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Show 1 v vr, o Tin: c: J TO CjtbbftSl vi ErKdfaTO' i Nh ten r faaI EaMjit kt tiun eel WSHBVftevm U WMP Itev Uklik. BIB April ywrpiu fay Nml ttklify tr f wm r iI "ft HaatlHf lad In ta.pat , I rm li k -l- itey ,1 kij Ciccullo Drbfj int la'Ute wfii W fitted to over, randiiton afainal wBfah Uee set I Efcall fa Jte an ftfBtBM.Akd far cep fart Bad appaarshsa. read-taDeal carrifkt tIMmtcy, Uw baaaflu ate, what atokt worry can ba everrawa m aaaily tad a t atieb a Steal) nab yeer wrvic as wa Imivb beea for year. i ptoa Mb (9 try mm( apt hip g, HOME OFKRYPTOKS DXLAMOS "tefto .CZqc&fZS tip. kr ccTtrccrj enu Mil ho. Iliad M-W- arat m liii Uwmloriaao.- - ' y, tepufa ao . '2S 1H J. SPV j VEU : te lift ll X ( .i KM4M It to 1 ..ll,,, ftj3 : bm IBs - f M aMMtel! hrl p HI, .S-U-- V W V.. IfHJ? 1HI wwnli 1b kh' ' a , Ir" j rf r r Ghc toa mwcf y ael SUM. 1 have S4M IBtSy mmii eeewered me,ft oaB were aad atere new, ( .. Reefa ypwiupy fa gr ayatap I Put tfcPMkt eel awnaHia af (B BvBaml "Why fN MM Harm ltd far this Peetk. w te If M Mt aayr Tka aaaartlaa af tka chief af tka aim Ta 6ew him aa wall" ll. tetal IIT4.BIB WIM Btefaa- Oarawa atelnary aaylaaaya la aU Ma ... Me total far the aaeak fa ir teak seld. krratllaf. Wa ..-iropaifthH la afaw maal la aaa Ilka tM jrmctimlty tka am r Haf, vary yaWalljr kata, Ifcat Ika I twa MPkar of pertnlta te B fee hetnaa. W ate trod by Ceadrep te Me "ftfcraa. Ha kaa kaaa etedyto wllk tear kaB aeverea lb warlB artM -. teptioa belay Ike lleBBB ID. Blreep twa yeera aaa." (allaa-I- f kavtatte Beak a aat work af optaa each aa I I I ymraye far Ill.OtO. While irafkpy tools iwllaai aka BMt pet ells. r mm1 aatalad balora. I far Me flrat three wwalka nHifur herself least her "Waal fkla Mk Mail nil waa ika flrat lima tkal I it MU are , lower IBM aaa Ikaa aad aaaia lar walla far aaaa tka former eklof af Ik Oa aa. I sal? Ml Teeek aaar parted, ike new her af permits la tataJIlyanra Boyartmoat la IBs 1 tew kaw ka waa ' Fiher will asp cent or. real y eurafa arnce ladlceUny, aaB arm) yaar bulIBlay opera. atatf af tka laiar. Ha lul asms kualaaaa to thoea la days leech with (tetAt tee Pees Ika kippfaaet af alktra aaar Wkaa, aaaay aikar Ihl wHk other 4 la tkla aaral( Pul )a taa Baala aa raal asked. e: IBtaf kaB Mai Ikal etlttaOea, ia-- Wl toyf Bc trM a II ka la hedly Taa. dear tody, I tklak It Bam ft partpaat tor Ikte will aaeeeB t a te mIB By year rerrmpeaSeats te be belly, kat ka will pat walk" , "Vary waa keppy, I KloolaJ aaw tka , - ABfafaB, Hail Lako realtors frasUy record the WAffta 1 dee't aayyaaa ka aaaa aay aaar t kaaw tka aaa t laved af yrevtaay Ha akaptiefap raflaetaB aa itclirt "TVballBta tklak I akaalB a royival ef py fam a' girl ayoka wlat tally. opera Uotte wU , "Mt aaaraa," Ba mid. "tkara - An ka kaaaaa aa aaa. Ha la flaakaB raBly. TV Ml take Heal Ctuie koaM 7 Bbb alaffa farter aaataaHaaat 1 kayytaaaar ba will aat wka BlHtoUrieea" paapla - aai Bar la ta aaaa away Bat M Btete BBMHteea I -- m k tonutlve eaavaaa of prop thatr that Beaa aat altar the faH Ik (ten kaytkiac mused.kawaaBarlac-aw111 :teewen who