit a and d our tj for fop of having laving furn furnished dished us nearly all the gafers and ana magazines brought by thc mail of the rth mth dinst no NL 0 go goi dess deys dudys candys books came to hand hund whether from ov everight over nver e rr ight ig on the part of our usually p punctual punctual 1 t arjen 9 dullivan du lliran of the news De through some plundering by the way we are not able to determine I 1 if f M mr r sullivan will send a letter by each enci 1 rna raa trail 1 to the post master in this city contal containing biting 1 a list st d 16 kinds londs I 1 of magazines sent and the J bamber gurber of each vach kind it will give a clue for de where shere the slip occurs and greatly increase thesalis the sales sules of the news deposso Dep otso soon eoon as the I 1 evilou ev ilof anee ance uncertainty dainty and ind often of entire failure of it tiie ilie of mail maii matter can cap bt lie iko remedied the population of utah area are arc a reading and reflecting have become utterly tired of waiting for regularity in the tile eastern mail and ere looking lothe california mail maii as the only reliable tulan than aie jie net ner of 0 communication hence t as the last cameo mail mall Is is and has lias been for some come time running reg eil til arly atly if it is permitted to bring what is directed to utan batern eastern papers pipers p and magazines will have to oco co meby meLy e y llie ilia 1 and fram fam the ivest west be cap eap giey cannot not be had bad from any apy 01 other her quarter |