Show froni the tle isow S tt ia 21 til the TEE E WAR WAX iia lia BATTLE OE br JUNE i tile tho repot of oen gea ra peli pell ie i r before sebastopol sevastopol Seba Sebas lopol june 22 Mony eurt e marechal after the capture of the oil on lle the lie ath of junea I 1 rapidly ap day nii nil for them the ba bal bai anax ments gents constituting i I 1 sis is of bunai laek lack upon the enclosed space of kar K ar abenia ab enaa edaa we ilvo armed them with willi powerful artiller the russian communications and places darmes n ere adapted for our use the tho ground I 1 antt anti the he disposition for the tile combat were studied in detail the wiled allied armies divide their tak task tah the english engla were to lotice foice folce the great redan and we en cn our part were lo 10 carry the batteries teries tile careening redan and the entrench ments t iliac ilia illa r co cover vir tin thip exil exit emio emlo of the suburbs it is is s monsieur ie marechal Marec nal nai to en liance in the eyes bf af your axce excellency iene lene the consequences u which aich the successful issue of uch tich an till i 1 operation would have led to since our outlast al iasi asi ast I 1 athe the attitude of the enemy and llie tile enghu i siani sia ni af bur our troop promised victory bictory there was waa i no lutio motive for procrastination I 1 by agreement with lord raglan on the we overwhelmed the be place ald ard and especially the borks we had resolved to cat car cany with wilh a crus crushing hing bing gire fire i the me enemy eoon soon cea ceased seTto to reply from the malakoff Mal nal alkoff anil tile the great redan redall it wished wis wit bed hed ta spare his bis batteries and ref res reserve erve his fire and that he tie did not suffer so much as we supposed fram the effects of our artillery be that thal chatas as it may maj the superiority of our cannon coh confirmed firmed us its in ille ilie project kofl attacking on ibe the lelh june jane nii and nil during nie hie preceding h night we moade all the arrangement necessary for or effecting our general rno rao movement ement by break of da day three divisions were to take part in the he comba bat bal tile the division of rf mayran and brunet of lle ile lie F the division of DAnte marre of 11 the first the division of the th imperial guard formed conned i he I 1 ebe ese r e thi the div division islon cf mayran had the krisht of the attack attacks and was to carry the entrenchments that extended from the battery of the boitt to tile the CaTe caie enin edin emna redan biu Blu I 1 nets division amsi ri was to turn on the right 11 I 1 division was vas to on the me left in order to carry general marians May rans ians inis mission sion slon was difficult his first brigade commanded by col of the sd regiment piment re of was vas to issue from the r careening bay ravin ravine eliat lat fat the spot tile tiie he aqueduct is to along the left slope of the raude raone ravine by defiling as much as poz pot possible sible sibie from tile the rile file fue of the elems lines and ard to turn by the llie gorge the battery of the point t the second brigno brigade under the orders of gen I 1 feral etal eral de jailly Ja illy was to endeavor to 0 o act on the ri bt I 1 of th the careening redan it was supplied with V all the means for scaling Dg ape Th especial special reser resene e of I 1 this di con asted 0 of jwj two battalions of the I 1 1st ast st regiment cf of the vol of ahr the curad all these troops were stationed at an early hour at their posts s t E bruneis division had one opi oni of les its t ss brigades it ill lil front and to the tight right of the bran Bram Brancio cion clon ir redoubt GI geen een cen Mar Ma marcelon melon nelon the other was wag in the parallel 16 tio oberear the rear and i ahe he right of this redoubt doubt rr an abala analogous ous disposition had been made mane for nat DAt ileman lieman els division tile the brigade of koei koel in limont ald and aid to the ift ot of the tile Br ancion redoubt the tb e brigade of bretch bretan in the parallel behind two batt batteries edes enes of ai tillery capable of being worked a la were placed laced behind the Brar clon cion redoubt so as to til be brono brong brought hit fit to bear on or we position if we succeeded in taking tard til ot the fhe imperial guard forming a gri general leal leai reserve for the thre three attack attacks was conten concentrated behind the victoria redoubt I 1 bad choen cheen cho che en for my nt pot the lancaster bat tery iery and aijo it was thence I 1 was to give the bignal by means of star rocket rockets for the general move moie notwithstanding great difficulties in the file ground notwithstanding the dhe obstacles accumulated by tile the enemy and hl fel though the Rus russians Russi ais als d decidedly e informed of oil our projects were on their guard id at aid ald d ready to repel the as allt alit ailt wilt I 1 may be Ermitt fd to belive that it tiie llie attack could have havi beep aen general emeral aud instantaneous along the whole extent cf of the llie line if it there had been suddenness sud dennes and asid unity ot of actions in the errors of our brave ti troops oops the object would have llave been attained itta ined un for fortunately such was not the case and an inconceivable cei cel ceivalle