Show jett f t 1 I lk d n J 1 pop right tight secured bl tr T i n i n 1 q HISTORY OF JOSEPH josleph SMITH w 4 1 ir j 1 J arril arnil APRIL 1842 IM t 1 IV wednesday I 1 13 antio introduced du ea B backan ats s to s sties i V es an derobinson dR u li jtb the lodge room it lix the m morning and samuel xe 11 sath smith IN william smith mith and iilda ivason an son knight in the evening about ibl 0 ut iio lio saints from eafanti england Ea fanti fantl landed in the stear steamer er il lo 10 louisa ulsa a and u d about 60 from the amaranth I 1 thursday 14 11 calvin I 1 A warren darren esq baw lawyer vei tei from quincy quilley arrived and commenced ed an anve investigation of the principles of general ingolv tency lency in ili my roy behalf according to the statutes Sta tates for the united states stales Con congress grIess had bad previously instituted a gerien general bankrupt law by which any tn individual who ho was owing to a certain amount more thanh ewas able to pay idy could inake jilt a schedule of his property and of debts due dub from Jilin himself self seif and by a specified process pass the same in a the hands of a commissioner government agent igent or 11 ll ass agnee 3 who could make a dividend of bf alkhis ell oil his effects and pay his creditors whatever percentage per his hi property amounted to jo and then vien the individual was at liberty to start anew in the world and 14 was wag u mot wot lit rrt subject to liquidate any claims weno beld held against hin previous to his insolvency although hla hia property might no not have paid but the that least pe per percentage ork ori oneat all ho justic e or of such a principle icicle in tw 1 1 leave wie foi for them who mae 0 it the tha united st states suffice ice icv it to say the iha hw law was aa good for or ul the ul for the Gent gentiles lipf ileF and vii vil whether yli ether ethen I 1 would 0 or r lidi ridi I 1 was forced into the measure by having been robbed mobbed plundered and wasted washed of all my property limo lime after time in in vari varl var dies bythe ve very zy 0 ones ne s wb who made thoa the law w namely the the people verple of the tha united states th thereby eray having been obliged tb liged to contract heavy debts to to e the utter destruction of or uly myself self family uro ure 1 I ads and by thod those who were justly and legally oghig fhe the taking the he advantage of the same act of bf bankruptcy so thai thal I 1 could noi net collect m my just dues hus thus hui leaving ma me no altern active tive tire but kcf become subject again tu to stripping wasting aud nud destitution by vexatious writs andraw and awa suits andl andi imprisonments or take that course to extra bato bate myself which the law llad lied pointed jointed out for not the hearers hearer sor I 1 of the law are justified but the doers of it friday 15 editorial of the times and sea seii sans fans 11 i I 1 m BAPTISM FOR FOP THE DEAD the greal glea designs of god in relation to the salvation of the human family are very little understood der stood by the profess professedly dl ve wise and intelligent generation in fit which we live various and conflict aug alq nie pie opinions of men mea the plan of salvation the requisitions fifthe Almighty vale aale flie necessary preparations for hea heaven tien ijen the state and condition of departed spirits and the happen happiness ss or misery that tha i 13 s conse consequent upon the practice of righteousness 1 ness nebs and iniquity according to their several everal I 1 n notions 0 tl is of virtue and vice the condemns the heathen bethen the jew and the Chiist chilst christian lin and the whole world of man kind lina that reject his koran es as luff infidels idels and consigns the whole of them to perdition the jew believes that thai the tha whole wo world rid that rejects his faith and ane are not circumcised are gentile dogs and will bedami be damned led ltd tile tiie heathen are equally as tenacious about agodt their principles and the christian chris chrls con cou consigns all toi tol perdition who cannot bow to his creed ofed oved and submit to ilise ipse bill blit bin whilo one portion of the human gracd are judging arid and con clyn dehning dem det ning nning the other without mercy ti tm great parent of the universe looks upon the whole cf of the human family tardily with a fatherly care and paternal regard ho he views them as his hia loftt off and without any of those contracted feel leel ines inges that influence the children of men causes his gun sun to rise riss on the evil evil and ard the good and etude and end his bis us rain on the just jost and gunj unjust 11 he holds lre the lie reigns of judgment indis in his hands he is a wise lawgiver lw giver and aud v all men not according to the narrow contracted notions of men bali ball bat but 11 ac cording to the deeds done in the body whether they oley be good or evil or whether there deeds were done dona in england america spain turkey w 0 india hewell judge them 11 not according to what they hartl harfi not but according to what thay they 11 ave those who have lave lived without lawi law will be j judged without law raw and those who have a law vill ba be judged by fly that law we need not doubt t ie le wisdom and intelligence of the ilia great jehovah h awil i will award judgment