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Show I the enthronement (episode, one.) . nr arranged upon th platform proper to accommodate Ui Qumo of Mar and Flwrr Olrja ho ar to act a maid a Th' Illustration ahov th Queon of Mar la tb back cantor frltla ant Pancar of Life. Th arch of ararcraen Flower Olrta naar bar. In front on th platform proper la shown-twelv-e and Branch and flower la conatructad by mean of a wagon bow faatened to tb amallai high platform. ' potted plant ar uad to eomplet th decoratlr affect. Arranged on th lawn dlrctlr In 'front of th platform ar chair that bar bean dacorated with flowar foe ih accommodation of th Honor Lord and Ladle whan thr participate In th tableau. ' Woven garlands through th trees, Thl Author pot pageant ha been written with thre atm In rtew Maytlma chain of merry hours , to depict the baauttaa of nature, to Laughing, dancing barmorle.' promM a aplrlt of happtneaa and to Sunshine over valo and mountain. xprees gratitude to th grandfather Flower blooming everywhere; who bar labored and grandmother Laeghlng brook and dancing fountain hard to give u th manjr blessing th w of In the Maytlma gladness In th air. that vallsys enjoy meunlalna. Axur In order to aecured th Iw results. sky and silver river. liillald ot enriched design; It, should be produced In a grove or Soaring lark with wing park where th full buty of nature Nature song in wave and pins. pill gjve inspiration. - PRINCIPAL C HARACTERS. Th coming of Springtime rowers The Lady, of May... .A young woman Dane of th Flower Girl InstruTh Lord of May A young man mental music selected Grand' tabTb Spirit of Happln leau Springtime chorus or communTh pageant reader (a young ity singing "Our Mountain Home So woman). . Dear or "Earth With Her Ten ThouMaid of Happloeea. Flowers." sand . . .A Two additional elevations I t I f I s, iii V J'i f.j $ fU group of dancera s Dancer , Sixteen to twenty glrla or boy and glrla A group of Hitt girl Flower jyirla-- : "'Honor Lords and Ladles.. Th grandfathers and grand- May-pol- " ) -- 4 KPLhODE (Th Message of Happiness.) Poem 'recitative: "The Spirit of Happiness. , t bring to you the joy of Mar. My greeting of the mora,ng bright. While brooklets dance a roundelay To music of delight. I bring th skies of warmth and health Lit by a morning beam. I bring a horn of teemmg wealth. For orchard, field and stream. Hard work of Winter, Summer. Fall. Hard work enough for Spring. That plav might sweeter be to all The gift of work I bring. Group singing: "Mom Amid th I Mountains Sunday School Song book) or "Spring" by K. Stephen ( Primary Song book . Th arrival of the procession of th lord and Lady of May. Th la brought by the Jacks of the Green March music selected The enthronement. The Lady of May la crowned "Queen of May" by the Spirit of iHapplijss. EPISODE TWO. An Expression of Gratitude. Tk the Honor Lords and Ladies of mother. 1 Blossoming Tree .A group of young woman , Jacks of tb Green. e bearer Boys aa ........ J May-pol- , General Outcome of the Pageant , , PROLOGUE. Nature's Awakening. An allagoiical appearanc of early Springtime and the gradual mvnt of trees Into bloom. Th Dane of Waving Tree choral or Instrumental music 'The Blue Danube or other appropriate selection. Poem recitative "ilay time" Lord of May. ' U fr L FORGET-ME-NO- On ONE. T. of the Flower Girls. The regular summer costume of tlic girl can bn trimmed with flowers to suggest the character of a certain kind. A Mu tarlatan head veil I hrre shown decorated with Umw paper flower in forget-me-neffect. Lort are sounds of sombre sadnea Maytime. In the Springtime melody. Maytime, month of joy and gladness. Binging bird and humming be. Budding leave and springing flowqxa. uL. May-po- ot le 1 r tavwndar gown of classic Mile, Her crown or hand band will be of bright floral design. A tarlatan cap trimmed with flowar may b added with beautiful effect. , Th Lord of May wlU srear a costume of hsrwfd stylo as aacgetd In th tflust ratio or may have turn mad tip la tb