Show CITY COUNCIL the council mot met in regular session ill all council en excepting X dec 23 ard 3rd mayor eddy and recorder corder Ile standing st rid present ap application of nets madsen alad to lie be permitted to lo remove some bome trees front froin the hie norh and enst east sides of ter erred to tile lie his property pio perty was committee on streets with IONN potter to act A coninnia communication co cation was received fr from orn 13 if 11 robinson no binson and othe others 11 14 ot or to a i or of tile he ao 10 logan an in ill respect state league iea uc of municipalities 1 to he bo held in provo december ind and 30 the city officers to t attend all and 1 I 1 inviting tell 11 mayor abor as aa to select ae two representatives to attend the mayor and recorder were ivere authorized zed to jall ahsue a deed to 10 the ho illig of the church of hain lain operation cooperation co jesus chiist of latter day saints a operation cooperation co for lot I 1 block bloch 21 plat C brigham city survey the corn com on streets mas as authorized to reestablish establish re the corner stone I 1 at tile the southeast corner of block 31 5 1 plat B A number of claims were allowed ind and tile the council took a recess until saturday dec at 8 p 1 m at the adjourned session the maor manor nor and all councilmen were present A number of claims vere allowed and lars Hari sens claim of balance was refe refereed ried to the committee of the whole jp application of 11 IV fishburn president of 0 the blaid of education for rate on water to be furnished the various schools of this city was refea red to the committee on oil water lates late ech ch A communication was received and rend read from governor john C cutler in respect to a good roads heads convention to be held in salt lake city jan jail 14 J 4 st stating that the governor had appoint appold ed MB or T H blackburn a delegate and asking that five other delegates be selected to lo attend the following delegates were selected W C horsley 11 II S larsen john D peters dr lewellen Lewel loii and AL M L Nip Nl chols bols tile the mayor layor stated that he be had appointed john r P christonsen christensen and jno 11 horsley is as delegates to attend the convention of oc the state league of alun municipalities I 1 ties to be held in jiovo dec and maor alaor and recorder bete acie authorized to renew the 2000 note held by bv the he first national bank for a term terin of 6 months adjourned |