judgie ut or mercy to all nations to several deserts their means of 0 twining intelligence 1 ih laws by which they ure ute ure are the she facilities afforded faem th em of obtaining corrai corret t information and his lis inscrutable designs in relation to the humen human family and when tiie ifie ri lins ains of nf god shall be he made man mau manifest irest aud nud and nud the cairl itt lit 01 i futurity if lw withdrawn we behall all of 11 its 0 have to cifes oi fEs that the judge of all he file eart earth IS hub hus done right tile tha of th the chri darf dart nations after denelli dt nii kli is ii a subject that has called forth hii hil tho wisdom and talan of tile the philosopher and the divine anu aou it is an opinion which is as generally rene raily rally received that at the destiny of man inan is i hitre kieval ly nixed fixed nt mt hla hia death and aud that thet ho he is made ei ler ier let eter vier imily lappy or eternally mise miser Hf that thi tifa if a inan wan die dies s avit avil hout houi t ag cf tl id h ha must mus t I 1 be cc ter ilal y jl 1 1 if aj l HH dam damned ged idd oil oti t any ans miti mitigation galion of his punish hla hia pain parn or oe the ifie most latent hope of a deliverance de while white endless ases aces ages shill roll afon aton hobb however i orthodox this principle may be we shall shail find that it is at variance with the hie testimony of or holy writ for con fon for our pur savior sayde that that A all manlier marther of sin and blasphemy shall ie be men wherewith they shall shail blaspheme but the blasphemy against the ghost shall not be forgiven neither in this world nor in the world to come 1 evid evidently enily sh showing olno that there are sins ius which 61 may be lift forgiven in the world ual abi al though the sin of blasphemy la cannot be forgiven teter also in speaking I 1 gil ill sg concerning our savior says sas that 11 he be we went lit a and d pre preached a diled into unto the spirits in prison which wh ch were were disobedient when once the lonz long tuf tur suffering dering fering of 0 abd waited in the days of noah noih 1 peter 3 ch 1920 19 20 v e here then we have an account of our cur sl lor bior preaching prea chii to the spirits iii hi prison to spirits spirit s that had hard been imprisoned in s fondd frorath from the davs of ditth aud and whit what dalh did hea hae preach to them that they vere were to stay there certainly not let his own declaration fy 41 ho he hath bath sent md rad to 6 he healt alteo altEe no broken Ile lle hearted arted to preach deliverance towo towe to iro tro captives aud and recover to the blind theet to set at liberty them that are ire bruised luke jv iv ch cha ji J v i Iaia laia lala hhas has bas it t 11 to trino tout the prisoners from run rum the prison and aud them thim that sit id so son n house Is 1 cli di 7 v itis it is very viry e eydent ident from fron this that ha hyt not bly bly went lo 10 preach to them thern but to delber deliver oi abrin dring them out of the frison frisan house isaiah in Cling concerning the calamities that will overtake the inhabitants of lle ile lie the eurth earth says bays 18 tle the earth shall shail reel rm to and fro like a drunkard and shall be removed like a cottage and the transgressions thereof shall be heavy upon it and it shall fall ani and lot not rise again and it sha shall ll 11 come to pass ili in thal that dat day that tle the loru lore hali shall hall punish the ilia hosts host of the high ones that are arc on high and the kings of or the earth up r odthe earth abd and they shall be gathered toa tog together as prisoners are gathered ih in the ibe pit and sh alf alj be shut up upp in prison ant ani and I 1 after many days dayd shall they 1 be visited thus we find that god will deai deal I with ali all the human lT amily equally and fhe the had their day dak of so go will those characters referred to toby loby by isaiah have bave their tima time of viti visitation tation and deliverance 1 after having been heen many days in prison i I 1 1 i 4 the great Jehova li contemplated the tiie bhole of the events connected with the earth pertaining to the tile plano salvation bedora it 4 rolled into lato existence or ever 11 the morning stars stani sang song together far ar joy thelast the past the present and the future were and are with him one eternal now pow lie he knew of the fall of adam the iniquities of the ians lians of iho the he depth of iniquity ta that I 1 at doum bl be e c connected ou with the human family their we weakness weakness ainess akness and strength their power and glory apost ares their crimes their righteousness and iniquity lie comprehended comprehend edthe the fart farr of orman f ini ind tion he hanew kleiv the plan of adv aty salvation tion and kud po pointed isted it out he was acquainted with ith the situation of all nations nation and with their destiny lie he ordered all thi things S according 6 c to the ilia council of hi his hia OTI ori orl ivill lie he U knows 0 the situation of bath bo lh the living and the dead ani has his made ample provision for their redemption e demp tion according to their several stances and the he laws of the tha of qia whether in this ar in it the world otred to come the idea that some men meil form of the justice judgment and ani mercy