Show I Reception at Saltair Beach Beack I J Lute Late lait night coupled with tits Ih oarl arIy ruing this Ihla morning teru ert responsible for the delay dola In III start sLut startIng log Ing the special Ip train to 10 till thi which carried President Taft laft and amid a number of or Invited guests Tho The was wu 10 minutes late lalo for forthe the tue th tint time lime In Utah h and this Is II his hili visit jait here hlf Some of the tho were later and In consequence they did dill not take lake the tit trip It was 9 M when tho Iho automobile earning President Ir Taft glided on to the tile roped roP l ort oft platform under the tho watch watchful ful fill eye of at the tho secret service men mell and tile the tire tiro of the camera squad Tho The next minute the tho train oft ort and the Iha patrons as n it Iuro the tue Itlo trucks without the Iha preliminary stop atop and whistle This Title precaution Witt 1111 unnecessary s ry an as thero were tere ere watchmen watchman I Misted Ht at time the crossing V V On Oil the trip trill out and back tile the prod dent d lit Mt sat In itt an all ordinary chah chair our at DM roar of or this the Ih train and to 10 on en enJoy joy the Ih experience enell as u h ha il 1 with tho various members of ut tIme tho party anti and Mk asked d IUt Among those e who wine WHO In th ear car were w Iro the members of oC this the tI tint presidency to 10 gottier gother with thu Iho Utah delegation ut itt Col lla r ford fur and several state officiOus ll together willI their ladli tn onUi of tit eastern newn iliac associations n und and ant There Thue were seri fOre three aarn cre r on time the train the 1 c car r and another with a I sprinklIng of devotees to In lii the third On arriving at nt All on an board until the tha nt and III In In company with tina tore to hued moul und thud land hind and amid others oilier they Ad tid Adjourned to the th dunning pavilion where an till Informal l taa la h held ld and und every livery of or the Ih party was Intro duo d lo to and shook hook hands hand with tha lit na nation nation tion s executive D 1 The iu fiu bore a beaming unite stalk ami arul he iii had h la a IL word tu to tur SHY cay r to tl auh H ilot mad ua alt gc in III the cute osee of Mr Mrs Irl 11 U Well Welli ami hal I instead nut Mid of panning her liar to AI WI h 1 Hull HUIt U H A Athe AIlI Athe the IlI aid 1111 do de camp tump who did the thu Ih Introducing hu hll escorted 1 tier her direct to tu Taft lart with i 1 tit the tho remark Till This II I Aunt AS u she h U is kloon In Utah in or 11 lu to 1 W be e Mrs H Jl WelK Ill n of ot woman workers t and aunt witter W si The file 1 ut lit the u iii as Mrs Wells I I have h vu been wn J to U i v vet veI iy president I nf if the I td States fila Ie since l the IhO tb iliac lino ot sIt und unil I pave Dave presented I flom women to 10 most mOlt of or the president Another who a ho tHC Willi warmly was wag ua Maj Mci W Vt Y Young Youn After Atler the tile of ot Saltair gave a of ut I the tho of the big 11 ia i a and then all strolled out on to I Ithe the this north pier Iller where President Taft Heed teet Smoot James K E and nOI Spry went Into the tie history of or l iko and thou then explained tho the tholand tholand land hand grants t to 10 the State The Tho president listened attentively to tv the at nt Intervals Inter Interjected and finally said gold with a hearty laugh Well I am glad Home conic Homebody bully body bud has hall some questions that we e dont donl have hup o deal with During the conversation Prof Irot Tel Tal Talma ma maRt mago go told regarding the properties f of or the tue hike lithe water and ansi the product that could bo ho and t In to the time markets of at the tho tim world but lut for the prohibitive railroad roo II rates rate which ho bit were acre ero In operation ol op In iii I Utah This economic view lew premed to time the chief Ihla executive and Ind he h asked a ti number of questions regarding the th sodium of the tho lake lakeIn In iii n al ai about 30 minutes were spent at III Saltair the time party part boarded the th train lid a n quick run back to Salt Halt Lake lak where when tho the antonio automo automobile bites bile bU whisked the tho president and anel he lie h guests to tv the Tabernacle north gate for Cut the ftc organ ur n recital I MAKING TILE TUE TRIP Amunt those thOle who made the trip In tn addition tu to Tart Taft und mind his lilt ald aldere were nero ere Car C HI Senator Heed Smout Smoot and Sutherland Gov bc Sun Joseph F FSmith Smith Mayor Chief hid S 8 M lIl A H U Lund Iun l J E ii d Col lol D C Joseph Joeph Nelson t JoSeph Joceph How howell ll Hon h mu John Jojin Henry Smith II h Joseph c Sharp Col QI W S 8 tott Mr Mrs Sarah H Ii 1 Mists 11 Inn Inti John Johll It U Winder Col Ool K n A We gw od C CW Cv W v and amid W WV J and Second CHi Col N W Clayton An Anthony Anthony thony Judge Jud Ix ie Young David A Smith J U hi Orson Onon K V I Whitney O K Ii Mr Mrs II JI Wells Well Mr Hr Sus S i Hates hate Mr lIra l Mr A W IV V McCune W Y V Young Jam J James s H If Ander And r will MO Hull huh Ml Hiss Ilee Maud May Oliver r Janice James H If Moyle lloyl Claw son N P I 1 Judge Jn Jud G I O 0 I Arm Armstrong strong Judo Judge More Mora Judge I lAW lAWI xv xvI I Ia Judge Judge Jud McCarty Dr I R m Ed d ph H S Well Wells I l Dr r J 1 J 1 r O 0 OP OI P I Judge Judge Ix LewIs wl c 8 S Uteri P I 1 Clerk Clark members member of 04 0 Uio city the county com vm end and other nearly all of were we accompanied a d by ladles ladle |