Show indigestion IS ENDED FOREVER misery filin nn in upset stomach vanishes rive livo minutes later why not talt now ilow loday anti anil forever rid yourself of stomach trou brou ule ole and indigestion A dieted dietel stomach ach sets gets lie he blues arld and grumbles give ghe it a good ml eat lien take rapes pipes dla dia pepsin to the digestive juices working there will bo be no ds dis pesla or belching of gas aas or 01 notations actions of undigested food no feeling like a wrap lump of lead in ill tile the stori stomach lach or heartburn sich headache ind and dizziness and your I 1 food bod will not and poison your breath breall with nauseous odors papos Dia pepsin costs only for a largo large case at any ally drug store here and will relieve the most oestin ute ate caso case of indigestion and upset stomach in five minutes thore there is nothing else better to take gas from Sto stomached mache and cleanse the to mache and Inte intestines sines and besides one trian gule will digest and prepare for assimilation into the blood all your tood food the same as a sound heal eliy stomach would do it when Dap epsia epsha your our rests gets itself in order cleans up and ther then ou oil reel like eating when you come to the table and what flat you cat will do you good absolute relief from all stomach misery is walting tor for you as soon hoon as you decide to begin taking Dia pepsin tell your druggist that you want papas because you want to be thoroughly cured of indigestion ja 28 |