Show THE BLACK WALNUT this tree is found in the immediate imme diate drate vicinity of buckeye flat el dorado count of which the placerville erville american Anie anle rican gives the subjoined sub joined account sac union at the distance of five miles from the flats as the creek has a great fall mountain ridges are seen on either side and from the western ridge on jerrys ranch there breaks out num erous springs of water that so irrigate the soil during the whole year that man many y plants and trees that were supposed to have no e existence x in california or on the pacific coast are here found and among them the genuine black walnut not only are there numerous small trees but some that annually produce nuts in full gerfe perfection though I 1 generally collected by the diggers before begore ripening in to save them from the squirrels so numerous in the locality ancient trees that have fallen not long since since strewed the ground and but partially decayed were used for gunstocks gun stocks and even fencing being far more easily worked than other kind of timber in the vicinity the the diggers say that a race of men wh whom om their fathers conquered told them that before the mountains were raised up these trees and nuts were every where but that great fires burned them all tip up except on these very wet places so much for digger tradition 62 agthe othe the largest ship in the world is the steam frigate niagara now in in the r course ourse of construction for the united states navy by mr steers in the brooklyn navy yard she is said to be a magnificent work of oi art the faultless curves curved of her timber and the fascinating fascinating P sweep of her enormous hull are the admiration of all the actual dimensions of this magnificent vessel are as follows tunnage 5 0 o extreme length on deck feet load line leet feet extreme breadth 55 feet depth tt bf hold bold 31 feet there are three decks besides the the ar manent will consist of 12 inch pivot guns atins to carry ib lb shot and a charge of 15 lbs ibs of powder she is to be a full rigged ced ged ship her mainmast being I 1 ili ill I 1 I 1 feet lona long iong and nd 3 feet 4 inches in diameter the main yard will be 55 feer feet and he mizzen spanker boom 67 feet the niagara is constructed wholly of or live oak congress con oon 11 r ess appropriated ap cited one million of dollars for he her r construction bilt but her cost it is thought will not be over cleveland herald |