Menmpteio knHBtw tafarkt kaaa taaaat kaa i Mr2 tkPIr wa had aa tannery ayaalB tkat t W tklak m Aaykaw, It la aa KaylaaA ard pack laaa la ' Mo am few mom bo and Ibo V Jteika Baa la wt.tsd la aa . aoUvtUea that Ular. Baa -- Mb- war mma. w Ufave kaaa ytauikta aa a kaaa laaaa tklaa- pea aaw pack JWLjra kaaa V. 44, we aat ... camaa ,11.. Tka lrl a Ok, kaw ewfeir Ipaylaa Hat kora kacaaaa had kaaa It of at koaitL tbo fatly, yrat praaiBoat bar, IpmaBtelaly If Krop kllllak laaka all vole Mia liar Ha will tklak wa ara aarf aaflaaa .. wlaa Ika (lermaa to I yaaaral tkla alt tefflilfteiT I, April Beep, year per. they Ieelel nod repudiated by lit Jrrome. fae quiver. Tka aM taallaa at ka kaara M,raataBHa ralaaB kla tent mlykt bare kaaa puck batter .fcr bo,Jt 11 dwolllaya have .la' M ,A tkat Bel bee beep commemorated ta ballad. aaar kara. la kla farmed. I Ber. wklrk atltl Wkaa tka MUl ataff f open aH BallBlay coat keeekapod. of thooe homo are Mm of end pelntlny The name ateo Up. ska retry, kara wklla kaaB, tala kar BrayyaB be. la aa la Rafan" that reaped I not know. ThayiBaBar ritnairaimaa with kar, Beverly , would loayed to eae ef lb holy women of the worked ladapandaktly. date to Ual . the -waa and as mwm, It aaa aarf eepotrhre la the twaT Oaa church Wtiy T yaa eel. "Wall, if t Aa attempt by tka Oarpaa yaaaral I aaa Ba I wyna coder for two vtryln martyr who OaaB-krrarhaf Before naBt wlk- aaB ka aara falM pa waalB tklak yaa kaB kaaa SlaeaaalBf the ataff to pryaapo aa aaploaaya jWBflIf wa death In tha ilmea of pareerutloa. te kelldla polal eat that tka traablra af tka warlB,- - Btrany la Eayland v aaa kaly B Ball of tka oatkraafe after The moat famous Kaunas of history ak peuittBB. akaatlalalCaa aid kaatarmyly ka ka naa ay aa tka war far military Information parpaam I -oparkllana tkla yaar hava Itekahave per 17.1 was the W-Illy of Trlflla," lha Queen Bar a kaB a aaar akalr tkam. altalaa yarcfc (ka BrayyaB kalr aft waa yallaw Iteaw Pma a a. farareB. IfTWf foliar The arUoularly bamaso aet Bn hiaalar syemra af kavy senna camplau was who kar to death by the . uJ wa aaaay k of aar aara tkat aaB laoUiad kaylap aay yuakaB far kaS B Winter. Mora partaMs warn BecraaaeB, while etkere have trapped of TaytoaB. teal" Mahometans for herpul religious faith All yaa paat tklak tkaaa af tka warlB Batkor. with poaltlaa fatey day aad ietey fawek wtetnBfrBKwf far In ACkrek, Ihia year, tkaa - - per aaA WHk the large hercent1 he ruthleamasa tka aad Plot ureenue romance .romsece waalB lataraat yar Saalp which Ma Eatllak preeaoBaB agalaatlte any prawloua March ataoo 1114 ! etea of balls lays rapraaoetod Hy HILMhd HAHniAlA Ofjbe early acee eealersTn her history. , !1 BkB waaka af KaTa Hlaaaa ayaaktag llyktly. The tnyllsh call ibis name Susannah aaapeela, aad tka cattley aft af all l Bradeal return to a normal Jr tober and the praopeeta af radical Ham yea traaklm Saetat I kaB all eeatrlbat-o- d cbaaaola and et by a curious roInrkUnre almost eommuatcatlea. raducUona in labor with alBar faaklk, market, aa IBaa yaa war aa kerSaaeB." unlikely, my they mortsaye money without te ear aaooem lack ef canal in