Show during tho the past year the board of 0 education has accomplished some excellent work in the of the school system of this county to give it a better idea or of what has haa been done we submit figures for both 1907 and 1908 raid paid out for buildings and in 1907 there were built or improved school houses at cleak creek lucin luchi mantua dear bear river city an and d elwood alwood representing an in expenditure 0 01 i 17 during tile lie year of there have been built or improved school I 1 houses 1 alises at terrace yost Ilone gotland gailand portage and the school at Brig haill representing an expenditure of this year tile the board have engaged a a primary sll c f who has chargo charge ot or the work from the primary department up tip to tile the fourth grade in it all tile the schools school s throughout the county the high Selic school 61 lins has been with a good many dollars worth of equipment and more inore teachers lime have been added to 0 o the faculty making or that school one erupi to any high school doing regular or 11 1 S work Cr credits eIlts of our high school are now accepted by b y the state university t I 1 the teiei e c has also been added to the course rf ct instruction a domestic science and complete agricultural course which means that students can get the some same training here at home that Is given in the big state schools along those lines our school beani has bas done good service am all should receive the com commendation men dation of nil all fair minded citizens |