of god is ii too footh for gor ao an intelligent man to think off for instance it escor is common for many olour orthodox fo su suppose that if a nian man is not nhat what they call converted if it lie he diabin that sta staid stats td ha must remain eternally in hell without any hope infinite years in torment torna nt must lie spend and never never nevet have an end erd and yet this ete eternal misery ia i made mado frequently to rest upon the merest casualty tiie the breaking of a shoe shoo string the tearing of acost of those these or the peculiar location in which a person ilves lives may ha be the mean meads indirectly of lils his dam eam damnation nation or the cause of his not being sa saved raved ved I 1 will a cabe casa which is not ext extraordinary mordi nary two men who litte have been equally wicked picked who have neglected rell reli religion glon gion are both of them taken fich sich sich at a the same time one of them has the good wooda fortune to be visited ted bya by a praying moan roan and lie gets convert couvert converted erl etl a few minutes before je be dies the uhe i other sends for three dlf dif different lerent praying menn menu tailor a shoemaker ilker liker and a tinman the tha tinman lias has a hande to solder to a can the tailor ba has 3 a rt button hutton hole liole to work iii irl on some coat tha that is needed in a hurry and the shoemaker has a patch atall to put on boo boot they none of them call can go in time the anah moan roan dieb dips and ana ald goes to hell one of these N i exalted to 0 o abrahams bosom he be tits down in the presence nce nee of or god and enjoys eterna eternal wliilam the other who was equally w as good at a him silks sinks to eternal iia fia tion irretrievable mis ry anti and hopeless ho peiss des despair it inan alid ald a boot to mend merd lh th hol of a roat oat to 0 work or w a handle lo 10 solder OH ota I 1 to a sah san sa hapan pan pin I 1 tile the plans plan of jehovah are not so anju t the aenlo venlo writ fi 44 vil vii inan nor the pla pia pian plan i of elv ar for til tit tim tin human himan so wi wih na pt t cueli sti h grod gd gred wl ld frown with Indig inn inh anane en ane nanee aveon ane anc jonm would oum onu hida their heads beads in wind tind every virtuous vir tuon litteri i gent man inan would recoil t H inhuman human itar I 1 iw ickard lard larj i aard ard kard iff taa erch cue ran zilan bv h deser defer deris decer lp mid ind puni punish sh nil all ae cording according io 0 o tt their crimes kuroly t e lord 1 1111 rill lii ill n not t b be m more 0 cinc ciuc 2 di t aa I 1 C ia lse ise 1 lehlor lyhl or und and i his laws are hw ils enactments more just jost and his decisions moie mole perfect than those of df man and asman judges hla hia fellow manby law la and s him according to the penalty of that thill law sa dues the grid of heaven judge 11 according to the deeds done in the body to say that the tho would bo be damned because they did not believe the vie gospel would be preposterous and to say tay ay that the jews would ali bli till hit be damned that do not believe in jesus would be fe qually equally absurd absil rd for how iati can tati they believe bei bel feve on him bim they have not heard beard and how can hear bear without preacher and arid arocan be fie sent genf consequently delther heither jew nor heathen heat lien llen can be culpable for rejecting the conflicting opinions binions of sectarianism nor tf or re rejecting ee ting any testimony but that is sent of 6 god for a as s the preacher cannot preach except he lie be bent sent so the hearer hearen cannot believe without lid iid to hear A 4 sent preacher and baillot ta be condemned borwhat for what lie lle has not headd heard and ind being without law will haveko have to be judged wilhoit wit hoit boit law I 1 I 1 when speaking about the blessings pertaining to the gospel and the consequences con connected netted with disobedience to its requirements we aber frequently asked the question what has become of our fathers eathem will y atil ber beo L damned for not fiot obeying the gospel ii when rh ti they never heard iti tit certainly not t but they will vill possess the sime simo same samo privilege that we herd hera tiie ilia of iliff ha evet ever tast last trig irig priesthood which not dot only ad minia minla teron earth but in heaven and the wise wild dispensations of the tile great Jt hovah jehovah hence those thoro characters refe referred ired fred id ici by isaiah iwah will be visited by this priesthood and ana come butof their prison up di du the game iame same principle as shogo who were alent in the days of noah were visited by our savior everlasting priesthood edh ad the tile gospel dospil preached todi toni bothem to them ern by him in prison sons song and in fit ordet that they might fulfill fulfil all the requisitions of god their living friends dereba were baptized tut iced for their dead friends and thus ful filed fired r requirement e ot of god godi which says 11 except a man mail he be born of water and of the tie th espirit spirit he can in in ab nb wige wi e t the kingdom cf of heaven ere cre baptized of course ilot not for foi Wern themselves selves but for their dead 1 1 that the llred tired baptism for their dead after a catechumen rilen was dead they hada bada |