rable vable taia tata fatality lity caused our failure I 1 was still more than 1000 metres metros from the spot snot I 1 was vas to give the signal when a brlek brisk fu mingled with grape shot told me that the action had been seriously commenced towards the ril right ht in fact shortly before three gerial eril mayran thought he lie saw my signal in a bomb with its flaming fuse that had bad been fired from the Br ancion redoubt if he e was informed but to no par purpose pose nose of his mistake this anis brave and unfortunate apner general 1 I cave gave the oderto o commence the attack the column of ciura and de lie failly bailly dashed had forward at once tuce te ve rrt finst ruit rull ru it was mae mazz fic erit eill but hardly had llad these heads of coli mrs advanced the were availed by a shower ot of balasan bail balls san anul anil grapo grap this overwhelming grape ap 0 came not net merely from the works we wanted t to 0 carry but hut at from ibe the eidemi Is steamers also which arrived with full fill on oni conf and anil with equal good fortune fr tune and aill we however in mist it lae lave bae acted ir some dai damage dauage ilage liage o oi 01 i them this prodigious gire fira ax rested arrested he of our it became impost Me for our soldiers to in arch forward forwards but not riot one chade thade a single step in retreat ret rel reat it was wai then that general mayran twice hit already was fruch fruck down by grape shot and compelled to loave give up tip the coa command coc imand of lis his its division all this wag was the work of a moment mao rao ment nent and gen 1 erti ertl eri eni mayran had been already carried ot off tile llie field of battle when I 1 gave the he signal from the spot 1 I bad reach reached fil etl of the lancaster battery the other troops then enga engaged ed in order to 0 o su support T art the pre mature movement bf division on hta this division dis dig disunited united for anlin an instant stant by thil the lo ios los loss s nf 01 if its g general e rat ral prompted to jhc voice cf of general n e ra i de ite ire affey failley the troon troops engaged supported by the 21 battalion odthe ath regiment of the I 1 line ine lne a and n do one e battalion of the of the edard guard birder the orders of the brave colonel bondville Bond ville kept firm near adidge ridge a where the gen geri bial placed bleci them and maintained thein their ground with wilh intrepidity in the mean meantime lime jime being informed of this situation which might become critic critical ait alt I 1 kave cave gave pave orders to general renault de saint jean de anely angely to send rend four battalions of cf the geurs geuns of the he guard gara taken arg frn from the general ri reserve erve to the tile succor of this division generals Millin nill Alil linet ct and ond uhrich marched wilh willi this tilis gme dihe rahe troop relied was scattered in the careening IN ravine and came up with willi their so sold boid id support to general de failly bailly by occupying lle ile lie the bottom of the ravine I 1 general Mil mii linet repaired in person to general tle lie Faill Fa illya right with a battalion of grenadiers grena diers which had he evening before to the guard of the ravine andaas very useful to him by curing securing his right th the central attack had no better success general grunet had not yet been bep bernable nabie able abie to complete all alt his arrangements nhen the cluster of rockets that were to serve as a signal burst in the air for twenty or minute minutes all tte tie right had been beeh arp prematurely m at tu re I 1 r engaged nevertheless his broo coops mach marched d wiep re resolution hut but their heir valor failed unde under rhe ithe nhe ste steady 11 fire of the russ russians ns alid aid ard against orese en ob tades at the outset general Brul boullet let iet wats whis mortally wounded by a musket ball iii in the ce centre of his chest tile tike blagof flag of the be gist was broken by a ball but it is nemie needless t to add idd that these glorious trao trag fragments ments were brought back by the brave regiment general lafont lafo nt de venni cilliers vil Yil I 1 liers rs took the command of the division divi sion slon and bonfi confided idled that thit of the troops engaged to 0 o col Doren eez these kept steady while the rest of the division occupied i the trenches to be prepared against the eventualities cf of the contest oil on the left gen dAnt marre had not been able to engage before bruneis division besides be could not account for the hurried fire of the musketry be heard in the direction direct ion lon of the careening bay but at it the signal appointed for the assault he let loose with wilh impetuosity the F foot chas and the battalion of the regiment of the line who by keeping along the crest of the Karabel naia reached the entrenchment that connects it with the malakoff haia MaIa koff towery towers tower scaled this ibis entrenchment and thus entered entel ed the enci ente itself already the sappers of the tile engineers were planting thie the ladden s for the remainder of the he lath and hoth regiments whose general adalite marre was hurrying oil oll oil oli the movement behind his valiant head of the column one instant we crould believe in i success our eagles had irad been planted