Show aca cac i r LITTLE SALT LAKE brethren of great salt lake city and vi vicinity who are full of faith and good works who have been blest with means who want more means and are willing to labor toil to obtain those means are informed by the presidency of the church that a colony is wanted at little salt lake this fall that fifty or more good effective men with teams and provisions and clothing for one year seed grain in abundance and tools in all their variety for a new now colony are wanted to start from this place ace immediately ja after the tigi fall friday ath of sept conference to repair to chevalley the valley of the tho little litile salt lake laic delay delap there to sow build and fence erect d saw alv an and ana h grist mill establish an iron foundry as spee speedily oily as possible and do all other othor acts wi and ld things tidings necessary for ta the preservation fc safety of an infant dett gett settlement lement among indians 7 for the furnish furnishing ilig of provisions and lumber the coming yearl year for fot a large number of emigrants with eith their thell own families and arid castings of all ail kinds for all the mountaha moun tani tahi settlements t the he coming 5 8 spring pring dring far Par farmers mers blacksmiths car carpenters pen t ers Jo joiners ineis inels mill griglas bloomers ac stone cutters itter layers stone wac sons ons one one shoemaker I 1 one tailor ac ac in in vandety variety of occupations who have ilav the means and are willing to sac sacrifice the society of wives and anti children for one year diat lie he who forsakes wife and children for lle ile lie the kingdom of heaven s sake sike shall shail receive e an in huid huld pd faid fald fid ari R requested rue sted to cne aide alor ninon ninos pi iq together with their mca wea pation resi redi deice delce strength of team wagons grait griir to Is ac for an on outfit t git fit with cm cli dp del iv f nt further nit t br P 1 vis r puh PU puk p 1 h or h leave hare ave are ne tiie same sime at the post bince r t 11 AR T fITROS RI R I 1 tit i at I 1 R I 1 gen uen church Hecor Itee ordAn dw |