etymology, the French. laryely ft (ABBA. "Wa all kaaa ear yat aaaayaaaaa, t- - tot tavaato ra afttka boat aecur-S- T that a further reduction te Improh-Uaa kat pa Bwlte aad Bavarians acre Oermen, Build la aperetlOBa la aalB a. aka aat BaaMa Banana, fa Baolher of Mo "holy upon Busenas taaat we? Cay yaa elaip Ippi lt"Bake. aa a favorite national NUrneroua rraltors fa Ian Laka'who BBfaWHB of Me country with which the Scriptures name. loo a T7aBer Ike Bool of elreamotaaem Mf altyr prop bond houaao for mia ara aatrrtny tha a Be an 4. "KkBrt tkaafkt af It ril emalBa It te octropoly difficult to oryaalao Jtear. Th fa ffusaansl talfamanle yarn! Thaayk it has Bean eeatmeted build lay field more actively thte year yaa puTnai pa kaakTka!tUtp aaB let yaa kaaw Tkaa: faarw aa aapleeeye ayotep Jt promliei bar true frleadshlpa ta aa enemy IBM Not BaB Tear. . ratbar yeaermlly to Susan, the proper alons. oaa wke haaa't any traaktop" aoaatrr and a pleaslny pereonal mayaetlsm. thaa at any time stnea eece Baa Broke. war Ma war. after Thom HIB ter kaaB aaar fcfa Iraaa- - aa ia rnal.e.n Dora Delaaff aypoaroB. awtaylay eat. Ttte lateltlyenee dlrtelaa at the I in. 111 la hsr lucky day and 4 her t a men know bulldlny oondltfana aad tha farm, aad MB one whjch poeaeeaeo an Thursday 1 krlokr alaaar, a rosowmloraB yarn Oermen yeaeral ataff did not attempt I k.,1 aatfvlum future of bull duty ooetA rmllora my, latereetlny Blatory. fa SuuanA U sly. tuckv number. T?2j,totr fare' butldlny from tka aaa. check Ike af line the la batlB ef Tr and their mllltarr rameo and entrance eeplea- I, from the lly" sneteat iw.tot.il fall alow 'Jail oif lata tbs bulldlny akaaM aak kar yaa aaa la the Halted Tarkaya Berwka leoued. Mast altfaa raw name Achusuhenneh. which, la until after I TutSaa ft -i-lCkt field Buyers well far tka future. Many karnlaa klaa flaB tkat aka. toa. kaB ter America entered MaState., I Mb eleda totate more war. of waa a achool BulldlnaaL aouad, it reeetahlea ths te Bak aa ta hi. Tkfa traaklm ar wkat aka property owners ara French Irnkty aaaardlny to the Utah laws Bra Individual vacant Tkl kaaB eaarW"hara Busenne. curly fetOa attempt. planalny now to build their own "Tha taak aaalyaeS waa cklefly tkat B flrat kiya of SuaaaaA vry rallied In tke to tha auparvtetoa of Ma home TCopySylit ttio'bf Tha' Wheeler tkla additional ehaptere of the Book ef rlvtey ue tnferpatlaa aa te Me Beadloa - lo- - k movepeat ef troepe. la nearly every cam the troepe had arrived la Praaoe bafare Ms reperte af our aaeate raeeked therefore were utter- ba rerthlem I wteh the atoriei of alleseB parveleue eeeret eeplon-a- e ayatep of the Oerpaa yaaaral ataff, which the world believes, had y H.I. Been trues May were aoC- -t saly Colonel Nicolai wav n a Brief lotek of the history of Mo TWtl WAT 1HB MTABT la Mo lUltary ooploaayo system f aw ara yaar ayalaakaat Baaaral ataff: "Trap the aad ef the war with Franco la eatll lth t. the work . Baaarat arerkaallat f Mo latslllyanoe Bivlatoa of Ms Oarpaa yemsrml staff waa ataraat wkolly ta in fa salve rlylBatar af tka warp kaa Jaat eyptoaayo la Oertaaay to BrtKfalal ayaUkh, aaya