following manner: Light colored ahlrt with collar turned In and a green ribbon used to furnish th collar effect around th neck. A flowing aaah of green with decorative ends will be Worn over th MAT-FOLDANCERS (EPISODE ORE.) A pole, twelve or fifteen feet high, tb top decora fled with an abundance of flower and foliage. A streamer for each danoer is fastened to th upper part of th pole just below th floral decoration. Th streamers . belt. A decorative graen shoulder cape ar to be from two to thre ard longer I had th pol. Th pole may b placed into th ground or held or It may he jnad from mtren A thargtn be constructed upon a frame work base aa shown In th illustration. Each of tbo streamers may be of a of green Nans may be added to the may cap with beautiful effect- A bend different color or they may b adapted to a symbolic schema such as red. whit and blu. Drllcat festoon of OUt flower may b attached to th shoulder of th dancers and brought to tha wrist to add beauty of effect. ribbon of Roman style or silver paper may" housed to form can be accomplished with careful practice. Arrangement should Th problem of "plaiting th M th decorative designs otrOis costume be mad for th May-pol- e Dane to h performed 'on a level plot in front of one aid of tha platform. A ground th Grandfathers and canvas. could b used to good advantage. Day Th A crown of Flower Grandmothers Grand Enaembl Tables. Concert Spirit of Happiness and Maids may green leave.' Crown of leave ar ba Introduced tn a special danc as worn. - A , shirt and trousers made of recitation: an interlude. (Tb Dane of Happigreen cambric may bo made for the ness. occasion. , i The Tribute. Episode Two. SUGGESTb Crown Bearer wlU now apRONS. seen bearing crown sf on the pear Whose sou! hav hoped and hearts flower to be placed upon tha bead "Tha Bringing Homo May" In have- - bled of th grandfather and grandmothkeeping with th old English custom That we. their children might he er When audience. tb throughout of UI observance of May day aa a fed. all have been crowned the Crown floral festival committees of young That we their children might b true Bearer will assemble and take appooplo will arise early on tha mornTheir Father's heavenly will tn do. propriate place near the platform to ing of the celebration and go to tha become part of the final tableau. The fields and woods to ooiatn branches That we their children' children free grandfather and grandmother will fgata- Might live 'content In liberty take their place direct ly in front of will b decorated In the mornway That through tha blessings of our birth the platform being seated tn th i ing early and especially the gateMight be the chosen of th earth. chairs that hav been especially decways and porches of the grandfathers" orated for them Following this enI and grandmother. That v "Th ibsir- - children's children semble the ooncert recitative, The polo, we learn, "Is covered with Tribute will be given by all taking , atrong and herbs, and bound with flowepi Might fight against th power of part in the episode excepting th and - la string of different colors wrong grandfather and grandmother who brought from afar in procession, in That we might grasp truth's flag un- have now been crowned th "Honor pomp mnd beauty. Lords and Ladle of May." An approfurled The grove or park In which th fesAnd carry K to all th world . priate grand tableau has been organIs held may bs decorated for the ' tival ised leading from the beginning of occasion. And now a crown of flowers wb bring the prologue. When this final tableau All tb children of the community And bid your soql leap forth and sing Is In place all. will sing. "Count Tour may wear flowers tn decoration la We crown you Lord and Ladles" gay Many Blessing." and possibly , honor of th occasion. other appropriate community song. And bid you Join th feats of May. A grand Maytime ball may be held The benediction will follow. In the evening for wbten an admisNote Th final tableau will re"Count Tour main Community alnglng. sion