Show blacksmithing BLACK ni G EMIGRANTS immigrants LOOK HERE HORSES oxen shod oil on the tile shortest notice and all kind of work in my line prices reasonable MY bly SHOP Is in the lath ward a fittie orth jorth west of the council house and a few rods west of liv r ahston I 1 and kinkeade Kink eads store ALL MY FRIENDS who want blacksmithing ni can r accommodated oil on tile tiie shortest otice lotice and on reasonable terms 1 IN 14 4 6 m WM McBRI mcbride It A MAIL Is expected to leave for the stites states about the 0 ath of july single letters to any part of ohlie the states 50 60 cents 1850 1 JULY 31 days last flast 0 ad oil oll eve P CA a 0 W cn J new nev M ath lim morn I 1 J 0 0 ja CS first Q ih mor axi xai f full M sh am morn M X W signs s R set M X it S 1 IL M 1 7 27 mom morn 2 tu head 4 23 00 10 3 W 4 23 7 37 4 th neck 4 24 7 36 0 ag 5 fr 7 26 6 S arms 4 24 gio 2 10 7 F 8 M breast 3 4 9 tu 7 34 sets 10 W heart 8 19 11 th 9 6 12 fr bowels 4 28 13 S 1023 14 F reins 1056 15 M 7 aa 1128 16 tu 1159 17 W loins 4 32 7 28 biorn morn 18 th 19 fr thighs 4 33 1 5 20 S 21 F 00 22 M knees 3 9 atti 23 tu 24 W legs 4 38 7 22 rises 25 th 26 fr pr 9 4 27 07 S feet 4 41 7 19 28 29 F 10 3 0 29 9 M head 4 43 1031 30 T 11 0 neck 4 45 1130 A SURGEON DENTIST ad street east ad south uth of the council I 1 house louse will attend to all branches brandies of his profession the scurvy scurry cured june 15 tf tr JOB PRINTING AT THE NEWS OFFICE J s M aid AIA M D PHYSICIAN SURGEON AND I 1 OCULIST well known in the states as a successful practitioner having located in G S L city for the thu practice of his profession in its various branches wil will promptly attend all ali any ans call with which he may he be favored favo though 0 a graduate Z radu ate of the old school dr V is wedded to no SECT or SYSTEM in medicine but is is ever ready to avail himself of all the lights that shine upon the lle ile HEALING ALING ART AUT in its present highly 0 improved condition particular attention at all times paid to surgery and diseases of the eye all necessary operations performed upon the most complex organs of the body office at the house of timothy B foote 2 block near the bathhouse bath house july 13 1850 t f 1 NEW GOODS HOLLADAY WARNER have just received direct from the slates states and will be opened for 7 c atlon and sale on wednesday gd icat ir st in the wara ward A complete and general assortment of merchandize merchandise dize which they offer to th the e citizens of great salt lake city and valley on favorable terms the stock consists of a genera assortment of staple and fancy dry goods ladies ladles Ladi esIck gents boots shoes mens boys hats caps ladies bonnets parasols ac also oysters sardines pepper sauce lemon syrup tobacco teas rice ac they will receive in addisio i to the above by the tile train due isi of august groceries hardware glass nails oil oli oili paints faints leather i stationery ac H IV have com come liere erd era with a yiew view to a permanent per manen location and it is their intention to do business upon that fair and anti liberal scale which will in future insure them a liberal patronage from the tiie citizens 7 of the valley G S L city july 1 1850 HOLLADAY WARNER blacksmithing Is continue das as hitherto att af t crossing crossin of north cottonwood 16 0 1 miles north of the city by y A L lamateau lamare Lamarc La mareau auXt |