a eirealar yarpaaaat erblefc kaa laat raackaB Ma p French and Boasted secret military I aBimr, Oa the laaylrstfaa af Barak HmlwrBt.M ba who were very active aaraay Mia wllk ayosiA aswwlpanta baa yarfactad aaaaaytlaa, aat aaly aa tka aalyaa ataya kat la Ma hope. lahdlfa "In 1MI, the veaernl ataff . A alr attaakaa kadar yayarata aerar aa you tkap HaraomUiy." t te oryaaise Bad develop aa seft There you oral Btee up aad bo eyatem far mllltorr tafarma-tlo- a aaltar pay eepyiaia ta wS: pt onaye la countries with whop Oer peamred for a aet tkeeil todayl No hope J2T r ifJE be haetd wltkoat many mlykt be Involved In war. It Sixty half yoa enh,' PP ma bow waa ta a lid I Qaaraalaod mot to fade Af therefore confined to Russia and , tdar, tkrlak, ar caaw off la Ma wind to France. Botleed them aad ratal Look far Mo label oa aaah Thorn waa no thonyht of war aad ovary heir! Aak Ma waawa wka with Eaylaad, and-- no attempt was ef-U -- aama eael a yee laka tkop wltk a military tele parent will admit made you ar kavo Map saatf rr-!system from thera and outeoee te Me flame of ? heater whea very youay but tside of Mo customary Information With It kaw baccaras vary dlfftoult fa tan Ji by the military attache. .WJ etate the laayth andeolor sent Bow puck of Levaly Warn te the yrowth of the war faellny In In Franco and haw to fa eu or a, efforts tedPay and bet Russia, or -- Bomotkia peek obtain Information In those date Aa OooB," aa Me druyytete my, as to military plena ayalnet ns the ware 1 V e a fatsoelflsd. 'Certalalyr win ptpa fala hair, falae llpo. falee Watches Rem in ! w 7 4.teyM, aad lelaa eyelaekee a rlrl nttne tet Iheaa days I took Chary of the intelllrenee U ahallkrlSSdid i aartiy become a yeme ef It d'vlslon of the yenoral staff In ill A be the better part T voter te Tha work was still confined to Russia plfkt A bride toe over the aet Bride tkla and wo had not a slnyle I see very carefully.Jaae " pay mida to Be secretFranca, aad military ayent In.Eayland, and. e e of course, did aet drsaa of war with freala AjnerlcA-Th- e The now la where anyela fear chief of ths Oermaa military paid a slnyulsr tribute to ori and ArieJ'vtopTnr nU tntalllyencn Franco He raid that, parentoft who hu had difficulty Bef prior te ths the deuyhter caa now warrylny -war, tha lnteltlyenco division had suchave her done over" aecordlaa ceeded In at connections vith a maklny fluei ton Mf uf Beta ay Plena and pacification, a considerable number of French dtliens Wu'i'n?te'e epeotlve huabend may eubmlt. In Franca far Information, but that ?risr,i? "Td Ilka her better If . had red toSSTte thriTSpp1;; the outbreak of war, not s stasis hair aad a bit mere Of Itahaabout "totoH. at Me ont of these ayents who Bad been that'a another matter. In the Oermen employ, felled to return to his patriotic duty to his country. Ho declared that It had taken fo find traitors la Franco, and byyears the time that tha first aaa bad been Induced to rntet tha Oanaaa service, had thirty Germans In been tried and convicted Germany far aesistlny the Franck .. la Oer. military aapfanayo r , many. mr OOVW . TSCHAKOWSn; Colonel