fee would bo charged to defray in pine until the audience baa Many Blessings, c (Sunday achol song dispersed. tb expense of the days festivities book ) SUGGEimVE PAGEANT STAFF. Benediction. ADDITIONAL SUGGESTIONS TOR Pageant Master (Chairman of th ' committee constituted by general General Directions ' Spirit of Happtnee VIOLET. member of th posgant staff). SPRINGTIME Gown of light Blue Trimmed With Bloc Flower or Mae Ribbon. Purchasing Agent (In charge of fiColored tarlatan used in connection nance FOR PRODUCING THE ART PAGEand buying). Hair Dressed With Bine Flower or with crepe paper gives pretty effects ANT. Bine Ribbon. Musis Director or Chorister (In symbolic of for costumes, especially Crown Dearer Prologue During th rendition of charge of music). nature. introductory music tb group of Girls costume: White or tinted dress Dramatis Director (In eliarg at women young with special trimming of tinsel or representing Blossomwill drees In whit. for reading). grandmothers ing Trees Will form in tableau at the gilt braid. Hair trimmed with gilt the occasion. The grand (at bw will Custom Dtrsotnr (Ta sharg of cow back part of tha platform- - Th Dance braid. Joys costume; - Regular shtil of Waving Trees is then hi traduced to and trousers. Sash of golden brown be 'dressed In their beat" and will tames). honor badges ar medals that tee Property Director (To appropriate salts music (MS general trimmed with tinsel or gilt braid. Leg may have recelvsc curingT their propertle) Chairman ofarrange Wave movement decoration Outline.) of the Wing of gilt braid of golden brown they timelife arms ar emphasised' In this dance. strip of cloth. Head ribbon ot gold-o- n committee., At the close of the dance tha Lord of browrn or gilt braid. Jacks of tbo Grams The usual cos- - Drill Director (la charge af action Lords Tadics wlU The era Tha aad of Bosor turns com up to the platform May) traamad with tableaux). tla boy through the andienc and glv the recitative "Manune. FoOoMtag this recitative th Flower Girls will enter from two aides and tha Dane of th Flower Girl. give An appropriate tableau representing "Springtime" la formed at the close of tbs dance and community ranging tn introduced. (Be general outline ) K ' - a. e" general additional 'Wi ' i&t i ti aim o( WlU nut thoagt 4WUb lag, t! Rail Episode of Dot The- - -- f final tableau of 'tha prologue wj.1 remain in position. Tha Spirit of Happiness and her maid will taka arf appropriate position at tha front of the platform. The poem recitative Is given, followed by group ar oommun-H- r Singing. pgtllpa.) Tha Procession of thegeneral Lord aad Lady of n then enter leading through the slate ffom the back or aids of th audience group. Th dlMWhf May-po- le "will b carried la an approprt - hslsrtsd position In the r t march music h piayad tRrt-prla- ta mt At choral me reh l aadsral the conclusion ot the tha Lady Of May IS escorted thatinwoo chair at th back center to by th fklfwn the Lord of May of aad t arownad Qjieen of May" by th Spirit Bap-- p ness Soft tnnramftMd smtaie la Hayed as the Spirit of I mm the following war. it' , Thto crown is i piac4 that gladness Bf Ana thou art by mqrs thto seated and ail her 1 i Vjvr - ' 1 do." BUT 'Edam whoa buBt Uw w mfMdllllO TREES pi' t -- s? j r- - 4 f . ...'& t , ; l- vl f ' gra p V IB, Mail Dadtat SU , I MataL ty a KaC 1K tn' I The May.p,,), b trod need , nc Hi I M , May-pol- Piete. Episode tmT-AOA ffteHRag (PVotogwe). sOtedsssswted with natural r srHfVtol fr4)t bloom. Wlds tlM graan tarlatan eed with leaves, natural or aniflclnb , Cape may ba decorated atn wttb leaf ar 1X)U spots. Mate draooag wMh.Qowm or lcsvcs Elovyom are m bo usod to th tMh Mhct. . Mayk may be Queen Dme. - May ft I l - k K T f MHWOW atyi men m tb aas4aUoaarc dmThula Spirit fahJo4la mtoraWaiZr of Happlaa. f!rtlblMMMMIlMaiiON. . EksaJtlrt r t3i Cawed riatiFor daenated anmarg -- 1 1'- 4iitrMlBec4. .1 -, r-ry- ta CM ram la trJL)0 t tls . ; V - J t PMh ton, n t v M Sour a i 4" ntry and faowi slr .5 MM i I- - :t , t |