Show DESERET NEWS prospectus TRUTH AND LIBERTY we lve propose to publish a small weekly sheet as large as our loal eal oal circumstances will permit to he h e called deseret Des eret cret news 19 designed 0 originally to record the passing events of our state and in tt nexion refer to tile the arts and sciences embracing I 1 general education medicine law divinity domestic and political economy and every thing that may fall under our observation which may tend to promote the best interest welfare pleasure leasure and amusement of our fellow low tow citizens we hold ourselves responsible to the highest 0 court of truth for ur lur intentions and the highest I 1 ourt of equity for our execution when wilen we speak we shall speak t reely without regard to men or arty and when like other men we ve err let him who llo lio iio has his eyes pen open correct us in meekness and ile tic shall receive a disciples reward we shall ever take pleasure in communicating foreign news as we have opportunity in receiving 0 communications froin from our friends it at home and abroad and solicit ornaments for the news alews from our poets and poetesses poet esses G S L city may 1850 |