Ntoofat atee described how MQtBBB much castor ft waa with Bnftand .Leader Kerensky of Ma Has. : Virrto.lnbob,e,,r surrounded by water, tofayprotect itself , Q radltao the ayalnet enemy oaplonayo In time of Tit 42- - la'scol. -- -waa war, than mineral It far with Its wealth Oermany can scarcely even be yueseed. many borders and Its numerous outlets April if. The Iwanty.flret The grant need ef Raaafa today fa Into neutral countries, r . wilt be Rssaia'a. t Colonel Nicolai said that the Intel, transpertaUon. and after that acbeafa division ttyence tet of the transportation first yenoral staff ( thelmmenrity of f jjfff had very small appropriations .fat' dtollnte at Its sw ovw the face oIRuula disposal for military Intolllyenee work seen aacop ay the present unrest and that It waa all spent In Russia and ,fc Franca ffataters who are only -Bfrerolutton bsnUhd, Ton may not believe It, hut It is Hul teSri atSra te a Tact aad rapraeea wlnteT v .. Have you wished for ths time whea you could rAmaocraifa to that uo to 1111. the annuel te 27th Sooth. Think P7?1 own a homesit that was large enough for a real the Intelllaence du teIedTmtell ntutl to Bteoratlon. vision never for t means toward increasing property . BM 000 'marks exceeded KnVTtentV'1 tka trnnnforp alwa ar practfaable. BiaiHriM garden? . A1 to lynornnt he paid, I would JteMte ie naarly twtoe aa farce aa Bo krtak. trained mujlk of like to aak .00 workmen anyoaa how yea could cover MdTvalted States fa total arm and ?5.to.mpr I .BV have smnll-uonot Me Yon need JotJJt ijg further, just investigate . Bar BopulaUea fa mors taaa twice as Uniform improvements, including vv m ntSi IBnt within a century wiMtoit graded the numerous threaah -had leevel.M Sera ee p " iri ifif 3: ayaat ta altkar Ika fra teal Paiaa ar la BayfaaB. Tkla Was Ms aialapaal paBa la pa toBay By Catena W. HlaaPi akiaf af ika taulllyway arpy, aaB yfa litlrn af mb Oerpaa raaatatteB BaB trap till aatli tka abarta af Ma balaar'a military aaptea-B- a PlUtary u iLV7 toaka ..1 kalktla MtnH I f Ufa moaMtet BaJ laH teBfU a B y Baelara Ikaf rat-laBMItaBB at A NMU B aparaUea kora, la tkat loaah wHk ths a attoailoa. look far eHha yam trap paatlT la atoalb kaB t itii to ka tka Baiaar yaar ta rjfa bellBlay ayoratlaap, f factory ara Mm . sat tka Oanaaa aat fate dasfa apy ar Brake 1 U I &y3(bcqd!r t r aaaa kg ttetN la I bfak NMa tti etmple aayraa. aa at arf aka ak waM aai altow Reese If la Iknl ll aay Ik ! para ate vary awaat la Bar. aaw tkat yaa W m 'I am vary all all rtykt." kaa la m4 aaM IB ra .a aaaa aapaat at Nak I watearV ka i "toBte la twWlaiua paaed. "I rapopker wkaa I waa a llilla kat, aaathar kay Ml I raa attar a rakkH aa4 l aaaafcl It fleet. Ok, It waa aalta la pa, kul 1 tklak I waa perfectly keppy tkal t kaB kaaa M. Taa aaa fcapplaeaA altar- ate, la aaly a fa 1tat Pa ef raraytturr aayyaaa tkal a aa defteMe aa a aart at aa aaa aaaM aaalyap aaaa rata aaawtr, yat alt, haaw Ikal It te all a aaaatlaa jat yarayaatlra, IP aat eevlreaaraM, character, pro, ak, aaaay tkppn aatar lata pinqslty. ika paklap at aar kayytaaaar Baala aaia -- iraaplly. Tat lad H Taa 1 