Show ornamental ORNAMENT AI A AND AID and FARM rann HEDGES s The ground being in a fit state to receiver receive the plants we will discuss s their preparation ac the plants when ott obtained itney front from the nursery should be sorted if ir not done defore before keeping all large larga and small plants in separate parcel parcels 3 and avoid mixing in planting as much as possible trim the roots root cutting off all abra scraggy gy roots planting plantings and abd cut cot head of the plant about one anth above the ground after planting I 1 cut cat the plaris plant before putting it ie la in the ground by a han ban handful atul of ot plants by the roots and cutting them off atone blow itha a ebarp harp hook book or hat hathel bet liet on a fiock block about iwo two inches above aboa e tha ha collar olfa olla I 1 consider from eap exp experience lences that a hedge trimmed at time of ing ln i to have more than two seasons beneti benefit over one trimmed or cut down dow a the season atter alter pant planting fei lEi to obtain an ever growing hedge I 1 plants as there Is leo les ral fal failure luri iuri in their boot root rooe chajt with large oney ones ones unless pu put in in by au an experienced hand aud though plenty ITo iro profess fess tess to 0 o enow all about it t I 1 hao haw never met with more mone than one ove r two that could pils pili for such on trial after lifter the toots are planted be paid that noth inix be b allowed to trew tret trespass pass on onn thi thui iiii whereby the tender buds buda may be broken dosy dogs do sy cats cati ami awl ani poultry are fully as detrimental to making a good hedge if allowed to pass and repass where here the buds busi are al at oat out to sprout as ni hogs bogs would be la in a corn or potato field leid in a securing a profitable crop nothing should be allowed to ss acro across the hedge the first year or two whilst in sap it if you would secure a good rood hedge T to guard the tender shoots I 1 have found it beneficial to stretch a wire no 12 a a few inches above the gro ground allowing tile uc plant to grow around it and it another bo be pat two feet or more from the ground it woud would b bd a further security against trespassers j i these directions I 1 have given sor tor an ornain hedge for farm hedges it would ie be needless to cut down n the tik I 1 object il in farm or line liner hedge bein being a heavy and trong growth in the moa most expedit expeditious lous leus manner tu to effect thit the plants i hould should be bp allowed to grows grow until q if for pl ashing for cutting or trimming weakens tiie the piat plat ind and retards regards its growth more than persons imagine I 1 hatt halt li plants that are beven year years sold ld that are bix hix times limes oid oil urs dla dia dl bieter imster of ethers others that araten ar ten tea yer years saud sand aud and 1 height th its is as three to pe wie ale aie and pd gaj au owing to IQ trimming laimins tr or pruning W II 11 BEAUCHAN Jr |