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Show : ,&Js-CAU- k I hitfc m4 GOT2A5J It Mlt immmrnmmur tmm tmtf '. ir ikr tkr1a A l'lll L lUJil. VU: w,ikrwfkiiklr' i'sSSSraw TkTkha ww wf ST4. - TMEMCLE FrpM'Vj kwri ej im ni awsrrsssr.v Itoto. iii .ton Mm an to thair klk lhawhai They th jwM Wr pUla p N Ml THE EEUfl CATS1 u vary hr Ik wkte mom ef them their apeet lot kl ikW tot Ik I ATtidJA V '' a nr I.- .- 3, t 1 I tifttf 1 o- eTTL..0 Lu.d "'1 !!?, "!',h They tto end " lldly P I 57. fy !?"": ruaia ,OH STTXita MOtoraS 2r25k.-t- th. to mS to tj t.t, Ticket to' lliFltirf,il P " ort,ln)ur h. Plan 10 minr ,,1jb :;! wl f W,raW . RiJr!.'! Mnrjorle i! iltern a. Carpent,,.- - fw nt ADMISSION IfimM, lrh pretntw, to b tovl, r Produced kf tk atepeuy AT LOVERED PRICES I JOSEF 8TRANSKY, Cond actor. Henry Hadley, Aaaodat Cood actor. Wt h NOW PLATING- - Orchestra ' Kmk, 11.00 j r--t try tstatiinirj. HONDAYMAY 2. 1MI Th Nw York Philbarconic 1 Final Sctntg Fitxmaurice . "Experience ,cur , TWflk1 far Fit,. anara suntoa nt cor,e cmm v - la rt3 EVE& Beg. Wednesday 15e.23cMc,75cSl Ba. 4 MATSr Ttna,lKtkJit , Per Cent Tax on Sale Consolidated Manic Co. A aspires Tabernacle Choir The history of the Philharmonic Orchestra la the history of Music in America. James Gibbons Hun- eker. -- irri?ATiJFE3 rAYS MondJr April UIT1IKCWCII. 25 SUM. ia9AR6 i- ?cv Jl iejlviei - ?r);i 'MI' flileiv n . U gsvy ) VMM) t- - v 5!HEa-m- E ' ' A PLAT TO BE L0X3 CZMZMSR3SD "THE WONDERFUL THING -- I mu m mantas nr , RALPH CLONINGER ' . ' . : Ralph Oonin, er Is cast in a favorite role and due to the' ex- Hie play which is a dramatization of. Lillian Tnmble Bradleys (rork, it should draw crowded houses. WHIRL OF VARIETY HUE TONIGHT ' r; the-tip-to- brand p 6 WELCOME HOME. OTIS MITCHELL MONDAY ' - - in And - I All in Fun. r EOK SALT If EKE IX COMES THEATRE LAKE LOCXMAS . n nay.5-G-7-9-io-- ' WAFTING .J CHICAGO . conn aid anno Torn friend, Waele to h CAST t State Tk BaU Will ke Wane end Coer SOCIALS TVBSDAT, THl RSDAT AND StTIRDAT : md wlth th Salt Lk trr,Dirmntto ku accept mail order now, end In uutemt rcqpcet. plceae send money order or check end Include keen apcetel MOrders Won " the hit of the ceutdry THESMART Taotre 4 , .Pr tickete. - M nek-I- n wer ten end etemped envelop for return . . r The VsnderMIt Producing Company presents , MOSICALCOMSOY HIT! .. w . vc.- -i X); ! I ,nrxr:icr.: to Lc.cri AUJirjUiA rIT r a Hi I fwv- - 7V. () T -- -- 1 ... 'U'SJI , 0x3 - j -- wvi wli kUC. - we- - -- t-- i- TTTD COZ rr.c-j- ! .1- - tui t dr , vzi 'ww c. hr m-w-e (Xr. i-- w ijzt . 137.. . cr-crr- ohra) , tvjt. b do Iiwi 1 1 ! THE EVER POPULAR ELAINE HAMHEBSTEIX . , -I- n- :fi - ' POOR DEAB MABGABET KIBBY. A photoplay that draws aaide the curtain on a drama of domestic integrity and reveals the soul of a courageous woman who strove to save her home and happiness. . DAncniG TONIGHT WITH THE i AFTES TWO TEAKS - . JOSEPHINE .BEESE ft EDWARDS. - Vti, JACK MUBP2ST DANCE DIVERSIONS OF 1921." ". exploit-- - Different Vaudevfllians , 6 A Half Hoar Farce, .With LIZZIE B- - RAYMOND, Featured. . u4 galarla, COME SEVEN. of tag the clever wprk of Your Reservations TODAY. LAST XT Headliaed by' A bounding musical offering Tour Last Chance Foil Disappointment by Making WCIT, EXCEPTING Tuwlay, Tbarilay el Up-to-Da-te VAUDEVILLE id iisocure runai This will be the farewell presentation for this season. If you have not attended the Hippodrome this year, remember that this is your last oppor- - p1 A Spanking Good Bill of Peppery MARCUS LOEW , ALLHEXT WEAK ' HOST DAYS cl ITEEIi cj Telephone Was. 5999. NO INCREASE IN PBIGE8 5 Matinees, 20c Kiddles, lOe - . . Evenings and Holidays, 35c. J I |