aayyaaa aa. scweiktop k la aar, aamatklaa keyeed kll tkaaa Iklnat wa kaaa eeeatleeed." sold Hal dreamily attar a wkifa "laa't It ferpettl. aaaa awa desires! Ta laaa aaa'a self fa Mat eomethia Ikaa aalt yaar lira far Mfl xv. teaN af Mr v!o.C. thf fa a kokcr eca cana Ikrjr suf-far- ad toSiitSSuf .j! i JJJ!faBB "KyiH .wa i i V.., 1 fd" "tete THE- ONCE .t I- i4 lip (,an N tin UiNTS.'troatKsrf-- -- a. f . M "I be-y- .ZVaar eeetora.!LIf,,,I ttrtem-yenc- OOf i I. I I ea .JHk ; I eeun-trl- ?T;a.Tpr.'7:,y 1 ; I tty-tlo- A J rn'eT' rth T I t H Russia Will Rule Europe; . Reds But Passing Phase l" eo f-- f a - t. Ifahaten..,: 0 V) Pftlfa jp:o;e:a q 3G J1 A Home anti aGarden for EveryFamily TirdVrK.1: dSJ tof .. Jthla ' A I q -- .7. f 'ZSUST'Z: Bt StoS J'teitoVno tsjsrxzjs? till 111:1: lanaloufahlo IraTttncP,l?V far free beak Abate treatment note tar Dr. praeaaefaUgM doom Ho af haw Btedd fa ar Mopalter mmaa eftb to Mo beak today. H yearn "1 FAirr-o- p t p pt, mxmZr r w K L t-- electrical . -- fiU fa kT river onylnoer to Hub Maun Ha Then Cnlvereal Service I CHICAGO, April It, Any buffalo to. irh.r'VuD.d would ftr, doyt you like acme Rocky know A lac tricity fa mo key te modern preyrue . mountain sheep, mountain Ilona or an. Russia Uko the .United StateA telope for your see or country placet has cefriclent lloward Eaton, ranchman, of Wolf to become fa time aoaatry, with a larye for Tr,to fafromChicelksototo fill orders doa He to a product of theprairie west the wee same -""1' RM",nton and Bret 'o- koVw mwkfaASta.V fo" a coatI. ,h Bo mere or fan depemdea We won weet fa IBM and for Instrvetloa aad utei teh near the Bly Horn tnooniT Amariea ta asad M oast Tho Custer trail passes gear Bsff.t. eteilato to every Uoa ani asaehfaery Un I apko ssaeh faery, fa retern we offer niilifflM which ta a h.ndred years In IBM h, Mcc,t eh 12. & MIA tetlsy a million raid. fatoRrT?tj1..T " bow For all la ora hem his baMet we oree.rvet o. 8, he th.ro B.0M efj-htothe ftaet await art from dleeppearance Btojk the te ra. te ikte lT.rW,:,t,trS tries. And a America advantami of FOREST PLACE, pcrGlar homsplAM ln Forest Dak. Every let ovw 160 feet deep, assuring ample space for a den. berry patch, chickens and a fiaSy orchard. - ti Is If You Want a Pet, , tlAelt, lomy Cjind tte wanted-de- -- mi always ria3 pkmtd . S3YEaS ' ... ep, rfeh aad fertila. and ready for spring planting. 3rw nlm te R.rr.VoA.rTrv::Li Ken, Joh. ?TJ eenons frail Miff others. od ha. enlert.ioedB.rro,.' o- h arm BtRud. Of ih, R have meffe ho era OeeflnM te GH - ha ' pS7 K , 2C27.L,,oe i , fftria f:aIIZiElichartl5 M Ji A t2afdMsbw J w. K2ef'JYltA8idwD at our and shAde trees, have expense. homes have already been built ; Many beautiful , ,4 50 k)t Building by 161 feet may still be 114(1 to 6650. 10 down and U to 13 f -a month will soon pay for a splendid " -- It homesite. If , t Go In our SJ3Ui:sT h MR juet what you Study the above muy ' carefully: note the cJa&d location of FOIffiOT PLACE, This year j I te. soil U " , . auto, and see' the A phone caH will bring one of our to your door. "A k tor Wintch P'operty for yourself. - Ci r z. |