on the russian works unfortunately this tilis hope was speedily dissipated our allies had encountered cuch such obstacles cies cles in their attack of the tile great redan and they tiley had met such afire a fire of grape that in ill spie spi e of ili ill thair bir well known tenacity I 1 hey tirey had been already compelled to make a movement of retreat such was the sahit of our broo troops s that despite despite this circum they would kaie haie a e pushed on and continued to charge home the enemy but the want waa of simultaneous action in the he attack of our divisions left the he russians f free rec ree to overwhelm us with the reserves and prid the artillery of the great red redan an and the enemy lost not rot a moment to direct against ainest our brave toot foot Chass eurs all the other reserves of Karabel naia I 1 beffie beffi e such im imposing os n forces the C commandant gillier Gi lnier of 04 the 5 jtb it batt battalion alloh 41 already reidy reily wounded five times with wi ih 9 gunshot lit shot ahot endeavored but in vain to hold the aroun ground d that had been won obliged to retire b before f fore numbers he be beci tile the en trench ment gen gioi nio I 1 rallied his brigade reinforced reini by the soth of the II ime ne they tidy wished to attempt a fresh tresh offensive movement in order to insure the success of this new effort and on word belog being sent by general gert Geri eral that hiis ins ip ic serve was wag reduced to the of the line I 1 sent him the regiment of of the guard but on the tile arrival of these veterans of our african wars war the movement no longer lorger having baving tile the unity so desirable fora for coup comp cf this vigor with one single I 1 div dix ision unsupported either on the rim rig right lit or on the tift lift and arid rui rut up by the artillery of the relan redan I 1 aga against ti ast which our allies were vere suspending the ther aber attack ack I 1 dd not fail soon to perceive that every favorable chance was exhausted A fresh effort would merely have occasioned i a useless eil ision of blood it was half balf past eight I 1 gie zie e a orders in all nil directions to return to the he trenches this operation was effected with dignity much order and arid coolies co olnes and without pursuit cf ef the enemy oa on any one point A part of the russian trenches trench ps still continued even to be held by our men mer who got away in succession succession nor dij did did the ene enemy my venture to profit by his advantage and attack them our loss has been great vre lve vre ive took care from the ibe i er commencement of the action to rovel r ovel most cf lip lle lie men hit bit by the enemy but a cerl cert certain number humber mim mif fiber cf of these glorious dead lead rem lined stretched upon the glac giac glacis isor or ill lil ahe moats of tile piare the lat la t honors were p paid pili ald tid them themo on nik the fal lowing day besides gen brunet and gen Mayr mayran mayren all ril the latter succumbed last fishl we have t to 0 r regret er an officer bebej beloi ed and appreciated ly hy the abe whole hie army tile lie voun youn yount souni and braved brayed ti a lieu lieutenant benani colonel of the artillery artill ery L killed i I 1 ird led w while hi i e ascending the ine slope rf ef a lench bench crowded with nith alth aith troop aal aai antl anil while repairing with wilh one of bis liis bat J teries to th ta Br ancion ir ji doubt it is a heavy healy los jos eliere wa much prom se about him A great many wany brave brava superior sup brior officers 0 were iver struck down while g tio tip noblest example stall stafi officers ze I 1 of micens officer fulfilled their duties worthily and the tha soldier vvs was I 1 admirable everywhere ve we had 37 7 officers officer skilled killed a ani aal nl 17 laken taken pis Is oner ers erf 1544 grilii noil noti commissioned officers alid and privates hilled or mis missing sIng 93 officers add and laa raa 1641 I 1 men con veed 0 0 o he the ambulances on ort th ey evenin evening enin 11 cf the 18 1 it many mant manywounds wounds wound considered tery very brete s savere vete rete ate at aie e far for from baini being i so dangerous as was alfirst at birst first believed the these will shortly reappear color colors I 1 I 1 these losses have nei her quenched the ardor nor cor abat edthe of thee these ions lons all ail they as ablis is to mak make e the eney enes P pay a 3 dearly dealis far or that tiit day the tile hope add and of the conquest arwin arelin tiie thie w hepola hebra of all and all reckon that in ine ne next tl uKle fortune will not disappoint valon J PELISSIER f the that yeghsa r the run last FAST FROM LORD RAGLAN X tue THE REPORT or GEN genk I 1 S INTO ae E BA Bit bio forit ronit sevastopol june 23 1853 1833 I 1 mr my LORD 1 informed your lordship in my ny despatch of the dinst that I 1 would make a more report upon the llie movements cf the third division as soon as I 1 should receive the reports of ot lim Lin tenant general sir R england and andlee tile tiie major generals commanding brigades brigade g under him the first brigade under major general barnard proceeded down the wor road and was v aspia placed C ed in position on the right of odthe the tho ravine ready to cooperate co operate with the columns of or alback on the |