Show district court proceedings judge hart held a ses sZn ot of tile district court last fri friday day A number of probate matters itUra ni ere heard and driers entered C A libers vs J M N raws lions tried J D call ca 1 l RD ap pe irini for plaintiff and 1 kola jenson and fred J holton lor for after hearing the testimony the alie nutter woo submitted and taken alcen under by the court in the COFO of 0 richard cronnelly vs jary ci on celly the hie 16 motion for allowance or of temporary lemp orar all aelony canie came oil oa tor for hearing ba M D Lease ea riger appearing app eanni for or niilE find and j neels jenson lor for defend defendant ait an order was entered allo allowine winz defendant 15 per mouth allan ouy feb 1 and attorneys fees fee and bult alt money john T bell vs Catul caroline lUe C bellan bella a action ford horce came oo on for or hearing fear nets isele jenson appearing tor for plain till off and defendant not lint present nor represented by counsel after bear i lui the testimony a decree of 0 divorce wa entered as pra ed for or court adjourned sine sice die |