Show the war ther there a Is no change iq in regard to the siege stage of Seba sevastopol february 1 I the russian grand dukes made a recon nol sance of the allied front two french divisions made maae a demonstration and marched toward towards inkerman the allies are dally daily expecting an attack the pickets have been ordered to be on the alert the weather is warm in a sortie last night three hundred of 0 the trench rench were here put hors da du combat jn the obscurity one french regiment tiring firing upon another another feb 2 many ot of the regiments were held la in readiness es I 1 last night for immediate action and aid the cavalry bave have been under arms all ali night nishi the weather has changed for the better the supplies ot of the commissariat are sufficient tient in most respects admiral bouat has telegraphed that since the the russians had bad recommenced their night corties sorties sor ties but had been vigorously repulsed the russians had bad received considerable reinforcements and 1300 men with provisions and stores had reached the french arm army y the roads n near ear E Eup upa atonna atoria were frozen and good good the cars czars two sons hiye have enter euter entered eda seba teba VARNA feb rib 2 athe Thel Veather weather Is fine aine supplies are more ab abundant the allies continue to throw bombs into the city one hundred and seventy se enty six siege elege pieces are in the battery feb 3 itis stated from Kam xam lesch leach that the russians made a sortie on the and 24 but wert rep refused used by the F french 11 volunteers n feb 6 nothing of importance tiring firing kept up bri briskly 4 kly kiy on both sides bides the vienna presse says rays that the english 1 are re retiring firing from the siege lines and aie ale are with the them french oua gua guard d to forma a reserve at Balak balaklava balaklau lav P general nell who arrived at the camp on the 2 th of january bas has reported to the emperor that the situation of the french frencik army Is ft on the whole good and aid that thai of ahe british not quite so bad as a was reported I 1 the long iong talked of important change in the french army in the crimea Is now the army will be divided into two corps darmes darget dar mes met one ne given give to general Pelis Peli seer gery sery and the other to general bosquet virtually rendering gen canrobert a mere cy cypher the emperor nicholas has issued an ukase calling the whole population of russia to arms this Is remarked as y a menace in reply to the oppeln lord ral rai palmerston merston as head of the english government NAPLES JOINS tiie THE ALLIES A statement Is made that naples has joined the western alliance and will send besides a fleet a land force equal equalito to tb chatot at of sardinia to ther they crimea the guarantee of france to prevent a revolution lial lir lit italy has brought naples to join the alliance count orloff the russian MinIs ninis minister tery terr and staff have left naples and retired to CAs oas erta sweden continues her military preparations most of 01 the smaller german states have bare their armies nearly complete a 01 e the federal government preserves its n neutrality eutra lity and continues to forbid foral enlistment for tor foreign er vice prussia bend send a circular to her diplo matice agent andl indicating that the entire prussian lan lau army will be immediately made ready for the field in la austria warlike preparations continue with anaba I 1 ted energy and briefly al all ail I 1 europe Is ln ta arms arms havel bavel all five powers rowers have formally signified signi aled fled their intentions to confer the congress congles s ilas lias gee beeta post postponed PO ned irom from irom the to meet again at vienna on the gih gib lo 10 lord rd john represents represent great BrIt britain alfil M de Dour quelley or perhaps a special minister pini Mini minister stef france couitt coa buot austrian Au austria austris riza rizk dey bey turkey assisted if L x va I 1 minister to constantinople i 1 I 1 it Is reported that hat prussia wili will be allowed a seat at the board and that the business bill 1011 bt be limited ta earring I 1 categorical yes or no count wedell the prussian enva envoy to prance france lils remains in paris his bis mission being unaccomplished afis secret secre tary has returned to berlin for further instructions th the che opinion prevails that no term terms ban can kan be conie conle come t to between between a i prussia and the western power powers s but that I russ la will be left to neutrality and its consequences count ester ister esterhazy hizy the austrian minister has returned to his place in berlin ills liis lils ills return bas kas caused a idse rise in the funds 1 AUSTRIAN LOAN 1 VIENNA feb 15 the barlot earl eari westmorland bacate ly several con conferences conferee feren ap with count buol buoi ft t Is confidently stated that their object of a loan loin of sterling which wh ich the austrian i government Govern fent wishes to 0 o contract wih with the guara guarante n to of ingland england the loan loans is to be brought out in the london market LATEST FROM prem twe TRE CRIMEA ST burg BUnG friday february 16 1865 1635 1655 prince from hom Sebast orol on the ath the general situation Is unchanged we continue to d b the deserters affirm that the french 9 guard yard the thi trenches in consequence of considerable losse bot bof sot th the english army I 1 A letter in the pays daled dated constantinople 3 january fth says ck A column of riflemen had cakl taken en posses blon bion of the important position of bahara near mear balaklava Balak lavai after driving out the russians who occupied it the enemy nemy in this thil affair e experienced 64 severe bosses i they were completely put to the route routt ani and nned fled precipitately bearing their forage and tents tenta the loss of the russians at Seba ala sebastopol sevastopol ela and neighborhood during the last days of decembers december ps s estimated at more than ulan men the london times contains a letter from dated january mj ath which says that the thie mortality at the hospital was on the he increase tha the deaths from jan jtb th 1 inclusive to 11 0 the number in ine hospital on me the jtb january was 65 officers and noncommissioned commissioned non a privates as the atmosphere of the hospital was A as becom becoming ing boj peti ferous serous that arrangements for transferring convalescents to malta or england were highly necessary the tho ship white falcon of new tork sailed from london on the ISA january for hailu havlu barins boen been chartered by the french government to convey provisions blons to the crimea the times in a leading arti article cley clep draws drawl a most deplorable picture of the be state of the army in the crimea at the beginning of january it could muster aly anly bay bayonets 0 nets the artillery and engineers had bad been reduced in the same fame proportion and the cavalry no longer existed as a force the deaths amounted to sixty a day dav and the nur number aber disabled by fatigue and sickness to one thousand a week this ratio the times thinks will rapidly increase it Is computed that out of men nominally fit for service only 2000 are in good health the army was wa an i army armyon of invalids at the beginning of the month mouth although i the crimea winter had bad not bet set in |